North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 Register - Contained Items

NAP - Metadata Register
Item name: MetadataRecordInformation Item identifier: 1
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: root entity which defines metadata about a resource or resources
Description: Information which describes the metadata and the components to describe the resource.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, InformationEnregistrementMétadonnées), (definition, entité maîtresse qui regroupe les métadonnées décrivant une ou plusieurs ressources), (description, Information qui décrit les métadonnées et les composants afin de décrire la ressource.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Metadata
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 1), (similarity, identical)
Item name: fileIdentifier Item identifier: 2
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: unique identifier for this metadata file
Description: A unique phrase or string which uniquely identifies the metadata file.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, identifiantMétadonnées), (definition, identifiant unique de l'enregistrement de métadonnées), (description, Phrase ou chaîne de caractères spéciale pour identifier l’enregistrement de métadonnées de façon unique.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Metadata
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 2), (similarity, identical)
Item name: language Item identifier: 3
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: language used for documenting metadata
Description: Language of the metadata composed of an ISO 639- 2/T three letter language code and an ISO 3166-1 three letter country code.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, langue), (definition, langue utilisée pour documenter les métadonnées), (description, Langue des métadonnées identifiée à l’aide d’un code de langues ISO 639-2/T de trois lettres et d’un code de pays ISO 3166-1 de trois lettres.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Metadata
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 3), (similarity, identical)
Item name: characterSet Item identifier: 4
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: full name of the character coding standard used for the metadata set
Description: Character coding standard in the metadata.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, jeuCaractères), (definition, identifiant de la norme de codification du jeu de caractères utilisée dans le jeu de métadonnées), (description, Nom de la norme du jeu de caractères utilisé par les métadonnées.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Metadata
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 4), (similarity, identical)
Item name: parentIdentifier Item identifier: 5
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: file identifier of the metadata to which this metadata is a subset (child)
Description: The unique name of the file or associated fileIdentifier, related in higher hierarchy to the file.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, identifiantParent), (definition, identifiant de l'enregistrement de métadonnées dont le présent enregistrement est un sous-ensemble), (description, Nom unique du fichier ou identifiantMétadonnées associé, se rapportant au fichier à un niveau plus élevé de la hiérarchie.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Metadata
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 5), (similarity, identical)
Item name: hierarchyLevel Item identifier: 6
Status: valid
Date accepted: Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: scope to which the metadata applies
Description: Level to which the metadata applies.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, portéeHiérarchique), (definition, portée à laquelle s'appliquent les métadonnées), (description, Niveau de données auquel s’appliquent les métadonnées.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Metadata
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 6), (similarity, identical)
Item name: contact Item identifier: 7
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: party responsible for the metadata information
Description: The party responsible for the metadata content.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, contactMétadonnée), (definition, responsable de l'information sur les métadonnées), (description, Groupe responsable du contenu des métadonnées.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Metadata
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 8), (similarity, identical)
Item name: dateStamp Item identifier: 8
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: date that the metadata was created
Description: Metadata creation date.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, timbreDate), (definition, date de création des métadonnées), (description, Date de création des métadonnées.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Metadata
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 9), (similarity, identical)
Item name: metadataStandardName Item identifier: 9
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: name of the metadata standard (including profile name) used
Description: Name of the metadata standard/profile used. Note: Default value to "North American Profile of ISO 19115:2003 – Geographic information – Metadata."
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, nomNormeMétadonnées), (definition, Nom de la norme de métadonnées utilisée incluant le nom du profil), (description, Nom de la norme ou du profil de métadonnées utilisé. Note : La valeur par défaut est « Profil nord américain de l'ISO 19115:2003 – Information géographique – Metadonnées ».), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Metadata
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 10), (similarity, identical)
Item name: metadataStandardVersion Item identifier: 10
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: version of the metadata standard (version of the profile) used
Description: Version of the metadata standard/profile used.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, versionNormeMétadonnées), (definition, version de la norme de métadonnées utilisée ou du profil de la norme de métadonnées utilisé), (description, Version de la norme ou du profil de métadonnées utilisé.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Metadata
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 11), (similarity, identical)
Item name: dataSetURI Item identifier: 11
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the dataset to which the metadata applies
Description: Uniform Resource Identifier for the dataset along with its on line function code.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, URIJeuDonnées), (definition, identificateur de ressources uniformes (URI) du jeu de données auquel s'appliquent les métadonnées), (description, Identificateur de ressource uniforme (URI) du jeu de données et son code de fonction en ligne.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Metadata
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 11.1), (similarity, identical)
Item name: locale Item identifier: 12
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: provides information about an alternatively used localised character string for a linguistic extension
Description: Other languages used in metadata free text description.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, lieu), (definition, information à propos d'une chaîne de caractères utilisée alternativement lors d'une extension linguistique), (description, Autres langues utilisées dans la description de métadonnées en texte libre.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Metadata
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 11.2), (similarity, identical)
Item name: spatialRepresentationInfo Item identifier: 13
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: digital representation of spatial information in a dataset
Description: Digital representation of vector and/or grid objects in the dataset.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, représentationSpatiale), (definition, Description de la représentation numérique de l'information spatiale du jeu de données), (description, Représentation numérique des objets vectoriels ou matriciels dans le jeu de données.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Metadata
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 12), (similarity, identical)
Item name: referenceSystemInfo Item identifier: 14
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: description of the spatial and temporal reference systems used in the dataset
Description: Description of the spatial and/or temporal reference systems used in the dataset.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, systèmeRéférence), (definition, description des systèmes de référence spatiale et temporelle utilisés dans le jeu de données), (description, Description des systèmes de référence spatiale et/ou temporelle utilisés dans le jeu de données.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Metadata
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 13), (similarity, identical)
Item name: identificationInfo Item identifier: 15
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: basic information about the resource(s) to which the metadata applies
Description: Basic information about the dataset.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, identification), (definition, identification et information sur la (les) ressource(s) décrite(nt) par les métadonnées), (description, Information de base sur le jeu de données.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Metadata
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 15), (similarity, identical)
Item name: contentInfo Item identifier: 16
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: provides information about the feature catalogue and describes the coverage and image data characteristics
Description: Characteristics describing the feature catalogue, the coverage, and the image data.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, contenu), (definition, information sur le catalogue d'entités et description des caractéristiques des données de couvertures et d'images), (description, Caractéristiques servant à décrire le catalogue des entités, les données de couverture et les données d'image.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Metadata
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 16), (similarity, identical)
Item name: distributionInfo Item identifier: 17
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: provides information about the distributor of and options for obtaining the resource(s)
Description: Information about acquiring the dataset.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, diffusion), (definition, identification du diffuseur de la ressource et description des choix d'accès à la (aux) ressource(s)), (description, Information pour obtenir le jeu de données.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Metadata
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 17), (similarity, identical)
Item name: dataQualityInfo Item identifier: 18
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: provides overall assessment of quality of a resource(s)
Description: Data quality information for the resource.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, qualitéDonnées), (definition, évaluation globale de la qualité d'une (des) ressource(s)), (description, Information sur la qualité des données de la ressource.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Metadata
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 18), (similarity, identical)
Item name: portrayalCatalogueInfo Item identifier: 19
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: provides information about the catalogue of rules defined for the portrayal of a resource(s)
Description: Information about the catalogue describing symbols and rules to depict a resource.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, catalogueReprésentation), (definition, information sur le catalogue de symboles et de règles pour la représentation cartographique d'une (des) ressources), (description, Information sur le catalogue qui décrit les symboles et les règles permettant de représenter une ressource.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Metadata
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 19), (similarity, identical)
Item name: metadataConstraints Item identifier: 20
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: provides restrictions on the access and use of metadata
Description: Describes the use, legal, and security constraints on the use of the metadata.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, contraintesMétadonnée), (definition, description des restrictions d’accès aux métadonnées et de leur utilisation), (description, Décrit les contraintes d’utilisation, les contraintes légales et les contraintes de sécurité liées à l’utilisation des métadonnées.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Metadata
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 20), (similarity, identical)
Item name: applicationSchemaInfo Item identifier: 21
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: provides information about the conceptual schema of a dataset
Description: Information about the conceptual schema of the dataset.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, schémaApplication), (definition, information sur le schéma ou modèle conceptuel d'un jeu de données), (description, Information sur le schéma conceptuel du jeu de données.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Metadata
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 21), (similarity, identical)
Item name: metadataMaintenance Item identifier: 22
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: provides information about the frequency of metadata updates, and the scope of those updates
Description: Information about metadata update.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, miseÀJourMétadonnées), (definition, information sur la fréquence et la portée des mises à jour des métadonnées), (description, Information sur la mise à jour des métadonnées.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Metadata
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 22), (similarity, identical)
Item name: IdentificationInformation Item identifier: 23
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: basic information required to uniquely identify a resource or resources
Description: Identification information is provided either via data identification or service identification depending on the method to make the resource available. Data identification uniquely identifies a data resource whereas service identification identifies a Web service that operates on a data resource. Note that metadata details in data identification need not be repeated when a dataset is also provided as a service described in service identification which references that dataset.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, InformationIdentification), (definition, information de base nécessaire pour identifier une ou des ressources de façon unique), (description, L’information sur l’identification est fournie au moyen de l’identification des données ou de l’identification du service, selon la méthode utilisée pour rendre la ressource disponible. L’identification des données a pour objet d’identifier de façon unique une ressource de données alors que l’identification du service vise à identifier un service Web qui exploite une ressource de données. Il faut noter que les détails relatifs aux métadonnées qui figurent dans l’identification des données (5.3.1) n’ont pas besoin d’être répétés lorsqu’un jeu de données est également fourni par le service décrit dans l’identification du service faisant référence au jeu de données.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Identification
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 23), (similarity, identical)
Item name: citation Item identifier: 24
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: citation data for the resource(s)
Description: 1- Citation for the dataset. 2- Citation for the service including, but not limited to title, date, edition, identifier, and responsible party.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, référence), (definition, données servant à repérer la (les) ressources), (description, 1- Référence documentaire sur le jeu de données. 2- Référence documentaire sur le service incluant, entre autres, le titre, la date, l’édition, l’identifiant et la personne ou l’organisation responsable.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Identification
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 24), (similarity, identical)
Item name: abstract Item identifier: 25
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: brief narrative summary of the content of the resource(s)
Description: 1- Brief narrative summary of the dataset’s contents. 2- Brief narrative summary of the service contents.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, résumé), (definition, brève description narrative du contenu de la (des) ressources), (description, 1- Brève description narrative du contenu du jeu de données. 2- Brève description narrative du contenu du service.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Identification
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 25), (similarity, identical)
Item name: purpose Item identifier: 26
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: summary of the intentions with which the resource(s) was developed
Description: 1- Summary of the intentions for which the dataset was developed. 2- Summary of the intentions for which the service was developed.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, objectif), (definition, résumé des intentions à partir desquelles la (les) ressources(s) furent développées), (description, 1- Sommaire des motifs pour lesquels le jeu de données a été créé. 2- Sommaire des motifs pour lesquels le service a été créé.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Identification
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 26), (similarity, identical)
Item name: credit Item identifier: 27
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: recognition of those who contributed to the resource(s)
Description: 1- Recognition of those who contributed to the dataset. 2- Recognition of those who contributed to the service.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, reconnaissance), (definition, identification des personnes et organismes ayant contribué au développement de la (des) ressources), (description, 1- Nom des personnes ayant contribué à la création du jeu de données. 2- Nom des personnes ayant contribué au service.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Identification
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 27), (similarity, identical)
Item name: status Item identifier: 28
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: status of the resource(s)
Description: 1- The development phase of the dataset. 2- The development phase of the service.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, état), (definition, situation dans laquelle la (les) ressource(s) se trouve(nt)), (description, 1- Phase de développement du jeu de données. 2- Phase de développement du service.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Identification
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 28), (similarity, identical)
Item name: pointOfContact Item identifier: 29
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: identification of, and means of communication with, person(s) and organization(s) associated with the resources
Description: 1- Identification and means to contact people/organizations associated with the dataset. 2- Identification and means to contact people/organizations associated with the service.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, contact), (definition, identification de la (des) personne(s) et de l' (des) organisation(s) associée(s) aux ressources et des moyens pour communiquer avec elles.), (description, 1- Identification et moyen de communiquer avec la (les) personne(s) et organisations(s) associées au jeu de données. 2- Identification et moyen de communiquer avec la (les) personne(s) et organisations(s) associées au service.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, geographic information)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Identification
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 29), (similarity, identical)
Item name: resourceMaintenance Item identifier: 30
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: provides information about the frequency of resource updates, and the scope of those updates
Description: 1- Describes the frequency, scope, and responsible party for updating the dataset. 2- Describes the frequency, scope, and responsible party for updating the service.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, miseÀJour), (definition, information sur la fréquence et la portée des mises à jour), (description, 1- Indique la fréquence, la portée et le nom de la personne ou de l’organisme responsable de la mise à jour du jeu de données. 2- Indique la fréquence, la portée et le nom de la personne ou de l’organisme responsable de la mise à jour du service.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Identification
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 30), (similarity, identical)
Item name: graphicOverview Item identifier: 31
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: provides a graphic that illustrates the resource(s) (should include a legend of the graphic)
Description: 1- The name of, description of, and file type of an illustration of the dataset. 2- The name of, description of, and file type of an illustration of a data resource provided from the service.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, aperçuGraphique), (definition, illustration de la (les) ressource(s) (devrait inclure une légende)), (description, 1- Nom, description et type de fichier se rapportant à une illustration du jeu de données. 2- Nom, description et type de fichier se rapportant à l’illustration d’une ressource de données fournie par le service.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Identification
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 31), (similarity, identical)
Item name: descriptiveKeywords Item identifier: 32
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: provides category keywords, their type, and reference source
Description: 1- Commonly used words or phrases which describe the dataset. Optionally, the keyword type and a citation for the authoritative or registered resource of the keywords are also provided. 2- Commonly used words or phrases which describe the service. Optionally, the keyword type and a citation for the authoritative or registered resource of the keywords are provided. Note: It includes the description of "subTopicCategory" in support to "topicCategory" (item 41)
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, motsClésDescriptifs), (definition, mots-clés, leur type et source de référence), (description, 1- Mots ou phrases utilisés généralement pour décrire le jeu de données. On peut également fournir le type de mot clé et la référence documentaire associés à la ressource officielle ou enregistrée. 2- Mots ou phrases utilisés généralement pour décrire le service. On peut également fournir le type de mot clé et la référence documentaire associés à la ressource officielle ou enregistrée. Note : Ça inclut la description of "sousSujet" pour supporter la description de "sujet" (item 41)), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Identification
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 33), (similarity, identical)
Item name: resourceConstraints Item identifier: 33
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: provides information about constraints which apply to the resource(s)
Description: 1- The limitations or constraints on the use of or access to the resource. 2- The limitations or constraints on the use of or access to the service.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, contraintesRessource), (definition, information sur les contraintes qui s’appliquent à la (aux) ressource(s)), (description, 1- Restrictions ou contraintes relatives à l’accès à la ressource ou à son utilisation. 2- Restrictions ou contraintes relatives à l’accès au service ou à son utilisation.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Identification
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 35), (similarity, identical)
Item name: aggregationInfo Item identifier: 34
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: provides aggregate dataset information
Description: 1- The citation for the aggregate dataset or the name of the aggregate dataset, the type of aggregate dataset, and optionally the activity which produced the dataset. 2- The citation for the aggregate service or the name of the aggregate service, the type of aggregate service, and optionally the activity which produced the service.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, agrégation), (definition, information sur les jeux de données agrégés), (description, 1- Références documentaires relatives à un jeu de données agrégées ou à un nom du jeu de données agrégées, au type de jeu de données agrégées, et, de façon facultative, à l’activité ayant mené à la création du jeu de données. 2- Référence documentaire sur le service agrégé ou le nom du service agrégé, le type de service agrégé, et, de façon facultative, sur l’activité ayant mené à la création du service.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Identification
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 35.1), (similarity, identical)
Item name: DataIdentification Item identifier: 35
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: information required to identify a dataset
Description: Information which describes a dataset.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, IdentificationDonnées), (definition, information servant à l'identification d'un jeu de données), (description, Information qui décrit un jeu de données.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_DataIdentification
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 36), (similarity, identical)
Item name: spatialRepresentationType Item identifier: 36
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: method used to spatially represent geographic information
Description: Object(s) used to represent the geographic information.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, typeReprésentationSpatiale), (definition, identification de la méthode utilisée pour représenter l'information géographique sous forme spatiale), (description, Objet(s) utilisé(s) pour la représentation de l’information géographique.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_DataIdentification
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 37), (similarity, identical)
Item name: spatialResolution Item identifier: 37
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: factor which provides a general understanding of the density of spatial data in the dataset
Description: The level of detail of the dataset expressed as equivalent scale or ground distance.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, résolutionSpatiale), (definition, facteur qui donne une compréhension générale de la densité des données spatiales du jeu de données), (description, Niveau de détail du jeu de données exprimé sous forme d’échelle équivalente ou de distance au sol.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_DataIdentification
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 38), (similarity, identical)
Item name: language Item identifier: 38
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: language(s) used within the dataset
Description: Languages of the dataset using standard ISO three letter codes. Note: Three letter language code followed by an optional three letter country code
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, langue), (definition, langue(s) utilisée(s) dans un jeu de données), (description, Langues utilisées dans le jeu de données, représentées par un code de trois lettres tiré de la norme ISO. Note : Code de langues de trois lettres suivi d’un code de pays de trois lettres facultatif), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_DataIdentification
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 39), (similarity, identical)
Item name: characterSet Item identifier: 39
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: full name of the character coding standard used for the dataset
Description: Character coding standard in the dataset.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, jeuCaractères), (definition, identifiant de la norme de codification du jeu de caractères utilisée dans le jeu de données), (description, Norme du jeu de caractères utilisée dans le jeu de données.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_DataIdentification
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 40), (similarity, identical)
Item name: topicCategory Item identifier: 40
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: main theme(s) of the dataset
Description: The main theme(s) of the dataset.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, sujet), (definition, identification du(des) thème(s) principal(aux) du jeu de données), (description, Thème(s) principal(aux) du jeu de données), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_DataIdentification
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 41), (similarity, identical)
Item name: environmentDescription Item identifier: 41
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: description of the dataset in the producer's processing environment, including items such as the software, the computer operating system, file name, and the dataset size
Description: Describes the dataset’s processing environment. Includes information such as software, computer operating system, filename, and dataset size.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, environnementTechnologique), (definition, description de l’environnement technologique relatif au processus de production du jeu de données incluant logiciel, système d'exploitation informatique, nom de fichier et dimension du jeu de données), (description, Description de l’environnement de traitement. Elle inclut les logiciels, les systèmes d'exploitation informatiques, le nom des fichiers et la dimension du jeu de données.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_DataIdentification
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 44), (similarity, identical)
Item name: extent Item identifier: 42
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: extent information including the bounding box, bounding polygon, vertical and temporal extent of the dataset
Description: Describes the spatial (horizontal and/or vertical) and the temporal coverage in the resource.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, étendue), (definition, information sur l' étendue géographique à l'aide du cadre ou du polygone de délimitation, sur l' étendue verticale et sur l' étendue temporelle du jeu de données), (description, Décrit la couverture spatiale (horizontale et/ou verticale) et temporelle de la ressource.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_DataIdentification
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 45), (similarity, identical)
Item name: supplementalInformation Item identifier: 43
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: any other descriptive information about the dataset
Description: Other descriptive information about the dataset.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, informationAdditionnelle), (definition, toute autre information décrivant le jeu de données), (description, Toute autre information sur la description du jeu de données.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_DataIdentification
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 46), (similarity, identical)
Item name: ServiceIdentification Item identifier: 44
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: identifications of capabilities which a service provider makes available to a service user through a set of interfaces that define a behaviour
Description: Service metadata describes the operation and address of an electronic geographic information delivery system.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, IdentificationServices), (definition, identification des capacités qu'un fournisseur de services rend disponible a un utilisateur par le biais d'un ensemble interface qui définissent un comportement - voir ISO19119 pour des information supplémentaires), (description, Les métadonnées du service décrivent le fonctionnement et l’adresse du système électronique de livraison d’information géographique.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: SV_ServiceIdentification
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 47), (similarity, identical)
Item name: serviceType Item identifier: 45
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: a service type name from a registry of services
Description: The service type name from a service registry.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, typeService), (definition, un type de service d'un registre de service), (description, Nom du type de service d’un registre de service.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: SV_ServiceIdentification
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, Table C.1.1), (similarity, identical)
Item name: serviceTypeVersion Item identifier: 46
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: provides for searching based on the version of serviceType
Description: The version of the service type.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, versionTypeService), (definition, fournit un base de recherche sur la version du type de service), (description, Version du type de service.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: SV_ServiceIdentification
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, Table C.1.2), (similarity, identical)
Item name: accessProperties Item identifier: 47
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: information about the availability of the service, including fees, planned available date and time, ordering instructions, turnaround
Description: Information on the availability of the service which includes attributes from Standard Order Process including: fees, available date and time, ordering instructions, turnaround.
Field of application: (name, information géographique)
Alternative expressions: (name, caractéristiquesAccès), (definition, information sur la disponibilité du service, incluant les frais, date et heure de disponibilité planifiée, instructions de commande, temps de réponse), (description, Information sur la disponibilité du service qui inclut des attributs relatifs à la Procédure de commande, notamment les frais, la date et l’heure de disponibilité, les instructions pour commander et le temps de traitement.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: SV_ServiceIdentification
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, Table C.1.3), (similarity, identical)
Item name: extent Item identifier: 48
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: the geographic/temporal region where the service is valid, including the bounding box, bounding polygon, vertical, or temporal extent of the service
Description: Describes the spatial (horizontal and/or vertical) and temporal coverage in the service.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, étendue), (definition, la région géographique/temporelle ou le service est valide, incluant l'étendue de la boîte géographique englobante, du polygone de la limite, verticale, ou temporelle du service), (description, Décrit la couverture spatiale (horizontale et/ou verticale) et temporelle du service.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: SV_ServiceIdentification
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 2.4.1), (similarity, identical)
Item name: couplingType Item identifier: 49
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: type of coupling between service and associated data (if exists)
Description: Qualitative information on the tightness with which the service and the associated data are coupled.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, typeCouplage), (definition, type de lien entre un service et les données associées (s'il y a lieu)), (description, Information qualitative sur la force du couplage avec laquelle le service est couplé aux données.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: SV_ServiceIdentification
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 2.4.3), (similarity, identical)
Item name: coupledResource Item identifier: 50
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: further description of the data coupling in the case of tightly coupled services
Description: Further description of the coupling between the service and the data when they are tightly coupled.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, ressourceCouplée), (definition, description supplémentaire du couplage des données quand les données sont fortement couplées avec le service), (description, Description supplémentaire du couplage entre le service et les données quand le couplage est fort.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: SV_ServiceIdentification
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 2.4.3), (similarity, identical)
Item name: operatesOn Item identifier: 51
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: provides information on the datasets that the service operates on
Description: Information describing datasets on which the service operates.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, fonctionneSur), (definition, information sur les jeux de données à partir desquelles le service fonctionne), (description, Information décrivant les jeux de données sur lesquels le service fonctionne.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: SV_ServiceIdentification
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, C.2.2.9), (similarity, identical)
Item name: containsOperation Item identifier: 52
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: provides information about the operations that comprise the service
Description: Operations performed by the service.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, continentOpérations), (definition, information à propos des opérations incluses dans le service), (description, Opérations que le service exécute.), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: SV_ServiceIdentification
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, C.2.2.8), (similarity, identical)
Item name: Resolution Item identifier: 53
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: level of detail expressed as a scale factor or a ground distance
Description: The level of detail in a dataset expressed as equivalent scale or ground distance.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, Résolution), (definition, description du niveau de détail exprimé par une échelle de représentation ou par une distance au sol), (description, Niveau de détail du jeu de données exprimé sous forme d’échelle équivalente ou de distance au sol.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Resolution
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 59), (similarity, identical)
Item name: equivalentScale Item identifier: 54
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: level of detail expressed as the scale of a comparable hardcopy map or chart
Description: Detail expressed as the numerical scale of a comparable hardcopy map or chart.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, échelleÉquivalente), (definition, niveau de détail exprimé par une échelle d'une carte conventionnelle comparable), (description, Information exprimé par une échelle numérique d'une carte conventionnelle comparable.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Resolution
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 60), (similarity, identical)
Item name: distance Item identifier: 55
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: ground sample distance
Description: Ground sample distance.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, distance), (definition, mesure de distance au sol), (description, Mesure de distance au sol.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Resolution
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 61), (similarity, identical)
Item name: RepresentativeFraction Item identifier: 56
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: derived from ISO 19103 Scale where MD_RepresentativeFraction.deniminator = 1/Scale.measure and Scale.targetUnits = Scale.sourceUnits
Description: The scale of a map or other cartographic object expressed as a fraction or ratio which relates unit distance on the map or other cartographic object to distance, measured in the same units, on the ground.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, FractionReprésentative), (definition, dérivé de "Scale" de l'ISO 19103 ou MD_FractionReprésentative.déniminateur = 1/"Scale.measure" et "Scale.targetUnits" = "Scale.sourceUnits"), (description, Échelle d’une carte ou de tout autre objet cartographique exprimée sous forme de fraction ou de ratio qui relie l’unité de distance d’une carte ou de tout autre objet cartographique à la distance, mesurée dans la même unité, au sol.), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_RepresentativeFraction
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 56), (similarity, identical)
Item name: denominator Item identifier: 57
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: the number below the line in a vulgar fraction
Description: The number below the line in a proper fraction that the numerator is equal to 1.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, dénominateur), (definition, le nombre sous la ligne d'une fraction ordinaire), (description, Nombre apparaissant sous la ligne dans une fraction où le numérateur est égal à 1.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_RepresentativeFraction
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 57), (similarity, identical)
Item name: BrowseGraphic Item identifier: 58
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: graphic that provides an illustration of the dataset (should include a legend for the graphic)
Description: The name, description, and file type of an illustration of the resource.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, Illustration), (definition, illustration du jeu de données (devrait inclure une légende)), (description, Nom, description et type de fichier se rapportant à l’illustration de la ressource.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_BrowseGraphic
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 48), (similarity, identical)
Item name: fileName Item identifier: 59
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: name of the file that contains a graphic that provides an illustration of the dataset
Description: Name of the graphic file provided to illustrate the resource.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, nomFichier), (definition, nom du fichier qui contient l’illustration du jeu de données), (description, Nom du fichier graphique qui illustre la ressource.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_BrowseGraphic
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 47), (similarity, identical)
Item name: fileDescription Item identifier: 60
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: text description of the illustration
Description: Text description of the graphic file’s content.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, descriptionFichier), (definition, description textuelle de l’illustration), (description, Description sous forme de texte du contenu du fichier graphique.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_BrowseGraphic
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 50), (similarity, identical)
Item name: fileType Item identifier: 61
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: format in which the illustration is encoded. Examples: CGM, EPS, GIF, JPEG, PBM, PS, TIFF, XWD
Description: Description of the graphic file format.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, typeFichier), (definition, format d'encodage de l'illustration. Exemples: CGM, EPS, GIF, JPEG, PBM, PS, TIFF, XWD), (description, Description du format du fichier graphique.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_BrowseGraphic
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 51), (similarity, restyled)
Item name: Keywords Item identifier: 62
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: keywords, their type and reference source
Description: Commonly used words or phrases which describe the resource. Optionally, the keyword type and a citation for the authoritative or registered resource of the keywords are also provided.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, MotsClés), (definition, mots-clés, type et source de référence), (description, Mots ou phrases utilisés généralement pour décrire la ressource. On peut également fournir le type de mot clé et la référence documentaire associés à la ressource officielle ou enregistrée.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Keywords
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 52), (similarity, identical)
Item name: keyword Item identifier: 63
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: commonly used word(s) or formalised word(s) or phrase(s) used to describe the subject
Description: Commonly used words or phrases which describe the resource.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, motClé), (definition, terme, terme formel, phrase ou ensemble de ceux-ci habituellement utilisés pour décrire un sujet), (description, Mots ou phrases utilisés généralement pour décrire la ressource.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Keywords
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 53), (similarity, identical)
Item name: type Item identifier: 64
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: subject matter used to group similar keywords
Description: Term or type used to group keywords: discipline, place, stratum, temporal, or theme.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, type), (definition, sujet utilisé pour regrouper des mots-clés similaires), (description, Terme ou type utilisé pour regrouper des mots clés : discipline, endroit, strate, temporel ou thème.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Keywords
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 54), (similarity, identical)
Item name: thesaurusName Item identifier: 65
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: name of the formally registered thesaurus or a similar authoritative source of keywords
Description: The name of a registered authoritative keyword resource.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, nomThesaurus), (definition, Nom du thésaurus formellement enregistré ou d’une source semblable de mots-clés qui fait autorité), (description, Nom d'une ressource officielle et enregistrée de mots clés.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Keywords
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 55), (similarity, identical)
Item name: AggregateInformation Item identifier: 66
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: aggregate dataset information
Description: The citation for or name of an aggregate dataset, the type of aggregate dataset, and optionally the activity which produced the dataset.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, InformationAgrégat), (definition, information d'un jeu de données agrégées), (description, Information de référence ou nom d’un jeu de données agrégées, le type de jeu de données agrégées et, facultativement, l’activité ayant menée à la réalisation du jeu de données.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_AggregateInformation
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 66.1), (similarity, identical)
Item name: aggregateDataSetName Item identifier: 67
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: citation information about the aggregate dataset
Description: Citation information for the aggregate resource or initiative.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, nomJeuDonnéesAgrégées), (definition, référence du jeu de données agrégées), (description, Référence documentaire sur la ressource de données agrégées ou l’initiative.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_AggregateInformation
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 66.2), (similarity, identical)
Item name: aggregateDataSetIdentifier Item identifier: 68
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: identification information about aggregate dataset
Description: Identification of the aggregate dataset.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, identifiantJeuDonnéesAggrégées), (definition, identification du jeu de données aggrégées), (description, Identification du jeu de données agrégées.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_AggregateInformation
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 66.3), (similarity, identical)
Item name: associationType Item identifier: 69
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: association type of the aggregate dataset
Description: Association type of the aggregate dataset.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, typeAssociation), (definition, type d'association du jeu de données aggrégées), (description, Type d’association du jeu de données agrégées.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_AggregateInformation
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 66.4), (similarity, identical)
Item name: initiativeType Item identifier: 70
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: type of initiative under which the aggregate dataset was produced
Description: Type of initiative for which the dataset was developed.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, typeInitiative), (definition, type d'initiative dans laquelle le jeu de données aggrégées a été réalisé), (description, Type d’initiative pour laquelle le jeu de données a été réalisé.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_AggregateInformation
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 66.5), (similarity, identical)
Item name: CoupledResource Item identifier: 71
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: links a given operation name with a dataset identified by an identifier
Description: Information describing the linkage between a service operation and a tightly coupled dataset.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, RessourceCouplée), (definition, lie un nom d'opération donné à un jeu de données identifié par un identifiant), (description, Information décrivant le lien entre une opération d'un service et un jeu de données fortement couplé.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: SV_CoupledResource
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 2.5), (similarity, identical)
Item name: identifier Item identifier: 72
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: name of the identifier of a given tightly coupled dataset
Description: The dataset name or identifier of the associated dataset.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, identifiant), (definition, nom de l'identifiant du jeu de données fortement couplé), (description, Nom du jeu de données ou identifiant associé au jeu de données.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: SV_CoupledResource
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 2.5.2), (similarity, identical)
Item name: operationName Item identifier: 73
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: name of the service operation
Description: Designation of the operation.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, nomOpération), (definition, nom de l'opération du service), (description, Appellation de l’opération.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: SV_CoupledResource
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 2.5.1), (similarity, identical)
Item name: OperationMetadata Item identifier: 74
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: the signature of one and only one method provided by the service
Description: Description of one’s service operation. Together, attributes and components provide the signature of the operation (i.e. the method).
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, OpérationMétadonnées), (definition, la signature d'une et seulement une méthode fournie par le service), (description, Description de l’opération exécutée par un service. Ensemble, les attributs et les composantes constituent la signature de l’opération (c.-à-d. la méthode).), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: SV_OperationMetadata
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, C.2.3), (similarity, identical)
Item name: operationName Item identifier: 75
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: a unique identifier for this interface
Description: An identifier that uniquely designates the operation.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, nomOpération), (definition, un identifiant unique pour cette interface), (description, Identifiant qui désigne une opération de façon unique.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: SV_OperationMetadata
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, C.2.3.1), (similarity, identical)
Item name: DCP Item identifier: 76
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: distributed computing platforms on which the operation has been implemented
Description: Distributed Computing Platforms that have been used to implement the operation such as XML, CORBA, JAVA, COM, SQL, and/or WebServices.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, plateformeInformatiqueDistribuée), (definition, plateforme informatique distribuée sur laquelle l'opération est réalisée), (description, Plate-forme informatique distribuée utilisée pour réaliser l’opération, comme XML, CORBA, JAVA, COM, SQL et/ou WebServices.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: SV_OperationMetadata
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, C.2.3.2), (similarity, identical)
Item name: operationDescription Item identifier: 77
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: free text description of the intent of the operation and the results of the operation
Description: Description of the purpose of the operation and results obtained from the operation.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, descriptionOpération), (definition, intention et résultats de l'opération), (description, Description de l’objectif de l’opération et des résultats obtenus.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: SV_OperationMetadata
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, C.2.3.3), (similarity, identical)
Item name: invocationName Item identifier: 78
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: the name used to invoke this interface within the context of the DCP
Description: The name used to invoke the operation on all Distributed Computing Platforms.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, nomAppel), (definition, nom utilisé pour appeler cette interface dans le contexte de la plateforme informatique distribuée), (description, Nom utilisé pour appeler l’opération sur toutes les plates-formes informatiques distribuées.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: SV_OperationMetadata
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, C.2.3.4), (similarity, identical)
Item name: connectPoint Item identifier: 79
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: handle for accessing the service interface
Description: Reference to access the service interface.
Field of application: (name, information géographique)
Alternative expressions: (name, pointDeConnection), (definition, pseudonyme d'accès à l'interface de service), (description, Référence pour accéder à l’interface du service.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: SV_OperationMetadata
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, C.2.3.6), (similarity, identical)
Item name: dependsOn Item identifier: 80
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: list of operations that must be completed immediately before current operation is invoked, structured as a list for capturing alternate predecessor paths and sets for capturing parallel predecessor paths
Description: The list of operations required prior to invoking the service; Structured as a list for capturing alternate or parallel predecessor paths.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, dépendDe), (definition, liste des opérations qui doivent être complétées avant que l'opération en cours soit réalisée, structurée en une liste de chemins alternatifs précédents et d'ensembles de chemins parallèles précédents), (description, Liste des opérations requises avant d’appeler le service. Structurée en une liste de chemins alternatifs précédents ou de chemins parallèles précédents.), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: SV_OperationMetadata
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, C.2.3.7), (similarity, identical)
Item name: parameters Item identifier: 81
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: the parameters that are required for this interface
Description: Values required for the interface invocation.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, paramètres), (definition, les paramètres requis pour cette interface), (description, Valeur requise pour l'appel de l’interface.), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: SV_OperationMetadata
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, C.2.3.5), (similarity, identical)
Item name: Parameter Item identifier: 82
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: parameter for the interface
Description: Information describing parameters of an operation.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, Paramètre), (definition, parametre de l'interface), (description, Information décrivant les paramètres d’une opération.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: SV_Parameter
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, C.2.7), (similarity, identical)
Item name: name Item identifier: 83
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: the name, as used by the service for this parameter
Description: The name that the service uses for the parameter.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, nom), (definition, le nom tel qu'utilisé par le service pour ce paramètre), (description, Le nom que le service utilise pour le paramètre.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: SV_Parameter
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, C.2.7.1), (similarity, identical)
Item name: direction Item identifier: 84
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: indication if the parameter is an input to the service, an output or both
Description: Indication if the parameter serves as input, output, or both.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, direction), (definition, indication si le paramètre est un intrant, un extrant ou les deux), (description, Indique si le paramètre est une entrée, une sortie ou les deux.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: SV_Parameter
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, C.2.7.2), (similarity, identical)
Item name: description Item identifier: 85
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: a narrative explanation of the role of the parameter
Description: Explanation of the purpose and function of the parameter.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, description), (definition, une explication narrative du rôle du paramètre), (description, Explication de l’objectif et de la fonction du paramètre.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: SV_Parameter
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, C.2.7.3), (similarity, identical)
Item name: optionality Item identifier: 86
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: indication if the parameter is required
Description: Indicates the necessity of the parameter.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, optionalité), (definition, indication si le paramètre est requis), (description, Indique si le paramètre est requis.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: SV_Parameter
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, C.2.7.4), (similarity, identical)
Item name: repeatability Item identifier: 87
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: indication if more than one value of the parameter may be provided
Description: Indication if one or more values for the parameter may be provided.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, répétabilité), (definition, indication si plus d'une valeur du paramètre peut être fournie), (description, Indique si plus d'une valeur du paramètre peut être fournie.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: SV_Parameter
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, C.2.7.5), (similarity, identical)
Item name: valueType Item identifier: 88
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: data type
Description: The class used for the value type.
Field of application: (name, information géographique)
Alternative expressions: (name, typeValeur), (definition, type de données), (description, La classe utilisée pour le type de valeur.), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: SV_Parameter
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 7.4.2), (similarity, identical)
Item name: Type Item identifier: 89
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: Any valid data type in a namespace.
Description: A Type is represented by a TypeName type that references either a recordType or an object type in some schema.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, Type), (definition, Tout type de données valide dans un espace de nom.), (description, La représentation de Type est réalisée par un type TypeName qui renvoie à recordType ou un type d'objet d'un schéma.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: Type
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 6.5.5), (similarity, identical)
Item name: ConstraintInformation Item identifier: 90
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: restrictions on the access and use of a resource or metadata
Description: The limitations, restrictions, or statements on the resource fitness for use.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, InformationContraintes), (definition, restrictions quant l'accès et l'utilisation d'une ressource ou des métadonnées), (description, Conditions, restrictions, ou énoncés relatifs à l’aptitude à l'usage de la ressource.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Constraints
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 67), (similarity, identical)
Item name: useLimitation Item identifier: 91
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: limitation affecting the fitness for use of the resource or metadata. Example, “not to be used for navigation”
Description: Statement on the fitness for use or limitations on the use of the resource or metadata.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, restrictionUtilisation), (definition, limitation qui affecte l'aptitude de la ressource ou des métadonnées quant à leur utilisation. Exemple: "ne pas utiliser pour la navigation"), (description, Énoncé sur l'aptitude à l'usage ou des restrictions sur l’utilisation de la ressource ou des métadonnées.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Constraints
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 68), (similarity, identical)
Item name: LegalConstraints Item identifier: 92
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: restrictions and legal prerequisites for accessing and using the resource or metadata
Description: The legal restrictions or prerequisites to using the resource or accessing the metadata.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, ContraintesLégales), (definition, restrictions et préalables légaux pour avoir accès et utiliser la ressource ou les métadonnées), (description, Restrictions légales et préalables pour utiliser la ressource ou pour avoir accès aux métadonnées.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_LegalConstraints
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 69), (similarity, identical)
Item name: accessConstraints Item identifier: 93
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: access constraints applied to assure the protection of privacy or intellectual property, and any special restrictions or limitations on obtaining the resource or metadata
Description: Limitations on access to the resource or metadata to protect privacy, intellectual property, or any special limitations.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, contraintesAccès), (definition, identification des contraintes qui protègent la confidentialité et la propriété intellectuelle ainsi que toutes autres restrictions particulières qui limitent l’obtention de la ressource ou des métadonnées), (description, Conditions qui limitent l’accès à la ressource ou aux métadonnées pour protéger la confidentialité, les droits de propriété intellectuelle, ou toute autre condition spéciale.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_LegalConstraints
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 70), (similarity, identical)
Item name: useConstraints Item identifier: 94
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: constraints applied to assure the protection of privacy or intellectual property, and any special restrictions or limitations or warnings on using the resource or metadata
Description: Restrictions or limitations or warnings to protect privacy, intellectual property, or other special restrictions on the resource or the metadata.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, containtesUtilisation), (definition, identification des contraintes qui protègent la confidentialité et la propriété intellectuelle ainsi que toutes autres restrictions particulières ou avertissements qui limitent l’utilisation de la ressource ou des métadonnées), (description, Restrictions, conditions ou avertissements pour protéger la confidentialité, les droits de propriété intellectuelle, ou toute autre restriction spéciale concernant la ressource ou les métadonnées.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_LegalConstraints
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 71), (similarity, identical)
Item name: otherConstraints Item identifier: 95
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: other restrictions and legal prerequisites for accessing and using the resource or metadata
Description: Other restrictions or legal prerequisites for accessing the resource or metadata.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, autresContraintes), (definition, autres restrictions et préalables légaux pour avoir accès à la ressource ou aux métadonnées et les utiliser), (description, Autres restrictions ou préalables légaux pour avoir accès à la ressource ou aux métadonnées.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_LegalConstraints
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 72), (similarity, identical)
Item name: SecurityConstraints Item identifier: 96
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: handling restrictions imposed on the resource or metadata for national security or similar security concerns
Description: Restrictions applied to the resource or metadata to protect security concerns.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, ContraintesSécurité), (definition, restrictions de manipulation imposées à la ressource ou au métadonnées pour des raisons de sécurité nationale ou aspects similaires de sécurité), (description, Restrictions imposées à la ressource ou aux métadonnées pour des raisons de sécurité.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_SecurityConstraints
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 73), (similarity, identical)
Item name: classification Item identifier: 97
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: name of the handling restrictions on the resource or metadata
Description: Name of the handling restrictions on the resource or the metadata.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, classification), (definition, identification des restrictions de manipulation imposées au document ou aux métadonnées), (description, Nom des restrictions de manipulation imposées à la ressource ou aux métadonnées.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_SecurityConstraints
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 74), (similarity, identical)
Item name: userNote Item identifier: 98
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: explanation of the application of the legal constraints or other restrictions and legal prerequisites for obtaining and using the resource or metadata
Description: An explanation of the classification level applied to the resource or metadata.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, noteUtilisateur), (definition, explication sur l'application des contraintes légales ou autres restrictions et prérequis légaux pour obtenir et utiliser la ressource ou les métadonnées), (description, Explication sur le niveau de classification appliqué à la ressource ou aux métadonnées.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_SecurityConstraints
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 75), (similarity, identical)
Item name: classificationSystem Item identifier: 99
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: name of the classification system
Description: Name of the security classification system.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, systèmeClassification), (definition, nom du système de classification), (description, Nom du système de classification de sécurité.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_SecurityConstraints
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 76), (similarity, identical)
Item name: handlingDescription Item identifier: 100
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: additional information about the restrictions on handling the resource or metadata
Description: Additional information regarding security restrictions on handling the resource or metadata.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, descriptionManipulation), (definition, information additionnelle sur les restrictions de manipulation de la ressource ou des métadonnées), (description, Information additionnelle sur les restrictions de sécurité pour la manipulation de la ressource ou des métadonnées.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_SecurityConstraints
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 77), (similarity, identical)
Item name: DataQualityInformation Item identifier: 101
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: quality information for the data specified by a data quality scope
Description: Information on the quality of the data that is specified by a data quality scope.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, InformationQualitéDonnées), (definition, information sur la qualité des données précisées par une portée relative à la qualité des données), (description, Information sur la qualité des données spécifiées par une portée relative à la qualité des données.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: DQ_DataQuality
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 78), (similarity, identical)
Item name: scope Item identifier: 102
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: the specific data to which the data quality information applies
Description: The extent of characteristics for which data quality information is reported.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, portée), (definition, identification des données spécifiques auxquelles s'applique l'information sur la qualité), (description, Étendue des caractéristiques pour lesquelles l’information sur la qualité est documentée.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: DQ_DataQuality
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 79), (similarity, identical)
Item name: report Item identifier: 103
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: quantitative quality information for the data specified by the scope
Description: A statement of the quality of the resource specified by the scope.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, rapport), (definition, information quantitative sur la qualité des données précisées par la porté), (description, Énoncé de la qualité de la ressource, telle que définie dans la portée.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: DQ_DataQuality
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 80), (similarity, identical)
Item name: lineage Item identifier: 104
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: non-quantitative quality information about the lineage of the data specified by the scope
Description: Information or lack of information on the events and source data used to construct the dataset within the specified scope.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, généalogie), (definition, information qualitative sur la qualité concernant sur la provenance et la production des données spécifiées dans la portée), (description, Information, ou manque d’information, sur les événements et les données de base utilisées pour construire le jeu de données à l'intérieur de la portée précisée.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: DQ_DataQuality
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 81), (similarity, identical)
Item name: Completeness Item identifier: 105
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: presence and absence of features, their attributes and their relationships
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, Intégralité), (definition, présence ou absence d'entités, de leurs attributs et de leurs relations), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: DQ_Completeness
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 108), (similarity, identical)
Item name: CompletenessCommission Item identifier: 106
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: excess data present in the dataset, as described by the scope
Description: Notification of excess data present in the dataset beyond the extent defined in Scope.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, IntégralitéCommission), (definition, données excédentaires présentent dans l'ensemble de données tel que décrit par la portée), (description, Avis sur les données excédentaires présentes dans le jeu de données qui va au-delà de l'étendue définie dans la Portée.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: DQ_CompletenessCommission
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 109), (similarity, identical)
Item name: CompletenessOmission Item identifier: 107
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: data absent from the dataset, as described by the scope
Description: Notification of data absent from the dataset as defined by Scope.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, IntégralitéOmission), (definition, données absentes de l'ensemble des données telle que décrit par la portée), (description, Avis sur les données absentes du jeu de données telle que décrit par la Portée.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: DQ_CompletenessOmission
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 110), (similarity, identical)
Item name: LogicalConsistency Item identifier: 108
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: degree of adherence to logical rules of data structure, attribution and relationships (data structure can be conceptual, logical or physical)
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, CohérenceLogique), (definition, degré d'adhésion aux règles de structure de données, attributs et relations (une structure de données peut être conceptuel, logique ou physique)), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: DQ_LogicalConsistency
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 111), (similarity, identical)
Item name: ConceptualConsistency Item identifier: 109
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: adherence to rules of the conceptual schema
Description: The level to which the dataset adheres to the conceptual schema. For example, conceptual consistency might describe to which level the resource complies with the data structure and attributing of the conceptual schema – i.e. feature types, features attributes, relationships between features, etc.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, CohéreceConceptuel), (definition, adhésion aux règles du schéma conceptuel), (description, Degré de conformité entre le jeu de données et le schéma conceptuel. La cohérence conceptuelle peut décrire, par exemple, le degré de conformité entre la ressource et la structure de données ou les attributs du schéma conceptuel, c.-à-d., les types d'entités, les attributs des entités, les relations entre les entités, etc.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: DQ_ConceptualConsistency
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 112), (similarity, identical)
Item name: DomainConsistency Item identifier: 110
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: adherence of values to the value domains
Description: The adherence of resource attribute values to conceptual schema specified values.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, CohérenceDomaineValeurs), (definition, adhésion des valeurs aux domaines de valeurs), (description, Degré de conformité entre les valeurs d’attributs de la ressource et les valeurs précisées dans le schéma conceptuel.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: DQ_DomainConsistency
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 113), (similarity, identical)
Item name: FormatConsistency Item identifier: 111
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: degree to which data is stored in accordance with the physical structure of the dataset, as described by the scope
Description: The level of data storage agreement with the dataset physical structure as described by the attribute scope.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, CohérenceFormat), (definition, degré auquel les données, telles que précisé par la portée, sont emmagasinées en conformité avec la structure physique de données), (description, Degré de conformité de l'emmagasinage des données avec la structure physique du jeu de données telles que précisé par l'attribut portée.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: DQ_FormatConsistency
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 114), (similarity, identical)
Item name: TopologicalConsistency Item identifier: 112
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: correctness of the explicitly encoded topological characteristics of the dataset as described by the scope
Description: The testing for topological correctness of encoded characteristics in the dataset as delimited by Scope.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, CohérenceTopologique), (definition, exactitude des caractéristiques topologiques du jeu de données, tel que précisé par la portée, encodées explicitement), (description, Vérification de l’exactitude topologique des caractéristiques encodées dans le jeu de données, tel que précisé par la Portée.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: DQ_TopologicalConsistency
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 115), (similarity, identical)
Item name: PositionalAccuracy Item identifier: 113
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: accuracy of the position of features
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, PrécisionSpatiale), (definition, précision de la position spatiale des entités), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: DQ_PositionalAccuracy
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 116), (similarity, identical)
Item name: AbsolutePositionalAccuracy Item identifier: 114
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: closeness of reported coordinate values to values accepted as or being true
Description: Description of the methods, procedures, conformance results or quantitative results, and date stamp of the positional measurement in the dataset.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, PrécisionSpatialeAbsolue), (definition, proximité des coordonnées par rapport aux valeurs acceptées comme vraies), (description, Description des méthodes, des procédures, des mesures de conformité ou des résultats quantitatifs, et du timbre dateur de la mesure spatiale dans le jeu de données.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: DQ_AbsoluteExternalPositionalAccuracy
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 117), (similarity, identical)
Item name: GriddedDataPositionalAccuracy Item identifier: 115
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: closeness of gridded data position values to values accepted as or being true
Description: The degree to which gridded data positions compare to values accepted as being true.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, PrécisionSpatialeDonnéesRectangulaires), (definition, proximité de la position spatiale des données rectangulaires par rapport aux valeurs acceptées comme vraies), (description, Degré de proximité de la position spatiale des données rectangulaires par rapport aux valeurs acceptées comme vraies.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: DQ_GriddedDataPositionalAccuracy
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 118), (similarity, identical)
Item name: RelativePositionalAccuracy Item identifier: 116
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: closeness of the relative positions of features in the scope to their respective relative positions accepted as or being true
Description: The degree to which all features in a given set meet a defined proximity threshold.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, PrécisionSpatialeRelative), (definition, proximité de la position spatiale relative entre les entités de la portée par rapport à leur position spatiale relative acceptée comme vraie), (description, Degré de proximité entre toutes les entités d’un jeu donné et les seuils de proximité préalablement définis.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: DQ_RelativeInternalPositionalAccuracy
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 119), (similarity, identical)
Item name: TemporalAccuracy Item identifier: 117
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: accuracy of the temporal attributes and temporal relationships of features
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, PrécisionTemporelle), (definition, précision des attributs temporelles et des relations tenporelles entre entités), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: DQ_TemporalAccuracy
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 120), (similarity, identical)
Item name: AccuracyOfATimeMeasurement Item identifier: 118
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: correctness of the temporal references of an item (reporting of error in time measurement)
Description: Report on the accuracy or error in time measurement.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, PrécisionMesureTemporelle), (definition, exactitude des références temporelles d'un item (documentation d'erreurs sur la mesure du temps)), (description, Information sur la précision ou l’erreur relative à une mesure temporelle.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: DQ_AccuracyOfATimeMeasurement
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 121), (similarity, identical)
Item name: TemporalConsistency Item identifier: 119
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: correctness of ordered events or sequences, if reported
Description: The correctness of reported ordered events or sequences.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, CohérenceTemporelle), (definition, exactitude d'événements ordonnés ou de séquences lorsque documentés), (description, Exactitude de la documentation de l’ordre des événements ou des séquences.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: DQ_TemporalConsistency
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 122), (similarity, identical)
Item name: ThematicAccuracy Item identifier: 120
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: accuracy of quantitative attributes and the correctness of nonquantitative attributes and of the classifications of features and their relationships
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, ExactitudeThématique), (definition, précision des attributs quantitatifs et exactitude des attributs qualitatifs, de la classification des entités ainsi que des relations entre elles), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: DQ_ThematicAccuracy
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 124), (similarity, identical)
Item name: ThematicClassificationCorrectness Item identifier: 121
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: comparison of the classes assigned to features or their attributes to a universe of discourse
Description: Comparison of classes or attributes assigned to features or feature attributes respectively with respect to a recognized repository of features that pertain in a particular context.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, ExactitudeClassificationThématique), (definition, comparaison des classes attribuées aux entités ou à leurs attributs par rapport à un référentiel), (description, Comparaison des classes ou des attributs affectés aux entités ou aux attributs d’entité par rapport à un registre d’entités admis se rapportant à un contexte particulier.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: DQ_ThematicClassificationCorrectness
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 125), (similarity, identical)
Item name: QualitativeAttributeAccuracy Item identifier: 122
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: accuracy of non-quantitative attributes
Description: Degree to which qualitative attributes reflect the stated requirements.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, ExactitudeAttributsQualitatifs), (definition, exactitude des attributs qualitatifs), (description, Degré auquel les attributs qualitatifs reflètent les exigences énoncées.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: DQ_NonQuantitativeAttributeAccuracy
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 126), (similarity, identical)
Item name: QuantitativeAttributeAccuracy Item identifier: 123
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: accuracy of quantitative attributes
Description: Degree to which quantitative attributes reflect the stated requirements.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, PrécisionAttributsQuantitatifs), (definition, précision des attributs quantitatifs), (description, Degré auquel les attributs quantitatifs reflètent les exigences énoncées.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: DQ_QuantitativeAttributeAccuracy
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 127), (similarity, identical)
Item name: Report Item identifier: 124
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: aspect of quantitative quality information
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, Rapport), (definition, information quantitative sur la qualité), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: DQ_Element
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 99), (similarity, identical)
Item name: nameOfMeasure Item identifier: 125
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: name of the test applied to the data
Description: Name of the test applied to the data to assure data quality.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, nomMesure), (definition, nom du test appliqué sur les données), (description, Nom du test appliqué sur les données pour assurer leur qualité.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: DQ_Element
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 100), (similarity, identical)
Item name: measureIdentification Item identifier: 126
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: code identifying a registered standard procedure
Description: Code which identifies a registered standard data quality procedure.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, identificationMesure), (definition, code identifiant une méthode normalisée enregistrée), (description, Code identifiant une méthode normalisée enregistrée pour assurer la qualité des données.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: DQ_Element
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 101), (similarity, identical)
Item name: measureDescription Item identifier: 127
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: description of the measure
Description: Description of the measure applied to the dataset to assure quality.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, descriptionMesure), (definition, description de la mesure), (description, Description de la mesure appliquée sur le jeu de données pour assurer sa qualité.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: DQ_Element
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 102), (similarity, identical)
Item name: evaluationMethodType Item identifier: 128
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: type of method used to evaluate quality of the dataset
Description: Method type used to evaluate data quality in the dataset.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, typeMéthodeÉvaluation), (definition, type de méthode d’évaluation de la qualité d'un ensemble de données), (description, Type de méthode utilisée pour évaluer la qualité des données dans un jeu de données.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: DQ_Element
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 103), (similarity, identical)
Item name: evaluationMethodDescription Item identifier: 129
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: description of the evaluation method
Description: Description of the evaluation method applied to the dataset.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, descriptionMéthodeÉvaluation), (definition, description de la méthode d’évaluation), (description, Description de la méthode d’évaluation pratiquée sur le jeu de données.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: DQ_Element
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 104), (similarity, identical)
Item name: evaluationProcedure Item identifier: 130
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: reference to the procedure information
Description: Citation for the evaluation procedure.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, méthodeÉvaluation), (definition, référence documentaire sur l'information de la méthode d’évaluation), (description, Référence documentaire sur la méthode d’évaluation.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: DQ_Element
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 105), (similarity, identical)
Item name: dateTime Item identifier: 131
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: date or range of dates on which a data quality measure was applied
Description: Date and time at which the test was completed.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, dateHeure), (definition, date ou période à laquelle un test de qualité sur les données à été appliqué), (description, Date et heure auxquelles le test a été effectué.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: DQ_Element
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 106), (similarity, identical)
Item name: result Item identifier: 132
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: value (or set of values) obtained from applying a data quality measure or the outcome of evaluating the obtained value (or set of values) against a specified acceptable conformance quality level
Description: Value(s) obtained from data quality test or outcome from applying data quality measure against a specified/acceptable quality conformance level.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, résultat), (definition, valeur (ou ensemble de valeurs) obtenue d'un test de qualité ou conséquence de l'évaluation de la (des) valeur(s) par rapport à un niveau acceptable de conformité précisé sur la qualité), (description, Valeur (ou ensemble de valeurs) obtenue d'un test de qualité sur les données ou résultat obtenu d'une mesure de qualité sur les données par rapport à un niveau spécifié ou acceptable de conformité sur la qualité.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: DQ_Element
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 107), (similarity, identical)
Item name: Lineage Item identifier: 133
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: information about the events or source data used in constructing the data specified by the scope or lack of knowledge about lineage
Description: Information or lack of information on the events and source data used to construct the dataset within the specified scope.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, Généalogie), (definition, information sur les événements et les données de base qui ont participé à la création des données précisées par la portée ou manque de connaissance sur la généalogie), (description, Information, ou manque d’information, sur les événements et lesdonnées de base utilisées pour construire le jeu de données à l'intérieur de la portée précisée.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: LI_Lineage
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 82), (similarity, identical)
Item name: statement Item identifier: 134
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: general explanation of the data producer’s knowledge about the lineage of a dataset
Description: General explanation of the data producer’s knowledge of the dataset lineage.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, déclaration), (definition, énoncé général qui explique la connaissance du producteur sur la provenance des données), (description, Énoncé général qui explique la connaissance du producteur sur la généalogie des données.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: LI_Lineage
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 83), (similarity, identical)
Item name: source Item identifier: 135
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: information about the source data used in creating the data specified by the scope
Description: Information on the sources used in the development of the dataset.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, source), (definition, information sur les données utilisées pour créer les données précisées par la portée), (description, Information sur les sources utilisées pour réaliser le jeu de données.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: LI_Lineage
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 85), (similarity, identical)
Item name: processStep Item identifier: 136
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: information about events in the life of a dataset specified by the scope
Description: The events in the development of the dataset.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, étapeProcessus), (definition, information sur les événements soumis à un ensemble de données précisé par la portée), (description, Événements liés à la réalisation du jeu de données.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: LI_Lineage
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 84), (similarity, identical)
Item name: Source Item identifier: 137
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: information about the source data used in creating the data specified by the scope
Description: Information about the source data used in creating the data within the specified Scope.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, Source), (definition, information sur les données de base utilisées pour créer les données précisées par la portée), (description, Information sur la source de données utilisée pour créer les données selon la Portée précisée.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: LI_Source
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 92), (similarity, identical)
Item name: description Item identifier: 138
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: detailed description of the level of the source data
Description: Statement that describes the source data.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, description), (definition, description détaillée du niveau des données de base), (description, Énoncé qui décrit la source de données.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: LI_Source
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 93), (similarity, identical)
Item name: scaleDenominator Item identifier: 139
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: denominator of the representative fraction on a source map
Description: The number below the line in a proper fraction that the numerator is equal to 1.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, dénominateurÉchelle), (definition, dénominateur de l'échelle de représentation des données cartographiques de référence), (description, Nombre apparaissant sous la ligne dans une fraction où le numérateur est égal à 1.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: LI_Source
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 94), (similarity, identical)
Item name: sourceReferenceSystem Item identifier: 140
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: spatial reference system used by the source data
Description: Information about the reference system.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, systèmeRéférenceSource), (definition, système de référence spatiale utilisé par les données de base), (description, Information sur le système de référence.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: LI_Source
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 95), (similarity, identical)
Item name: sourceCitation Item identifier: 141
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: recommended reference to be used for the source data
Description: Citation for the sources for the dataset.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, référenceSource), (definition, référence documentaire conseillée pour être utilisée avec les données de base), (description, Référence documentaire sur la source du jeu de données.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: LI_Source
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 96), (similarity, identical)
Item name: sourceExtent Item identifier: 142
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: information about the spatial, vertical and temporal extent of the source data
Description: Describes the spatial (horizontal and/or vertical) and the temporal coverage in the dataset.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, étendueSource), (definition, information sur l'étendue spatiale (horizontale et verticale) et temporelle des données de base), (description, Décrit la couverture spatiale (horizontale et/ou verticale) et temporelle du jeu de données.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: LI_Source
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 97), (similarity, identical)
Item name: sourceStep Item identifier: 751
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2012-03-31 Date amended:
Definition: information about an event in the creation process for the source data
Description: Information about an event related to the creation process for the source data.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, étapeSource), (definition, information à propos d'un événement associé au processus de création des données sources), (description, Information à propos d'un événement associé au processus de création des données sources.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, missing item from the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: LI_Source
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 98), (similarity, identical)
Item name: ProcessStep Item identifier: 143
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: information about an event or transformation in the life of a dataset including the process used to maintain the dataset
Description: The events in the development of the dataset.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, ÉtapeProcessus), (definition, information sur les événements ou transformations subis par un ensemble de données incluant le processus utilisé pour la maintenance des données), (description, Événements liés à la réalisation du jeu de données.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: LI_ProcessStep
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 86), (similarity, identical)
Item name: description Item identifier: 144
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: description of the event, including related parameters or tolerances
Description: Description of the processes performed on the data.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, description), (definition, description de l'événement incluant les paramètres et tolérances associés), (description, Description des processus exécutés sur les données.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: LI_ProcessStep
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 87), (similarity, identical)
Item name: rationale Item identifier: 145
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: requirement or purpose for the process step
Description: Purpose for performing the processes on the data.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, raison), (definition, besoin ou motif du processus ou traitement), (description, Motif d'exécuter les processus sur les données.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: LI_ProcessStep
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 88), (similarity, identical)
Item name: dateTime Item identifier: 146
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: date and time or range of date and time on or over which the process step occurred
Description: The date and time when the process was completed.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, dateHeure), (definition, Date et heure à laquelle le processus ou traitement a eu lieu ou période (dates et heures) durant laquelle le processus ou traitement a eu lieu), (description, Date et heure auxquelles les processus ont été réalisés.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: LI_ProcessStep
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 89), (similarity, identical)
Item name: processor Item identifier: 147
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: identification of, and means of communication with, person(s) and organization(s) associated with the process step
Description: Identification and means to contact the person or party that performed the process.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, exécutant), (definition, identification de l' (des) individu(s) ou de l' (des) organisme(s) impliqué(s) dans le processus ou traitement, et moyens de communiquer avec lui (eux)), (description, Identification et moyen de communication avec la personne ou l’organisation ayant effectué les processus.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: LI_ProcessStep
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 90), (similarity, identical)
Item name: source Item identifier: 752
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2012-03-31 Date amended:
Definition: information about the source data in creating the data specified by the scope
Description: Information about the source data related to the creation of the data within the scope
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, source), (definition, information è propos de la source de données dans la création de données spécifiées par l'étendue), (description, Information à propos de la source de données associée au processus de création des données relative à l'étendue.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, missing item from the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: LI_ProcessStep
Specification lineage: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 91), (similarity, identical)
Item name: Scope Item identifier: 148
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: extent of characteristic(s) of the data for which quality information is reported
Description: The extent of characteristics for which data quality information is reported.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, Portée), (definition, étendue des charactéristiques des données sur lesquelles l'information sur la qualité est documentée), (description, Étendue des caractéristiques pour lesquelles l’information sur la qualité est révélée.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: DQ_Scope
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 138), (similarity, identical)
Item name: level Item identifier: 149
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: hierarchical level of the data specified by the scope
Description: The data or application level for which data quality is described.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, niveau), (definition, niveau hiérarchique des données précisées par la portée), (description, Niveau des données ou de l’application pour lequel la qualité des données est décrite.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: DQ_Scope
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 139), (similarity, identical)
Item name: extent Item identifier: 150
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: information about the horizontal, vertical and temporal extent of the data specified by the scope
Description: The spatial (horizontal and/or vertical) and the temporal delineation of the resource.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, étendue), (definition, information décrivant l'étendue spatiale (horizontale et verticale) et temporelle des données précisées par la portée), (description, Décrit la couverture spatiale (horizontale et/ou verticale) et temporelle de la ressource.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: DQ_Scope
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 140), (similarity, identical)
Item name: levelDescription Item identifier: 151
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: detailed description about the level of the data specified by the scope
Description: Description of the level of the dataset.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, descriptionNiveau), (definition, description détaillée du niveau des données précisées par la portée), (description, Description du niveau du jeu de données.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: DQ_Scope
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 141), (similarity, identical)
Item name: ScopeDescription Item identifier: 152
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: description of the class of information covered by the information
Description: Description of the class of information covered by the information.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, DescriptionPortée), (definition, description de la classe d'information couverte par l'information), (description, Description de la classe d’information couverte par l’information.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_ScopeDescription
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 149), (similarity, identical)
Item name: attributes Item identifier: 153
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: instances of attribute types to which the information applies
Description: Set of attribute types specifying the range and extent of the scope.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, attributs), (definition, occurances de types d'attributs auxquels s'applique l'information), (description, Ensemble de types d’attributs précisant l'éventail et l’étendue de la portée.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_ScopeDescription
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 150), (similarity, identical)
Item name: features Item identifier: 154
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: instances of features types to which the information applies
Description: Set of feature types specifying the range and extent of the scope.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, entités), (definition, occurances de types d'entités auxquelles s'applique l'information), (description, Ensemble de types d’entités précisant l'éventail et l’étendue de la portée.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_ScopeDescription
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 151), (similarity, identical)
Item name: featureInstances Item identifier: 155
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: feature instances to which the information applies
Description: Set of feature instances specifying the range and extent of the scope.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, occurrencesEntité), (definition, occurrences d'entité auxquelles s'applique l'information), (description, Ensemble d’occurrences d’entités précisant l'éventail et l’étendue de la portée.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_ScopeDescription
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 152), (similarity, identical)
Item name: attributeInstances Item identifier: 156
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: attribute instances to which the information applies
Description: Set of attribute instances specifying the range and extent of the scope.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, occurrencesAttribut), (definition, occurrences d'attribut auxquelles s'applique l'information), (description, Ensemble d’occurrences d’attributs précisant l'éventail et l’étendue de la portée.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_ScopeDescription
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 153), (similarity, identical)
Item name: dataset Item identifier: 157
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: dataset to which the information applies
Description: Dataset identifier specifying the range and extent of the scope.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, JeuDonnées), (definition, jeu de données auquel s'applique l'information), (description, Identifiant du jeu de données précisant l'éventail et l’étendue de la portée.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_ScopeDescription
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 154), (similarity, identical)
Item name: other Item identifier: 158
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: class of information that does not fall into the other categories to which the information applies
Description: Information specifying the range and extent of the scope that is not covered under attributes, features, featureInstances, attributeInstances, and dataset.
Alternative expressions: (name, autre), (definition, classe d'information qui ne correspond pas aux autres catégories à laquelle s'applique l'information), (description, Information précisant l'éventail et l’étendue de la portée qui n’apparaît pas sous attributs, entités, occurrencesEntité, occurrencesAttribut et jeuDonnées.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_ScopeDescription
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 155), (similarity, identical)
Item name: Result Item identifier: 159
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: generalization of more specific result classes
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, Résultat), (definition, généralisation de classes détaillées de résultats), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: DQ_Result
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 128), (similarity, identical)
Item name: QuantitativeResult Item identifier: 160
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: the values or information about the value(s) (or set of values) obtained from applying a data quality measure
Description: Description of the class of information covered by the information.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, RésultatQuantitatif), (definition, valeurs ou information sur la (les) valeur(s) (ou ensemble de valeurs) obtenue(s) suite à l'application d'un test sur la qualité des données), (description, Description de la classe d’information couverte par l’information.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: DQ_QuantitativeResult
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 133), (similarity, identical)
Item name: valueType Item identifier: 161
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: value type for reporting a data quality result
Description: The class or classes used for the value type(s).
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, typeValeur), (definition, type de valeur pour documenter un résultat sur la qualité des données), (description, Classe(s) utilisée(s) pour type(s) de valeurs.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: DQ_QuantitativeResult
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 134), (similarity, identical)
Item name: valueUnit Item identifier: 162
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: value unit for reporting a data quality result
Description: Any system devised to quantify a value such as length, time, angle, area, volume, velocity, or scale.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, unitéValeur), (definition, unité de valeur pour documenter un résultat sur la qualité des données), (description, Système conçu pour quantifier une valeur comme une longueur, une durée, un angle, une aire, un volume, une vitesse ou une échelle.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: DQ_QuantitativeResult
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 135), (similarity, identical)
Item name: errorStatistic Item identifier: 163
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: statistical method used to determine the value
Description: The statistical method used to estimate error in the value.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, erreurStatistique), (definition, méthode statistique utilisée pour déterminer la valeur), (description, Méthode statistique utilisée pour estimer l’erreur de la valeur.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: DQ_QuantitativeResult
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 136), (similarity, identical)
Item name: value Item identifier: 164
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: quantitative value or values, content determined by the evaluation procedure used
Description: The quantitative value(s) for the object measured.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, valeur), (definition, valeur(s) quantitative(s), le contenu est déterminé par la méthode d'évaluation utilisée), (description, Valeur(s) quantitative(s) de l’objet mesuré.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: DQ_QuantitativeResult
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 137), (similarity, identical)
Item name: ConformanceResult Item identifier: 165
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: information about the outcome of evaluating the obtained value (or set of values) against a specified acceptable conformance quality level
Description: Information which describes the outcome from evaluating the value(s) against a set of acceptable quality levels.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, ConformitéRésultat), (definition, information sur les conséquences de l'évaluation de la (des) valeur(s) obtenue(s) par rapport à un niveau acceptable de conformité précisé sur le niveau de qualité), (description, Information qui décrit le résultat de l’évaluation d’une valeur (ou d’un ensemble de valeurs) par rapport à une série de niveaux de qualité acceptables.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: DQ_ConformanceResult
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 129), (similarity, identical)
Item name: specification Item identifier: 166
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: citation of product specification or user requirement against which data is being evaluated
Description: Citation for the specification or user requirement used to evaluate the data.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, spécification), (definition, référence à la spécification de produit ou aux besoins des utilisateurs sur la quelle ou lesquels les données sont évaluées), (description, Référence documentaire sur la spécification ou sur les exigences de l’utilisateur utilisées pour évaluer les données.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: DQ_ConformanceResult
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 130), (similarity, identical)
Item name: explanation Item identifier: 167
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: explanation of the meaning of conformance for this result
Description: An explanation of the conformance result.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, explication), (definition, explication sur la signification de la conformité de ce résultat), (description, Une explication sur la conformité du résultat.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: DQ_ConformanceResult
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 131), (similarity, identical)
Item name: pass Item identifier: 168
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: indication of the conformance result where 0 = fail and 1 = pass
Description: Notification of whether the data passed or failed the conformance test.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, réussir), (definition, indication quant au résultat de conformité: 0 = échec, 1 = réussite), (description, Avis de réussite ou d'échec du test de conformité sur les données.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: DQ_ConformanceResult
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 132), (similarity, identical)
Item name: MaintenanceInformation Item identifier: 169
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: information about the scope and frequency of updating
Description: Information about how the resources or metadata records are updated.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, InformationMiseÀJour), (definition, information sur la portée et la fréquence des mises à jour), (description, Information sur la façon dont les ressources ou les enregistrements des métadonnées sont mises à jour.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_MaintenanceInformation
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 142), (similarity, identical)
Item name: maintenanceAndUpdateFrequency Item identifier: 170
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: frequency with which changes and additions are made to the resource after the initial resource is completed
Description: Frequency of changes and additions made to the resource after the initial completion.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, fréquenceMiseÀJour), (definition, rythme avec lequel les changements et ajouts sont apportés à la ressource après que la version initiale soit complétée), (description, Fréquence des modifications et des ajouts après l’achèvement initial de la ressource.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_MaintenanceInformation
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 143), (similarity, identical)
Item name: dateOfNextUpdate Item identifier: 171
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: scheduled revision date for resource
Description: The scheduled revision date for the resource.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, dateProchaineMiseJour), (definition, date planifiée de révision de la ressource), (description, Date de révision prévue pour la ressource.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_MaintenanceInformation
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 144), (similarity, identical)
Item name: userDefinedMaintenanceFrequency Item identifier: 172
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: maintenance period other than those defined
Description: The maintenance period other than those defined.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, fréquenceMiseÀJourUtilisateur), (definition, rythme de mise à jour autre que ceux définis), (description, Périodes de mise à jour autre que celles déjà définies.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_MaintenanceInformation
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 145), (similarity, identical)
Item name: updateScope Item identifier: 173
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: scope of data to which maintenance is applied
Description: Scope of data to which maintenance is applied.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, portéeMiseJour), (definition, portée des données visées par la mise à jour), (description, Portée des données visées par la mise à jour.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_MaintenanceInformation
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 146), (similarity, identical)
Item name: updateScopeDescription Item identifier: 174
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: additional information about the range or extent of the resource
Description: Additional information about the range or extent of the resource.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, descriptionPortéeMiseJour), (definition, information supplémentaire sur l'étendue de la ressource), (description, Information supplémentaire sur l'éventail ou l'étendue de la ressource.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_MaintenanceInformation
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 147), (similarity, identical)
Item name: maintenanceNote Item identifier: 175
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: information regarding specific requirements for maintaining the resource
Description: Information regarding specific requirements for maintaining the resource.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, remarqueMiseÀJour), (definition, information sur les exigences particulières pour la mise à jour de la ressource), (description, Information sur les exigences particulières concernant la mise à jour de la ressource.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_MaintenanceInformation
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 148), (similarity, identical)
Item name: contact Item identifier: 176
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: identification of, and means of communicating with, person(s) and organization(s) with responsibility for maintaining the metadata
Description: Identification of and means of communicating with, person and organization with responsibility for maintaining the resource.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, contact), (definition, identification de la (des) personne(s) et de l' (des) organisation(s) responsable(s) de la mise à jour des métadonnées), (description, Identification et moyen de communication avec la personne et l’organisation responsables de la mise à jour de la ressource.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_MaintenanceInformation
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 148.1), (similarity, identical)
Item name: SpatialRepresentationInformation Item identifier: 177
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: digital mechanism used to represent spatial information
Description: Description of attributes and components that provide information about spatial representation information.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, InformationReprésentationSpatiale), (definition, mode de structuration numérique utilisé pour représenter l'information spatiale), (description, Desciption des attributs et des composants qui fournissent l’information sur la représentation spatiale.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_SpatialRepresentation
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 156), (similarity, identical)
Item name: GridSpatialRepresentation Item identifier: 178
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: information about grid spatial objects in the dataset
Description: Information on the grid system used in the dataset.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, ReprésentationSpatialeRectangulaire), (definition, information sur les objets spatiaux rectangulaires du jeu de données), (description, Information sur le système rectangulaire utilisé dans le jeu de données.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_GridSpatialRepresentation
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 157), (similarity, identical)
Item name: numberOfDimensions Item identifier: 179
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: number of independent spatialtemporal axes
Description: The number of independent spatiotemporal axes.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, nombreDimensions), (definition, nombre d’axes spatiaux ou temporels indépendants), (description, Nombre d’axes spatio-temporels indépendants.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_GridSpatialRepresentation
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 158), (similarity, identical)
Item name: axisDimensionsProperties Item identifier: 180
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: information about spatial-temporal axis properties
Description: Information on the dimension name, size, and resolution used.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, propriétésAxes), (definition, propriétés des axes spatiaux et temporels), (description, Information sur le nom de la dimension, la taille et la résolution utilisée.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_GridSpatialRepresentation
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 159), (similarity, identical)
Item name: cellGeometry Item identifier: 181
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: identification of grid data as point or cell
Description: Identification of grid data as point or cell.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, géométrieÉlémentsRectangulaires), (definition, identification du type de représentation spatiale des éléments rectangulaires en tant que point ou cellule), (description, Identification des données rectangulaires en tant que point ou cellule.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_GridSpatialRepresentation
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 160), (similarity, identical)
Item name: transformationParameterAvailability Item identifier: 182
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: indication of whether or not parameters for transformation between image coordinates and geographic or map coordinates exist (are available)
Description: Indication of image coordinates and geographic or map coordinates availability.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, diponibilitéParamètresTransformation), (definition, indication quant à l'existence et la disponibilité des paramètres de transformation entre les coordonnées images et les coordonnées géographiques ou cartographiques), (description, Indication de la disponibilité des coordonnées images et des coordonnées géographiques ou cartographiques.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_GridSpatialRepresentation
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 161), (similarity, identical)
Item name: GeorectifiedGridInformation Item identifier: 183
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: grid whose cells are regularly spaced in a geographic (i.e., lat / long) or map coordinate system defined in the Spatial Referencing System (SRS) so that any cell in the grid can be geolocated given its grid coordinate and the grid origin, cell spacing, and orientation
Description: Information on the grid used to georectify the data.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, InformationRectangulaireGéorectifiée), (definition, données rectangulaires dont les éléments sont réparties régulièrement dans un système de coordonnées géographique (i.e. latitude / longitude) ou cartographique défini par un système de référence spatiale de sorte que n'importe quel élément des données rectangulaires peut être localisé géographiquement considérant les coordonnées rectangulaires, l'origine, le pas entre les éléments et l'orientation dont chaque pixel est localisé par rapport à un système de référence géodésique horizontal et vertical), (description, Information sur la grille rectangulaire utilisée pour la géorectification des données.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Georectified
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 162), (similarity, identical)
Item name: checkPointAvailability Item identifier: 184
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: indication of whether or not geographic position points are available to test the accuracy of the georeferenced grid data
Description: Indication of availability of geographic position points in order to test the accuracy of the georeferenced grid data.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, disponibilitéPointsVérification), (definition, indicateur de disponibilité de points de contrôle pour évaluer la précision des données rectangulaires géoréférencées), (description, Indicateur de disponibilité de points géographiques pour évaluer la précision des données rectangulaires géoréférencées.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Georectified
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 163), (similarity, identical)
Item name: checkPointDescription Item identifier: 185
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: description of geographic position points used to test the accuracy of the georeferenced grid data
Description: Description of geographic position points used to test the accuracy of the georeferenced grid data.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, descriptionPointsVérification), (definition, description des points de contrôle utilisés pour évaluer la précision des données rectangulaires géoréférencées), (description, Description des points géographiques pour évaluer la précision des données rectangulaires géoréférencées.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Georectified
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 164), (similarity, identical)
Item name: cornerPoints Item identifier: 186
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: earth location in the coordinate system defined by the Spatial Reference System and the grid coordinate of the cells at opposite ends of grid coverage along two diagonals in the grid spatial dimensions. There are four corner points in a georectified grid; at least two corner points along one diagonal are required. The first corner point corresponds to the origin of the grid
Description: Location in coordinate system defined by Spatial Reference System and grid coordinates of the cells at opposite ends of the grid coverage along two diagonals in the grid spatial dimension.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, repèreCoin), (definition, position terrestre selon le système de coordonnées, défini par le Système de référence spatiale et les coordonnées rectangulaires, des éléments rectangulaires des coins opposés de la couverture le long des deux diagonales. Il y a quatre repères de coin dans une couverture rectangulaire géorectifiée; deux repères de coin le long d'une même diagobale sont requis, le premier correspond à l'origine des données rectangulaires), (description, Position dans le système de coordonnées défini par le Système de référence spatiale et dans les coordonnées matricielles des éléments rectangulaires des coins opposés de la couverture le long des deux diagonales de la dimension spatiale rectangulaire.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Georectified
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 165), (similarity, identical)
Item name: centerPoint Item identifier: 187
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: earth location in the coordinate system defined by the Spatial Reference System and the grid coordinate of the cell halfway between opposite ends of the grid in the spatial dimensions
Description: Earth location, represented as a point, in the coordinate system defined by the Spatial Reference System and the grid coordinate of the cell halfway between opposite ends of the grid.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, repèreCentral), (definition, position terrestre selon le système de coordonnées, défini par le Système de référence spatiale et les coordonnées rectangulaires, des éléments rectangulaires à mi-chemin des limites opposées des données rectangulaires), (description, Position terrestre représentée comme un point dans le système de coordonnées défini par le Système de référence spatiale et les coordonnées matricielles, des éléments rectangulaires à michemin des limites opposées de la grille.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Georectified
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 166), (similarity, identical)
Item name: pointInPixel Item identifier: 188
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: point in a pixel corresponding to the Earth location of the pixel
Description: Point in a pixel corresponding to the Earth location of the pixel.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, localisationPixel), (definition, position dans un pixel correspondant à la localisation terrestre du pixel), (description, Emplacement du point à l'intérieur du pixel permettant de localiser le pixel sur la Terre.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Georectified
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 167), (similarity, identical)
Item name: transformationDimensionDescription Item identifier: 189
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: general description of the transformation
Description: General description of the transformation.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, descriptionTransformation), (definition, description générale de la transformation des données rectangulaires), (description, Description générale de la transformation.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Georectified
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 168), (similarity, identical)
Item name: transformationDimensionMapping Item identifier: 190
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: information about which grid axes are the spatial (map) axes
Description: Information about which grid axes are spatial axes.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, correspondanceTransformationDimension), (definition, information sur la correspondance entre les axes des données rectangulaires et les axes spatiaux ou cartographiques), (description, Information sur la correspondance entre les axes des données rectangulaires et les axes spatiaux ou cartographiques.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Georectified
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 169), (similarity, identical)
Item name: GeoreferenceableGridInformation Item identifier: 191
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: grid with cells irregularly spaced in any given geographic/map projection coordinate system, whose individual cells can be geolocated using geolocation information supplied with the data but cannot be geolocated from the grid properties alone
Description: Information on georeferencing the dataset.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, InformationRectangulaireGéoréférencible), (definition, données rectangulaires d'éléments espacés irrégulièrement, dans n'importe quel système de coordonnées géographique ou projeté, ou chaque élément peut être localisé géographiquement à l'aide d'information sur la géolocalisation fournie avec les données mais qui ne peuvent pas être localisées géographiquement uniquement à l'aide des propriétés des données rectangulaires), (description, Information sur le géoréférencement du jeu de données.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Georeferenceable
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 170), (similarity, identical)
Item name: controlPointAvailability Item identifier: 192
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: indication of whether or not control point(s) exists
Description: Indication of control point existence.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, disponibilitéPointsContrôle), (definition, indicateur de l'existence de points de contrôle), (description, Indicateur de l'existence de points de contrôle.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Georeferenceable
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 171), (similarity, identical)
Item name: orientationParameterAvailability Item identifier: 193
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: indication of whether or not orientation parameters are available
Description: Indication of orientation parameters availability.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, disponibilitéParamètresOrientation), (definition, indicateur de l'existence des paramètres d'orientation), (description, Indicateur de disponibilité des paramètres d'orientation.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Georeferenceable
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 172), (similarity, identical)
Item name: orientationParameterDescription Item identifier: 194
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: description of parameters used to describe sensor orientation
Description: Description of parameters used to describe sensor orientation.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, descriptionParamètresOrientation), (definition, description des paramètres d'orientation du capteur), (description, Description des paramètres d'orientation du capteur.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Georeferenceable
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 175), (similarity, identical)
Item name: georeferencedParameters Item identifier: 195
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: terms which support grid data georeferencing
Description: Terms which support grid data georeferencing.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, paramètresGéoréférence), (definition, termes qui soutiennent et décrivent la géoréférence de données rectangulaires), (description, Termes qui soutiennent la géoréférence de données rectangulaires.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Georeferenceable
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 174), (similarity, identical)
Item name: parameterCitation Item identifier: 196
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: reference providing description of the parameters
Description: Citation for the parameter reference.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, référenceParamètres), (definition, référence sur la description des paramètres), (description, Information de référence sur les paramètres.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Georeferenceable
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 175), (similarity, identical)
Item name: VectorSpatialRepresentation Item identifier: 197
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: information about the vector spatial objects in the dataset
Description: Information about the vector objects in the dataset.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, ReprésentationSpatialeVectorielle), (definition, information sur les objets spatiaux vectoriels du jeu de données), (description, Information sur les objets vectoriels du jeu de données.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_VectorSpatialRepresentation
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 176), (similarity, identical)
Item name: topologyLevel Item identifier: 198
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: code which identifies the degree of complexity of the spatial relationships
Description: Code to identify topology level in the dataset.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, niveauTopologique), (definition, code qui identifie le degré de complexité des relations spatiales), (description, Code qui identifie le niveau topologique du jeu de données.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_VectorSpatialRepresentation
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 177), (similarity, identical)
Item name: geometricObjects Item identifier: 199
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: information about the geometric objects used in the dataset
Description: Identification of the objects used to represent features in the dataset.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, objetsGéométriques), (definition, information sur les objets géométriques utilisés dans le jeu de données), (description, Identification des objets utilisés pour représenter les entités dans le jeu de données.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_VectorSpatialRepresentation
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 178), (similarity, identical)
Item name: Dimension Item identifier: 200
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: axis properties
Description: Information on the dimension name, size, and resolution used.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, Dimension), (definition, propriétés des axes), (description, Information sur le nom de la dimension, la taille et la résolution utilisée.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Dimension
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 179), (similarity, identical)
Item name: dimensionName Item identifier: 201
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: name of the axis
Description: Axis name.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, nomDimension), (definition, nom de l'axe), (description, Nom de l’axe.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Dimension
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 180), (similarity, identical)
Item name: dimensionSize Item identifier: 202
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: number of elements along the axis
Description: Number of elements along the axes.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, tailleDimension), (definition, nombre d'éléments le long de l'axe), (description, Nombre d’éléments le long de l’axe.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Dimension
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 181), (similarity, identical)
Item name: resolution Item identifier: 203
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: degree of detail in the grid dataset
Description: Degree of detail in the grid dataset.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, résolution), (definition, niveau de détail du jeu de données rectangulaires), (description, Niveau de détails du jeu de données rectangulaires.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Dimension
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 182), (similarity, identical)
Item name: GeometricObjects Item identifier: 204
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: number of objects, listed by geometric object type, used in the dataset
Description: Identification of the object type and number of objects in the dataset.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, ObjetsGéométriques), (definition, nombre d'objets par type d'objet géométrique utilisé dans le jeu de données), (description, Identification du type d’objets et du nombre d’objets présents dans le jeu de données.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_GeometricObjects
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 183), (similarity, identical)
Item name: geometricObjectType Item identifier: 205
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: name of point or vector objects used to locate zero-, one-, two-, or three-dimensional spatial locations in the dataset
Description: Name of point or vector objects to locate zero, one, two or three dimensional locations in the dataset.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, typeObjetGéométrique), (definition, identification des objets ponctuels ou vectoriels utilisés pour localiser des endroits en zéro, une, deux ou trois dimensions dans le jeu de données), (description, Nom de l'objet géométrique, point ou vecteur, utilisé pour localiser dans l’espace les objets de zéro, une, deux ou trois dimensions dans un jeu de données.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_GeometricObjects
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 184), (similarity, identical)
Item name: geometricObjectCount Item identifier: 206
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: total number of the point or vector object type occurring in the dataset
Description: Total number of point or vector objects in the dataset.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, nombreObjetsGéométriques), (definition, nombre total d'objets de type ponctuel ou vectoriel présents dans le jeu de données), (description, Nombre total d’objets de type ponctuel ou vectoriel présents dans un jeu de données.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_GeometricObjects
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 185), (similarity, identical)
Item name: ReferenceSystemInformation Item identifier: 207
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: information about the reference system
Description: Identification of the spatial and temporal reference systems used.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, InformationSystèmeRéférence), (definition, information sur le système de référence), (description, Identification des systèmes de référence spatiale et temporelle utilisés.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_ReferenceSystem
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 186), (similarity, identical)
Item name: referenceSystemIdentifier Item identifier: 208
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: name of reference system
Description: Identifier of the Reference System.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, identifiantSystèmeRéférence), (definition, nom du système de référence), (description, Identifiant du système de référence.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_ReferenceSystem
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 187), (similarity, identical)
Item name: MetadataIdentifier Item identifier: 209
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-05-16
Definition: value uniquely identifying an object within a namespace
Description: Information about the unique identification of an object.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, IdentifiantMétadonnées), (definition, valeur unique qui identifie un objet à l'intérieur d'un espace de nom), (description, Information sur l’identification unique d’un objet.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Identifier
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 205), (similarity, identical)
Item name: authority Item identifier: 210
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-05-16
Definition: person or party responsible for maintenance of the namespace
Description: Recognized responsible party or organization for a reference.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, autorité), (definition, personne ou groupe responsable du maintien de l'espace de nom), (description, Nom de la personne ou de l’organisme responsable de la référence.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Identifier
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 206), (similarity, identical)
Item name: code Item identifier: 211
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-05-16
Definition: alphanumeric value identifying an instance in the namespace
Description: The alphanumeric value that identifies a resource.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, code), (definition, valeur alphanumérique identifiant une occurrence dans un espace de nom), (description, Valeur alphanumérique qui identifie une ressource.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Identifier
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 207), (similarity, identical)
Item name: ReferenceSystemIdentifier Item identifier: 212
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: identifier used for reference systems
Description: Identifiant du système de référence.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, IdentifiantSystèmesRéférence), (definition, identifiant utilisé pour les systèmes de référence), (description, Identifier of the Reference System.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: RS_Identifier
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 208), (similarity, identical)
Item name: codeSpace Item identifier: 213
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: name or identifier of the person or organization responsible for namespace
Description: Identifier/namespace of the system in which the code is valid, e.g. ""
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, responsableEspaceNom), (definition, nom ou identifiant de la personne ou de l'organisation responsable de l'espace de nom), (description, Identifiant ou espace de nom du système dans lequel le code est valide, p. ex. « ».), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: RS_Identifier
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 208.1), (similarity, identical)
Item name: version Item identifier: 214
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: version identifier for the namespace
Description: The cited reference system version, e.g. "6.13."
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, version), (definition, identifiant de la version de l'espace de nom), (description, Information sur la version du système de référence, p. ex. « 6.13 ».), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: RS_Identifier
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 208.2), (similarity, identical)
Item name: ContentInformation Item identifier: 215
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: description of the content of a dataset
Description: Describes the dataset content.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, InformationContenu), (definition, description du contenu d'un jeu de données), (description, Décrit le contenu du jeu de données.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_ContentInformation
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 232), (similarity, identical)
Item name: FeatureCatalogueDescription Item identifier: 216
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: information identifying the feature catalogue or the conceptual schema
Description: Identification of the feature catalogue or the conceptual schema.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, DescriptionCatalogueEntités), (definition, information qui identifie le catalogue d'entités ou le modèle conceptuel), (description, Identification du catalogue d'entités ou du modèle conceptuel.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_FeatureCatalogueDescription
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 233), (similarity, identical)
Item name: complianceCode Item identifier: 217
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: indication of whether or not the cited feature catalogue complies with ISO 19110
Description: Indication of whether the cited feature catalogue complies with ISO 19110.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, codeConformité), (definition, indication sur la conformité du catalogue d'entités avec la norme ISO 19110), (description, Indication sur la conformité du catalogue d'entités avec la norme ISO 19110.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_FeatureCatalogueDescription
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 234), (similarity, identical)
Item name: language Item identifier: 218
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: language(s) used within the catalogue
Description: Language and character coding standards of the feature catalogue.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, langue), (definition, langue(s) utilisée(s) dans le catalogue), (description, Langue et normes de codage des caractères utilisées dans le catalogue d’entités.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_FeatureCatalogueDescription
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 235), (similarity, identical)
Item name: includedWithDataset Item identifier: 219
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: indication of whether or not the feature catalogue is included with the dataset
Description: Is the feature catalogue included with the dataset?
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, indicateurInclusion), (definition, indication à l'effet que le catalogue d’entités géographiques est incorporé au jeu de données), (description, Indique si le catalogue d’entités est inclus avec le jeu de données.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_FeatureCatalogueDescription
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 236), (similarity, identical)
Item name: featureTypes Item identifier: 220
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: subset of feature types from cited feature catalogue occurring in dataset
Description: Feature type identifier and/or generic name of feature as listed in the feature catalogue.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, typesEntitéGéographique), (definition, sous ensemble des entités géographiques du catalogue que l'on retrouve dans le jeu de données), (description, Identifiant du type d'entité et/ou nom générique de l’entité énuméré dans le catalogue d’entités.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_FeatureCatalogueDescription
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 237), (similarity, identical)
Item name: featureCatalogueCitation Item identifier: 221
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: complete bibliographic reference to one or more external feature catalogues
Description: Citation to reference the feature catalogue.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, référenceCatalogue), (definition, référence bibliographique complète d'un ou plusieurs catalogues externes d'entités géographiques), (description, Référence documentaire du catalogue d’entités.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_FeatureCatalogueDescription
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 238), (similarity, identical)
Item name: CoverageDescription Item identifier: 222
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: information about the content of a grid data cell
Description: Information about the content of grid data cells.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, DescriptionCouverture), (definition, information sur le contenu d’un élément de données rectangulaires), (description, Information sur le contenu des éléments de données rectangulaires.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_CoverageDescription
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 239), (similarity, identical)
Item name: attributeDescription Item identifier: 223
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: description of the attribute described by the measurement value
Description: Description of the attribute corresponding to the cell measurement.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, descriptionAttribut), (definition, description de l'attribut decrit par la mesure), (description, Description de l’attribut correspondant à la mesure de l’élément de données rectangulaires.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_CoverageDescription
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 240), (similarity, identical)
Item name: contentType Item identifier: 224
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: type of information represented by the cell value
Description: Information represented by the cell.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, typeContenu), (definition, type d’information représentée par l'élément de données rectangulaire), (description, Information représentée par l'élément de données rectangulaires.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_CoverageDescription
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 241), (similarity, identical)
Item name: dimension Item identifier: 225
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: information on the dimensions of the cell measurement value
Description: Information on the dimensions of the cell measurement value.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, dimension), (definition, information sur les dimensions de la mesure de l'élément de données rectangulaires), (description, Information sur les dimensions de la mesure de l'élément de données rectangulaires.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_CoverageDescription
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 242), (similarity, identical)
Item name: ImageDescription Item identifier: 226
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: information about an image’s suitability for use
Description: Information about image characteristics
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, DescriptionImage), (definition, description à propos de la pertinence d'une image quant à une utilisation), (description, Information sur les caractéristiques de l’image.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_ImageDescription
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 243), (similarity, identical)
Item name: illuminationElevationAngle Item identifier: 227
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: illumination elevation measured in degrees clockwise from the target plane at intersection of the optical line of sight with the Earth’s surface. For images from a scanning device, refer to the centre pixel of the image
Description: Illumination elevation measured in degrees clockwise from the target plane at intersection of the optical line of sight with the Earth’s surface.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, hauteurÉclairement), (definition, hauteur d'éclairement mesurée en degrés dans le sens des aiguilles d'une montre entre le plan cible à l’intersection de la ligne de visée et l'horizon. Pour des images captées par un système de balayage, se référer au pixel centre de l'image), (description, Hauteur d'éclairement mesurée en degrés dans le sens des aiguilles d'une montre entre le plan cible à l’intersection de la ligne de visée et l'horizon.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_ImageDescription
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 244), (similarity, identical)
Item name: illuminationAzimuthAngle Item identifier: 228
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: illumination azimuth measured in degrees clockwise from true north at the time the image is taken. For images from a scanning device, refer to the centre pixel of the image
Description: Illumination azimuth measured in degrees clockwise from true north at the time the image is taken.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, angleÉclairementAzimuth), (definition, angle d'éclairement en azimut mesurée en degrés dans le sens des aiguilles d'une montre depuis le nord vrai au moment de la prise de l'image. Pour des images captées par un système de balayage, se référer au pixel centre de l'image), (description, Éclairement en azimut mesurée en degrés dans le sens des aiguilles d'une montre depuis le nord vrai au moment de la prise de l'image.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_ImageDescription
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 245), (similarity, identical)
Item name: imagingCondition Item identifier: 229
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: conditions affected the image
Description: Conditions affecting the image.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, conditionImage), (definition, conditions qui affectent l'image), (description, Conditions qui affectent l'image.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_ImageDescription
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 246), (similarity, identical)
Item name: imageQualityCode Item identifier: 230
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: specifies the image quality
Description: Specifies the image quality.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, codeQualitéImage), (definition, indication de la qualité de l'image), (description, Indication de la qualité de l’image.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_ImageDescription
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 247), (similarity, identical)
Item name: cloudCoverPercentage Item identifier: 231
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: area of the dataset obscured by clouds, expressed as a percentage of the spatial extent
Description: Percentage of dataset area obscured by clouds.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, couvertureNuageuse), (definition, surface du jeu de données masquée par des nuages, exprimé par un pourcentage de l'étendue spatiale), (description, Pourcentage de l'étendue spatiale du jeu de données masquée par des nuages.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_ImageDescription
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 248), (similarity, identical)
Item name: processingLevelCode Item identifier: 232
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: image distributor’s code that identifies the level of radiometric and geometric processing that has been applied
Description: Identification of the image processing level.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, codeNiveauTraitement), (definition, indication du distributeur de l'image quant au niveau des traitements radiométriques et géométriques réalisés), (description, Identification du niveau de traitement de l’image.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_ImageDescription
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 249), (similarity, identical)
Item name: compressionGenerationQuantity Item identifier: 233
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: count of the number of lossy compression cycles performed on the image
Description: The number of compression cycles performed on the image.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, quantitéGénérationCompression), (definition, nombre de cycles de compression avec perte réalisés sur l'image), (description, Nombre de cycles de compression réalisés sur l’image.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_ImageDescription
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 250), (similarity, identical)
Item name: triangulationIndicator Item identifier: 234
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: indication of whether or not triangulation has been performed upon the image
Description: Indication if triangulation was performed on the image.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, indicateurTriangulation), (definition, indication quant à l'exécution ou non d'une triangulation sur l'image), (description, Indication quant à l’exécution ou non d’une triangulation sur l’image.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_ImageDescription
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 251), (similarity, identical)
Item name: radiometricCalibrationDataAvailability Item identifier: 235
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: indication of whether or not the radiometric calibration information for generating the radiometrically calibrated standard data product is available
Description: Indication if radiometric calibration information to generate radiometrically calibrated standard data product is available.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, disponibilitéDonnéesÉtalonnageRadiométrique), (definition, indication quant à la disponibilité ou non d'information sur l'étallonnage radiométrique pour la génération de produits uniformes étalonnés radiométriquement), (description, Indication quant à la disponibilité de l’information sur l'étalonnage radiométrique pour la génération de produits uniformes étalonnés radiométriquement.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_ImageDescription
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 252), (similarity, identical)
Item name: cameraCalibrationInformationAvailability Item identifier: 236
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: indication of whether or not constants are available which allow for camera calibration corrections
Description: Indication of camera calibration constants availability.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, disponibilitéInformationÉtalonnageCaméra), (definition, indication quant à la disponibilité ou non des constantes permettant les corrections d'étalonnage de la caméra), (description, Indication quant à la disponibilité des constantes d'étalonnage de la camera.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_ImageDescription
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 253), (similarity, identical)
Item name: filmDistortionInformationAvailability Item identifier: 237
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: indication of whether or not Calibration Reseau information is available
Description: Indication of Calibration Reseau information availability.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, disponibilitéInformationDéformationFilm), (definition, indication quant à la disponibilité ou non d'information du réseau en grille), (description, Indication quant à la disponibilité de l’information du réseau en grille.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_ImageDescription
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 254), (similarity, identical)
Item name: lensDistortionInformationAvailability Item identifier: 238
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: indication of whether or not lens aberration correction information is available
Description: Indication of lens aberration correction information availability.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, disponibilitéInformationDistorsionObjectif), (definition, indication quant à la disponibilité ou non d'information sur l'aberration de l'objectif), (description, Indication quant à la disponibilité de l’information sur l'aberration de l'objectif.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_ImageDescription
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 255), (similarity, identical)
Item name: Dimension Item identifier: 239
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: information on the range of each dimension of a cell measurement value
Description: Information on the dimensions of the cell measurement value.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, Dimension), (definition, information sur la distance en portée de chaque dimension de la mesure d'une cellule), (description, Information sur les dimensions de la mesure de l'élément de données rectangulaires.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_RangeDimension
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 256), (similarity, identical)
Item name: sequenceIdentifier Item identifier: 240
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: number that uniquely identifies instances of bands of wavelengths on which a sensor operates
Description: Sensor band wavelengths.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, identifiantSéquence), (definition, nombre qui identifie de façon unique les bandes spectrales du capteur), (description, Bandes spectrales du capteur.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_RangeDimension
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 257), (similarity, identical)
Item name: descriptor Item identifier: 241
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: description of the range of a cell measurement value
Description: Description of cell value range.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, descripteur), (definition, description de l'intervalle de mesure d'une cellule), (description, Description de l'intervalle de mesure d'une cellule.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_RangeDimension
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 258), (similarity, identical)
Item name: Band Item identifier: 242
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: range of wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum
Description: Range of wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, Bande), (definition, intervalle de longueurs d'onde du spectre électromagnétique), (description, Intervalle de longueurs d'onde du spectre électromagnétique.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Band
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 259), (similarity, identical)
Item name: maxValue Item identifier: 243
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: longest wavelength that the sensor is capable of collecting within a designated band
Description: Longest wavelength the sensor is capable of collecting within the designated band.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, valeurMaximale), (definition, longueur d’onde la plus longue que peut enregistrer le capteur dans une bande indiquée), (description, Longueur d’onde la plus longue que peut enregistrer le capteur dans la bande indiquée.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Band
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 260), (similarity, identical)
Item name: minValue Item identifier: 244
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: shortest wavelength that the sensor is capable of collecting within a designated band
Description: Shortest wavelength the sensor is capable of collecting within the designated band.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, valeurMinimale), (definition, longueur d’onde la plus courte que peut enregistrer le capteur dans une bande indiquée), (description, Longueur d’onde la plus courte que peut enregistrer le capteur dans la bande indiquée.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Band
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 261), (similarity, identical)
Item name: units Item identifier: 245
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: units in which sensor wavelengths are expressed
Description: Sensor wavelength units.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, unités), (definition, unités dans lesquelles les longueurs d'onde du capteur sont exprimées), (description, Unités dans lesquelles les longueurs d'onde du capteur sont exprimées.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Band
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 262), (similarity, identical)
Item name: peakResponse Item identifier: 246
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: wavelength at which the response is the highest
Description: Highest wavelength response.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, réponseCrête), (definition, longueur d'onde pour laquelle la réponse est la plus haute), (description, Longueur d'onde pour laquelle la réponse est la plus haute.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Band
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 263), (similarity, identical)
Item name: bitsPerValue Item identifier: 247
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: maximum number of significant bits in the uncompressed representation for the value in each band of each pixel
Description: Maximum number of significant bits in the uncompressed representation for the value in each band of each pixel.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, bitsParValeur), (definition, nombre maximal de bits significatifs de la représentation non compressée pour les valeurs de chaque pixel de chaque bande), (description, Nombre maximal de bits significatifs de la représentation non compressée des valeurs de chaque pixel de chaque bande.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Band
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 264), (similarity, identical)
Item name: toneGradation Item identifier: 248
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: number of discrete numerical values in the grid data
Description: Number of discrete numerical values in the grid data.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, tonalité), (definition, nombre de valeurs numériques discrètes des données rectangulaires), (description, Nombre de valeurs numériques discrètes des données rectangulaires.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Band
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 265), (similarity, identical)
Item name: scaleFactor Item identifier: 249
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: scale factor which has been applied to the cell value
Description: Scale factor applied to each cell value.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, facteurÉchelle), (definition, facteur échelle appliqué à la valeur de la cellule), (description, Facteur échelle appliqué à chaque valeur de cellule.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Band
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 266), (similarity, identical)
Item name: offset Item identifier: 250
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: the physical value corresponding to a cell value of zero
Description: The physical value corresponding to a cell value of zero.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, décalage), (definition, valeur physique correspondant à une valeur de cellule de zéro), (description, Valeur physique correspondant à une valeur de cellule de zéro.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Band
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 267), (similarity, identical)
Item name: PortrayalCatalogueInformation Item identifier: 251
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: information identifying the portrayal catalogue used
Description: Information used to identify and locate the portrayal catalogue.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, InformationCatalogueReprésentation), (definition, information identifiant le catalogue de symboles et de règles utilisé pour la représentation cartographique), (description, Information utilisée pour identifier et trouver le catalogue de représentation.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_PortrayalCatalogueReference
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 268), (similarity, identical)
Item name: portrayalCatalogueCitation Item identifier: 252
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: bibliographic reference to the portrayal catalogue cited
Description: Bibliographic citation for the portrayal catalogue.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, référenceCatalogueReprésentation), (definition, référence bibliographique du catalogue de représentation), (description, Référence bibliographique du catalogue de représentation.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_PortrayalCatalogueReference
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 269), (similarity, identical)
Item name: DistributionInformation Item identifier: 253
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: information about the distributor of and options for obtaining the resource
Description: Information about the dataset distributor and options to obtain the dataset.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, InformationDistribution), (definition, information sur le distributeur et les options pour l'obtention de la ressource), (description, Information sur le distributeur d’un jeu de données et sur les possibilités à utiliser pour obtenir le jeu de données.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Distribution
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 270), (similarity, identical)
Item name: transferOptions Item identifier: 254
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: provides information about technical means and media by which a resource is obtained from the distributor
Description: The means and media by which the data/dataset is obtained from the distributor.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, optionsTransmission), (definition, information sur les moyens techniques et les supports d'obtention de la ressource du distributeur), (description, Moyens techniques et supports d'obtention des données ou du jeu de données du distributeur.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Distribution
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 273), (similarity, identical)
Item name: distributor Item identifier: 255
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: provides information about the distributor
Description: Information about the data distributor.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, distributeur), (definition, information sur le(s) distributeur(s)), (description, Information sur le distributeur de données.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Distribution
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 272), (similarity, identical)
Item name: distributionFormat Item identifier: 256
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: provides a description of the format of the data to be distributed
Description: Description of distribution format.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, formatDistribution), (definition, description du (des) format(s) de distribution des données), (description, Description du format de distribution.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Distribution
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 271), (similarity, identical)
Item name: TransferOptions Item identifier: 257
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: technical means and media by which a resource is obtained from the distributor
Description: The means and media by which the data/dataset is obtained from the distributor.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, OptionsTransmission), (definition, moyens techniques et supports d'obtention d'une ressource du distributeur), (description, Moyens techniques et supports d'obtention des données ou du jeu de données du distributeur.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_DigitalTransferOptions
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 274), (similarity, identical)
Item name: unitsOfDistribution Item identifier: 258
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-01
Definition: tiles, layers, geographic areas, etc., in which data is available
Description: Tiles, layers, geographic areas, etc. in which the data is available.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, unitésDistribution), (definition, tuiles, couches, découpages géographiques, etc. dans lesquelles les données sont disponibles), (description, Tuiles, couches, découpages géographiques, etc. dans lesquelles les données sont disponibles.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_DigitalTransferOptions
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 275), (similarity, identical)
Item name: transferSize Item identifier: 259
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: estimated size of a unit in the specified transfer format, expressed in megabytes. The transfer size is > 0.0
Description: Estimated size of the transfer unit in the specified format, expressed in megabytes.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, tailleTransmission), (definition, grosseur estimée en mégaoctets d'une unité ou fichier dans le format de transmission précisé. La taille de transmission est > 0.0), (description, Taille estimée en mégaoctets d'une unité de transmission dans le format précisé.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_DigitalTransferOptions
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 276), (similarity, identical)
Item name: onLine Item identifier: 260
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: information about online sources from which the resource can be obtained
Description: Information about the online sources where the data/dataset may be obtained.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, enLigne), (definition, information sur les sources en ligne desquelles on peut obtenir la ressource), (description, Information au sujet des ressources en ligne à partir desquels les données ou le jeu de données peuvent être obtenus.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_DigitalTransferOptions
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 277), (similarity, identical)
Item name: offLine Item identifier: 261
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: information about offline media on which the resource can be obtained
Description: Information about the offline distribution media.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, horsLigne), (definition, information sur les supports d'obtention de la ressource), (description, Information sur le support d'obtention des données.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_DigitalTransferOptions
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 278), (similarity, identical)
Item name: Distributor Item identifier: 262
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: information about the distributor
Description: Information about the data distributor.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, Distributeur), (definition, information à propos du distributeur), (description, Information sur le distributeur de données.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Distributor
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 279), (similarity, identical)
Item name: distributorContact Item identifier: 263
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: party from whom the resource may be obtained. This list need not be exhaustive
Description: Information on party responsible for dataset distribution.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, contactDistributeur), (definition, personne ou groupe duquel la ressource peut être obtenu. Cette liste n'a pas besoin d'être exhaustive), (description, Information sur la personne ou l’organisation responsable de la distribution du jeu de données.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Distributor
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 280), (similarity, identical)
Item name: distributionOrderProcess Item identifier: 264
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: provides information about how the resource may be obtained, and related instructions and fee information
Description: The process to follow when obtaining the dataset.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, procédureCommande), (definition, information sur la procédure d'obtention de la ressource, ainsi que les instructions et les frais associés), (description, Procédure à suivre pour obtenir le jeu de données.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Distributor
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 281), (similarity, identical)
Item name: DistributionFormat Item identifier: 265
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: description of the computer language construct that specifies the representation of data objects in a record, file, message, storage device or transmission channel
Description: Description of distribution format.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, FormatDistribution), (definition, description de la structure informatique qui régit la représentation des données (objets) dans un enregistrement, un fichier, un message, un système d'emmagasinage ou un canal de transmission), (description, Description du format de distribution.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Format
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 284), (similarity, identical)
Item name: name Item identifier: 266
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: name of the data transfer format(s)
Description: Name of the data transfer format.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, nom), (definition, nom du (des) format(s) de transmission de données), (description, Nom du format de transmission de données), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Format
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 285), (similarity, identical)
Item name: version Item identifier: 267
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: version of the format (date, number, etc.)
Description: Version of the format (date, number, etc).
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, version), (definition, version du format (date, numéro, etc.)), (description, Version du format (date, numéro, etc.).), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Format
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 286), (similarity, identical)
Item name: amendmentNumber Item identifier: 268
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: amendment number of the format version
Description: Format version amendment number.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, numéroModification), (definition, numéro de modification de la version du format), (description, Numéro de modification de la version du format.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Format
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 287), (similarity, identical)
Item name: specification Item identifier: 269
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: name of a subset, profile, or product specification of the format
Description: The subset name, profile, or product specification of the format.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, spécification), (definition, nom d'un sous-ensemble, d'un profil ou d'une spécification de produit du format), (description, Nom d'un sousensemble, d'un profil ou d'une spécification de produit du format.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Format
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 288), (similarity, identical)
Item name: fileDecompressionTechnique Item identifier: 270
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: recommendations of algorithms or processes that can be applied to read or expand resources to which compression techniques have been applied
Description: Description of recommended processes or algorithms to apply to the compressed resource.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, techniqueDécompressionFichier), (definition, recommandation sur les algorithmes ou processus qui peuvent être utilisés pour lire ou développer des ressources auxquelles des techniques de compression ont été appliquées), (description, Description des algorithmes ou processus recommandés à appliquer à la ressource compressée.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Format
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 289), (similarity, identical)
Item name: StandardOrderProcess Item identifier: 271
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: common ways in which the resource may be obtained or received, and related instructions and fee information
Description: The process in which the resource is obtained or received and other related instructions or fee information.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, ProcédureCommande), (definition, procédures régulières d'obtention de la ressource, ainsi que les instructions et les frais associés), (description, Procédure d'obtention ou de réception de la ressource, ainsi que des instructions et les frais associés.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_StandardOrderProcess
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 298), (similarity, identical)
Item name: fees Item identifier: 272
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: fees and terms for retrieving the resource
Description: Fees and terms for obtaining the data/dataset.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, frais), (definition, frais et conditions pour récupérer la resource. Inclut les unités monétaires (tel que spécifié dans ISO 4217)), (description, Frais et modalités pour obtenir les données ou le jeu de données.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_StandardOrderProcess
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 299), (similarity, identical)
Item name: plannedAvailableDateTime Item identifier: 273
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: date and time when the resource will be available
Description: Date and time the resource will be available.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, dateDisponibilitéPlanifié), (definition, date et temps quand la ressource sera disponible), (description, Date et heure de disponibilité de la ressource.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_StandardOrderProcess
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 300), (similarity, identical)
Item name: orderingInstructions Item identifier: 274
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: general instructions, terms and services provided by the distributor
Description: General instructions, terms, and services provided by the data distributor.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, instructionsCommande), (definition, instructions générales, conditions et services fournis par le distributeur), (description, Instructions générales, modalités et services fournis par le distributeur de données.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_StandardOrderProcess
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 301), (similarity, identical)
Item name: turnaround Item identifier: 275
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: typical turnaround time for the filling of an order
Description: Typical time required for filling a data request.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, délaiLivraison), (definition, délai typique de préparation et de livraison d'une commande), (description, Délai typique de préparation et de livraison d'une commande.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_StandardOrderProcess
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 302), (similarity, identical)
Item name: Medium Item identifier: 276
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: information about the media on which the resource can be distributed
Description: Information on the name, density, density units, volumes, medium format, and medium note used to describe the transfer of data to a medium.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, Support), (definition, information sur les média par lesquels la ressource peut être transmise), (description, Information sur le nom, la densité, les unités de densité, les volumes, le format et des remarques pour décrire le transfert des données vers un support.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Medium
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 291), (similarity, identical)
Item name: name Item identifier: 277
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: name of the medium on which the resource can be received
Description: Medium name code.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, nom), (definition, nom du support sur lequel la ressource peut être obtenue), (description, Code du nom du support.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Medium
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 292), (similarity, identical)
Item name: density Item identifier: 278
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: density at which the data is recorded
Description: The recording density on the specified media.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, densité), (definition, densité avec laquelle les données sont enregistrées), (description, Densité d’enregistrement du support.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Medium
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 293), (similarity, identical)
Item name: densityUnits Item identifier: 279
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: units of measure for the recording density
Description: The recording density units.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, unitéDensité), (definition, unité de mesure de la densité d'enregistrement), (description, Unité de mesure de la densité d’enregistrement.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Medium
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 294), (similarity, identical)
Item name: volumes Item identifier: 280
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: number of items in the media identified
Description: Identification of the number of recorded items on the media.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, volumes), (definition, nombre d'items (ou de partitions) dans le support identifié), (description, Nombre d’éléments enregistrés sur le support de données.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Medium
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 295), (similarity, identical)
Item name: mediumFormat Item identifier: 281
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: method used to write to the medium
Description: Method used to write to the medium.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, formatSupport), (definition, méthode utilisée pour écrire sur le support), (description, Méthode utilisée pour écrire sur le support.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Medium
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 296), (similarity, identical)
Item name: mediumNote Item identifier: 282
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: description of other limitations or requirements for using the medium
Description: Description of limitations or requirements for using the medium.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, remarqueSupport), (definition, description de limites ou d'exigences additionnelles pour l'utilisation du support), (description, Description des limites ou des exigences additionnelles pour l'utilisation du support.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_Medium
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 297), (similarity, identical)
Item name: ApplicationSchemaInformation Item identifier: 283
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: information about the application schema used to build the dataset
Description: Information about the application schema used to develop the dataset.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, InformationSchémaApplication), (definition, information sur le schéma d'application utilisé pour la construction du jeu de données), (description, Information sur le schéma d’application utilisé pour réaliser le jeu de données.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_ApplicationSchemaInformation
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 320), (similarity, identical)
Item name: name Item identifier: 284
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: name of the application schema used
Description: Citation for the application schema.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, nom), (definition, nom du chéma d'application utilisé), (description, Référence documentaire sur le schéma d’application.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_ApplicationSchemaInformation
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 321), (similarity, identical)
Item name: schemaLanguage Item identifier: 285
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: identification of the schema language used
Description: identification of the schema language.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, langageSchéma), (definition, identification du langage utilisé pour décrire le schéma), (description, Identification du langage de schéma utilisé), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_ApplicationSchemaInformation
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 322), (similarity, identical)
Item name: constraintLanguage Item identifier: 286
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: formal language used in Application Schema
Description: Identification of the formal language used to describe constraints in the application schema.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, langageContrainte), (definition, langage formel de description de contraintes utilisé dans le schéma d'application), (description, Identification du langage formel utilisé pour décrire les contraintes dans le schéma d'application.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_ApplicationSchemaInformation
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 323), (similarity, identical)
Item name: schemaAscii Item identifier: 287
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: full application schema given as an ASCII file
Description: Full application schema given as an ASCII file.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, schémaAscii), (definition, schéma d'application complet présenté dans un fichier ASCII), (description, Schéma d'application complet présenté dans un fichier ASCII.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_ApplicationSchemaInformation
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 324), (similarity, identical)
Item name: graphicsFile Item identifier: 288
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: full application schema given as a graphics file
Description: Full application schema given as a graphics file.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, fichierGraphique), (definition, schéma d'application complet présenté dans un fichier graphique), (description, Schéma d'application complet présenté dans un fichier graphique.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_ApplicationSchemaInformation
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 325), (similarity, identical)
Item name: softwareDevelopmentFile Item identifier: 289
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: full application schema given as a software development file
Description: Full application schema given as a software development file.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, fichierLogiciel), (definition, schéma d'application complet présenté sous forme d'un fichier de données d'un logiciel d'application), (description, Schéma d'application complet présenté sous forme de fichier de données d’une application logicielle.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_ApplicationSchemaInformation
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 326), (similarity, identical)
Item name: softwareDevelopmentFileFormat Item identifier: 290
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: software dependent format used for the application schema software dependent file
Description: Software dependent format used for the application schema software dependent file.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, formatFichierLogiciel), (definition, format du fichier de données utilisé par logiciel d'application pour représenter le schéma d'application), (description, Format du fichier de données utilisé par le logiciel d'application pour représenter le schéma d'application.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: MD_ApplicationSchemaInformation
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 327), (similarity, identical)
Item name: Extent Information Item identifier: 291
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: information about horizontal, vertical, and temporal extent
Description: Describes the spatial (horizontal and/or vertical) and the temporal coverage in the dataset.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, Étendue), (definition, information sur l'étendue géographique, verticale et temporelle), (description, Décrit la couverture spatiale (horizontale et/ou verticale) et temporelle du jeu de données.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: EX_Extent
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 334), (similarity, identical)
Item name: description Item identifier: 292
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: spatial and temporal extent for the referring object
Description: Text which describes the spatial and temporal extent of the dataset.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, description), (definition, description narrative de l'étendue spatiale et temporelle de l'objet concerné), (description, Texte qui décrit l'étendue spatiale et temporelle du jeu de données.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: EX_Extent
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 335), (similarity, identical)
Item name: geographicElement Item identifier: 293
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: provides geographic component of the extent of the referring object
Description: An element which describes inclusions or exclusions in a resource. The extent is expressed by (1) the enclosed boundary of the dataset expressed in x-y coordinates, or (2) by an approximation on the horizontal extent of the data represented by a rectangle-like shape, or (3) by the geographic extent described by an identifier.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, élémentGéographique), (definition, information sur l’étendue géographique de l'objet concerné), (description, Élément qui décrit les inclusions ou les exclusions dans une ressource. L'étendue est exprimée par (1) la limite du jeu de données exprimée sous forme de coordonnées (x,y), ou par (2) une approximation de l’étendue horizontale des données représentées par un objet de forme rectangulaire, ou (3) par l’étendue géographique est décrite à l’aide d’un identifiant.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: EX_Extent
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 336), (similarity, identical)
Item name: temporalElement Item identifier: 294
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: provides temporal component of the extent of the referring object
Description: The time period related to the dataset content.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, élémentTemporel), (definition, information sur l’étendue temporelle de l'objet concerné), (description, Information sur la période couverte par le contenu du jeu de données.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: EX_Extent
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 337), (similarity, identical)
Item name: verticalElement Item identifier: 295
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: provides vertical component of the extent of the referring object
Description: The elements which express the minimum and maximum of the vertical extent of the dataset.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, élémentVertical), (definition, information sur l’étendue verticale de l'objet concerné), (description, Éléments qui décrivent les valeurs verticales minimale et maximale de l'étendue du jeu de données.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: EX_Extent
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 338), (similarity, identical)
Item name: GeographicElement Item identifier: 296
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: geographic area of the dataset
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, ÉlémentGéographique), (definition, couverture géographique du jeu de données), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: EX_GeographicExtent
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 339), (similarity, identical)
Item name: extentTypeCode Item identifier: 297
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: indication of whether the bounding polygon encompasses an area covered by the data or an area where data is not present
Description: Indication of the bounding polygon including or excluding areas or when the dataset includes areas where data does not exist.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, indicateurInclusionÉtendue), (definition, indication à l'effet que le polygone limite circoncrit une aire couverte ou non par des données), (description, Renseignement si le polygone limite inclut ou exclut les régions, ou indique les régions du jeu de données où les données sont inexistantes.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: EX_GeographicExtent
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 340), (similarity, identical)
Item name: BoundingPolygon Item identifier: 298
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: boundary enclosing the dataset, expressed as the closed set of (x,y) coordinates of the polygon (last point replicates first point)
Description: An element which describes inclusions or exclusions in a resource. The enclosed boundary of the dataset expressed in xy coordinates.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, PolygoneLimite), (definition, limite entourant le jeu de données, exprimé sous d'un ensemble fermé de coordonnées (x,y) du polygone (le dernier point répète le premier point)), (description, Élément qui décrit les inclusions ou les exclusions dans une ressource. Limite du jeu de données exprimée sous forme de coordonnées (x,y).), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: EX_BoundingPolygon
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 341), (similarity, identical)
Item name: polygon Item identifier: 299
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: sets of points defining the bounding polygon
Description: Bounding polygon represented by coordinate pairs.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, polygone), (definition, ensemble de points qui définit le polygone limite), (description, Polygone limite représenté par des paires de coordonnées.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: EX_BoundingPolygon
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 342), (similarity, identical)
Item name: GeographicBoundingBox Item identifier: 300
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: geographic position of the dataset NOTE This is only an approximate reference so specifying the coordinate reference system is unnecessary
Description: An element which describes inclusions or exclusions in a resource. It consists of an approximation on the horizontal extent of the data represented by a rectangle-like shape.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, BoîteGéographiqueEnglobante), (definition, position géographique du jeu de données NOTE Ceci sert de référence approximative seulement, ainsi il n'est pas nécessaire de préciser le système de référence par coordonnées), (description, Élément qui décrit les inclusions ou les exclusions dans une ressource. Il s’agit d’une approximation de l’étendue horizontale des données représentées par un objet de forme rectangulaire.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: EX_GeographicBoundingBox
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 343), (similarity, identical)
Item name: westBoundLongitude Item identifier: 301
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: western-most coordinate of the limit of the dataset extent, expressed in longitude in decimal degrees (positive east)
Description: Western most coordinate of the dataset extent.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, longitudeLimiteOuest), (definition, coordonnée la plus à l’ouest de l’étendue du jeu de données exprimée en degré décimal de longitude (positif vers l'est)), (description, Coordonnée la plus à l’ouest de l’étendue du jeu de données.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: EX_GeographicBoundingBox
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 344), (similarity, identical)
Item name: eastBoundLongitude Item identifier: 302
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: eastern-most coordinate of the limit of the dataset extent, expressed in longitude in decimal degrees (positive east)
Description: Eastern most coordinate of the dataset extent.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, longitudeLimiteEst), (definition, coordonnée la plus à l’est de l’étendue du jeu de données exprimée en degré décimal de longitude (positif vers l'est)), (description, Coordonnée la plus à l’est de l’étendue du jeu de données.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: EX_GeographicBoundingBox
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 345), (similarity, identical)
Item name: southBoundLatitude Item identifier: 303
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: southern-most coordinate of the limit of the dataset extent, expressed in latitude in decimal degrees (positive north)
Description: Southern most coordinate of the dataset extent.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, latiitudeLimiteSud), (definition, coordonnée la plus au sud de l’étendue du jeu de données exprimée en degré décimal de latitude (positif vers le nord)), (description, Coordonnée la plus au sud de l’étendue du jeu de données.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: EX_GeographicBoundingBox
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 346), (similarity, identical)
Item name: northBoundLatitude Item identifier: 304
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: northern-most, coordinate of the limit of the dataset extent expressed in latitude in decimal degrees (positive north)
Description: Northern most coordinate of the dataset extent.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, latitudeLimiteNord), (definition, coordonnée la plus au nord de l’étendue du jeu de données exprimée en degré décimal de latitude (positif vers le nord)), (description, Coordonnée la plus au nord de l’étendue du jeu de données.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: EX_GeographicBoundingBox
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 347), (similarity, identical)
Item name: GeographicDescription Item identifier: 305
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: description of the geographic area using identifiers
Description: An element which describes inclusions or exclusions in a resource. The geographic extent is described by an identifier.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, DescriptionGéographique), (definition, description de l'aire géographique à l'aide d'identifiants), (description, Élément qui décrit les inclusions ou les exclusions dans une ressource. L’étendue géographique est décrite à l’aide d’un identifiant.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: EX_GeographicDescription
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 348), (similarity, identical)
Item name: geographicIdentifier Item identifier: 306
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: identifier used to represent a geographic area
Description: Information which identifies the geographic area through the use of a unique name established and maintained by an authority.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, identifiantGéographique), (definition, identifiant utiliser pour représenter l'aire géographique), (description, Information qui identifie la région géographique à l’aide d’un nom unique établi et maintenue par une autorité responsable.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: EX_GeographicDescription
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 349), (similarity, identical)
Item name: TemporalElement Item identifier: 307
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: time period covered by the content of the dataset
Description: The time period related to the dataset content.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, ÉlémentTemporelle), (definition, période couverte par le contenu du jeu de données), (description, Information sur la période couverte par le contenu du jeu de données.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: EX_TemporalExtent
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 350), (similarity, identical)
Item name: extent Item identifier: 308
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: date and time for the content of the dataset
Description: The period of the dataset content.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, étendue), (definition, date et heure du contenu du jeu de données), (description, Période couverte par le contenu du jeu de données.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: EX_TemporalExtent
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 351), (similarity, identical)
Item name: SpatialTemporalElement Item identifier: 309
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: extent with respect to date/time and spatial boundaries
Description: Dataset extent in respect to date and/or time and spatial boundaries.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, ÉlémentSpatioTemporelle), (definition, étendue relative à la date et l'heure ainsi qu'aux limites spatiales), (description, Étendue du jeu de données quant à la date et/ou l’heure ainsi que des limites spatiales.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the name of the item with the standard), (status, final), (registerManagerNotes, change from "SpatialTemporalExtent" to "SpatialTemporalElement'), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: EX_SpatialTemporalExtent
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 352), (similarity, identical)
Item name: spatialExtent Item identifier: 310
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: spatial extent component of composite spatial and temporal extent
Description: The description of dataset spatial extent in respect to temporal extent.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, étendueSpatiale), (definition, composante d'étendue spatiale d'un composé d'étendue spatiale et temporelle), (description, Description de l’étendue spatiale du jeu de données se rapportant à l'étendue temporelle.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: EX_SpatialTemporalExtent
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 353), (similarity, identical)
Item name: VerticalElement Item identifier: 311
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: vertical domain of dataset
Description: The elements which express the minimum and maximum of the vertical extent of the dataset.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, ÉlémentVerticale), (definition, domaine vertical du jeu de données), (description, Éléments qui décrivent les valeurs verticales minimale et maximale de l'étendue du jeu de données.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the item name with the standard), (status, final), (registerManagerNotes, change of the name "verticalExtent" to "verticalElement"), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: EX_VerticalExtent
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 354), (similarity, identical)
Item name: minimumValue Item identifier: 312
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: lowest vertical extent contained in the dataset
Description: Lowest vertical extent in the dataset.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, valeurMinimum), (definition, plus petite valeur verticale du jeu de données), (description, Plus petite valeur verticale du jeu de données.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: EX_VerticalExtent
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 355), (similarity, identical)
Item name: maximumValue Item identifier: 313
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: highest vertical extent contained in the dataset
Description: Highest vertical extent in the dataset.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, valeurMaximum), (definition, plus grande valeur verticale du jeu de données), (description, Plus grande valeur verticale du jeu de données.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: EX_VerticalExtent
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 356), (similarity, identical)
Item name: verticalCRS Item identifier: 314
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: provides information about the vertical coordinate reference system to which the maximum and minimum elevation values are measured. The CRS identification includes unit of measure origin from which the maximum and minimum elevation values are measured
Description: Information about the coordinate system used as the reference system for measuring vertical extent.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, SRCVertical), (definition, information sur le système de référence par coordonnées vertical selon lequel les élévations minimum et maximum sont mesurées), (description, Information sur le système de coordonnées utilisé comme système de référence pour mesurer l'étendue verticale.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: EX_VerticalExtent
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 358), (similarity, identical)
Item name: Citation Item identifier: 315
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: standardized resource reference
Description: Information to reference the resource.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, Référence), (definition, référence normalisée de la ressource), (description, Information pour citer une ressource.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: CI_Citation
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 359), (similarity, identical)
Item name: title Item identifier: 316
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: name by which the cited resource is known
Description: Name by which the cited resource is known.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, titre), (definition, nom par lequel la resource citée est connue), (description, Nom par lequel la ressource citée est connue.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: CI_Citation
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 360), (similarity, identical)
Item name: alternateTitle Item identifier: 317
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: short name or other language name by which the cited information is known. Example: "DCW" as an alternative title for "Digital Chart of the World"
Description: Short name or other language name by which the cited information is known, e.g. "DCW" as an alternative title for "Digital Chart of the World."
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, titreSecondaire), (definition, nom court ou dans un autre langue par lequel l'information citée est connue. Par example, "DCW" est un titre secondaire pour "Digital Chart of the World"), (description, Nom court ou dans une autre langue par lequel l'information citée est connue, exemple : « DCW » est un titre secondaire pour « Digital Chart of the World ».), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: CI_Citation
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 361), (similarity, identical)
Item name: date Item identifier: 318
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: reference date for the cited resource
Description: Reference date for the cited resource; reference date and event used to describe it.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, date), (definition, date de la ressource citée), (description, Date de référence de la ressource citée; date référence et événement utilisés pour la décrire.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: CI_Citation
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 362), (similarity, identical)
Item name: edition Item identifier: 319
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: version of the cited resource
Description: Version of the cited resource.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, édition), (definition, version de la ressource citée), (description, Version de la ressource citée.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: CI_Citation
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 363), (similarity, identical)
Item name: editionDate Item identifier: 320
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: date of the edition
Description: Date of the edition.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, dateÉdition), (definition, date de l'édition), (description, Date de l'édition.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: CI_Citation
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 364), (similarity, identical)
Item name: identifier Item identifier: 321
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: value uniquely identifying an object within a namespace
Description: A unique value that identifies an object in a given namespace.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, identifiant), (definition, valeur qui identifie uniquement an objet dans un espace de nom), (description, Valeur qui identifie de façon unique un objet dans un espace de nom.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: CI_Citation
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 365), (similarity, identical)
Item name: citedResponsibleParty Item identifier: 322
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: name and position information for an individual or organization that is responsible for the resource
Description: Identification of the contact for the resource.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, responsable), (definition, nom et information sur la position d'un individu ou d'une organisation qui est responsable de la ressource), (description, Identification de la personne ou de l’organisation responsable de la ressource.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: CI_Citation
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 367), (similarity, identical)
Item name: presentationForm Item identifier: 323
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: mode in which the resource is represented
Description: The form in which the resource is available.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, formePrésentation), (definition, mode dans lequel la ressource est représentée), (description, Forme dans laquelle la ressource est disponible.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: CI_Citation
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 368), (similarity, identical)
Item name: series Item identifier: 324
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: information about the series, or aggregate dataset, of which the dataset is a part
Description: Information about the series or collection of which the resource is a part.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, série), (definition, information sur la série ou le jeu de données agrégé dans le le jeu de données participe), (description, Information sur la série ou la collection auxquelles la ressource appartient.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: CI_Citation
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 369), (similarity, identical)
Item name: otherCitationDetails Item identifier: 325
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: other information required to complete the citation that is not recorded elsewhere
Description: Other information to complete a citation.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, détailsAdditionnelsRéférence), (definition, autre information requise qui complète la référence et qui n'est pas enregistrée ailleurs), (description, Information additionnelle qui complète la référence.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: CI_Citation
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 370), (similarity, identical)
Item name: collectiveTitle Item identifier: 326
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: common title with holdings note NOTE title identifies elements of a series collectively, combined with information about what volumes are available at the source cited
Description: Information about the combined resource of which the dataset is a part. The description may include information on other volumes which are also available.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, titreCollectif), (definition, titre commun avec notes??? NOTE le titre identifie les éléments d'une série de manière collective et est combiné avec de l'information au sujet des volumes disponibles à la source???), (description, Information sur la ressource collective à laquelle appartient le jeu de données. La description peut inclure de l’information au sujet des autres volumes également disponibles.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: CI_Citation
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 371), (similarity, identical)
Item name: ISBN Item identifier: 327
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: international Standard Book Number
Description: The international standard book number (ISBN) assigned by an ISBN authority to a publication such as a book, a pamphlet, an educational kit, a microform, a CDROM or another digital or electronic publication.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, ISBN), (definition, numéro "Intenational Standard Book Number"), (description, Numéro ISBN (International Standard Book Number) attribué par une autorité responsable de l'ISBN à une publication comme un livre, un pamphlet, une trousse de formation, une microforme, un CD-ROM ou tout autre type de document publié sous forme numérique ou électronique.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: CI_Citation
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 372), (similarity, identical)
Item name: ISSN Item identifier: 328
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: international Standard Serial Number
Description: The international standard serial number (ISSN) assigned by an ISSN authority to a serial publication, such as a periodical, a newspaper, an annual, a journal or a monographic series.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, ISSN), (definition, numéro "International Standard Serial Number"), (description, Numéro ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) attribué par une autorité responsable de l'ISSN à une publication périodique comme une revue, un journal, un annuaire, un périodique ou une série de monographies.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: CI_Citation
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 373), (similarity, identical)
Item name: Date Item identifier: 329
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: reference date and event used to describe it
Description: The date in which the event or action occurred.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, Date), (definition, date de référence et nature de l'évènement qui s'y rapporte), (description, Date à laquelle l’action ou l’événement a eu lieu.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: CI_Date
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 393), (similarity, identical)
Item name: date Item identifier: 330
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: reference date for the cited resource
Description: The date in which the event or action occurred.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, date), (definition, date de la ressource citée), (description, Date à laquelle l’action ou l’événement a eu lieu.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: CI_Date
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 394), (similarity, identical)
Item name: dateType Item identifier: 331
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: event used for reference date
Description: Identification of the event used for the temporal aspect in the resource.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, typeDate), (definition, identification du type d'intervention que qualifie la date), (description, Identification de l’événement utilisé pour représenter l'aspect temporel de la ressource.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: CI_Date
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 395), (similarity, identical)
Item name: ResponsibleParty Item identifier: 332
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: identification of, and means of communication with, person(s) and organizations associated with the dataset
Description: The identification of a responsible for the resource and the party’s role in the resource.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, Responsable), (definition, identification et moyen de communication avec la (les) personne(s) et organisation(s) associées au jeu de données), (description, Identification d'une personne responsable de la ressource et description de son rôle.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: CI_ResponsibleParty
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 374), (similarity, identical)
Item name: individualName Item identifier: 333
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: name of the responsible person- surname, given name, title separated by a delimiter
Description: The name of the individual responsible for a reported action in the resource.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, nomPersonne), (definition, nom de la personne responsable : nom de famille, prénom, et titre séparés par un délimiteur), (description, Nom de la personne responsable d’une action documentée dans la ressource.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: CI_ResponsibleParty
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 375), (similarity, identical)
Item name: organisationName Item identifier: 334
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: name of the responsible organization
Description: Name of the responsible organization.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, nomOrganisation), (definition, nom de l'organisation responsable), (description, Nom de l’organisation responsable.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: CI_ResponsibleParty
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 376), (similarity, identical)
Item name: positionName Item identifier: 335
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: role or position of the responsible person
Description: Position of the responsible person.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, nomPosition), (definition, rôle ou position de la personne responsable), (description, Position de la personne responsable.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: CI_ResponsibleParty
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 377), (similarity, identical)
Item name: contactInfo Item identifier: 336
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: address of the responsible party
Description: Information required enabling contact with the responsible person and/or organization.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, infoContact), (definition, adresse du responsable), (description, Information requise pour communiquer avec la personne et/ou l’organisation responsable.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: CI_ResponsibleParty
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 378), (similarity, identical)
Item name: role Item identifier: 337
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: function performed by the responsible party
Description: Function performed by the responsible party.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, rôle), (definition, fonction exercée par le responsable), (description, Fonction de la personne responsable.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: CI_ResponsibleParty
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 379), (similarity, identical)
Item name: Contact Item identifier: 338
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: information required to enable contact with the responsible person and/or organization
Description: Information which assists one to contact an individual or organization.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, Contact), (definition, information nécessaire pour entrer en conatct avec le responsable ou l'organisation responsable du document), (description, Information qui aide quelqu'un pour communiquer avec la personne ou l’organisation responsable.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: CI_Contact
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 387), (similarity, identical)
Item name: phone Item identifier: 339
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: telephone numbers at which the organization or individual may be contacted
Description: Telephone numbers to contact the organization or individual.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, téléphone), (definition, numéro de téléphone pour contacter le responsable ou l'organisation responsable), (description, Numéros de téléphone pour communiquer avec l’organisation ou la personne.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: CI_Contact
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 388), (similarity, identical)
Item name: address Item identifier: 340
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: physical and email address at which the organization or individual may be contacted
Description: Physical and email address to contact the organization or individual.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, adresseContact), (definition, adresse postale et de courrier électronique pour contacter le responsable ou l'organisation), (description, Adresses postale et électronique pour communiquer avec la personne ou l’organisation.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: CI_Contact
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 389), (similarity, identical)
Item name: onlineResource Item identifier: 341
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: on-line information that can be used to contact the individual or organization
Description: Information about Internet hosted resources: availability; URL; protocol used; resource name; resource description, and resource function.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, serviceEnLigne), (definition, information en ligne pouvant être utilisée pour contacter le responsable ou l'organisation), (description, Information sur les ressources hébergées sur Internet : disponibilité; adresse URL; protocole utilisé; nom de la ressource; description et fonction de la ressource.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: CI_Contact
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 390), (similarity, identical)
Item name: hoursOfService Item identifier: 342
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: time period (including time zone) when individuals can contact the organization or individual
Description: Time period (including time zone) when individuals can contact the organization or individual.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, heuresDeService), (definition, plage horaire (incluant la zone de fuseau horaire) où il est possible de contacter le responsable ou l'organisation), (description, Plage horaire (incluant la zone de fuseau horaire) pendant laquelle on peut communiquer avec le responsable ou l'organisation.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: CI_Contact
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 391), (similarity, identical)
Item name: contactInstructions Item identifier: 343
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: supplemental instructions on how or when to contact the individual or organization
Description: Supplemental instructions on how or when to contact the individual or organization.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, autreInformationContact), (definition, information supplémentaire sur la façon de contacter le responsable où l'organisation), (description, Information supplémentaire sur quand et comment communiquer avec le responsable ou l'organisation.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: CI_Contact
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 392), (similarity, identical)
Item name: Telephone Item identifier: 344
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: telephone numbers for contacting the responsible individual or organization
Description: Information on the telephone numbers used to contact the responsible individual or organization.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, Téléphone), (definition, numéros de téléphone pour entrer en contact avec le responsable ou l'organisation responsable du document), (description, Information sur les numéros de téléphone utilisés pour communiquer avec la personne ou l’organisation responsable.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: CI_Telephone
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 407), (similarity, identical)
Item name: voice Item identifier: 345
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: telephone type and number (telephone country number, area code, telephone number) by which individuals can communicate to the responsible organization or individual NOTE telephone type: (1) voice or (2) Telecommunications Device for the Deaf/TeleTYpewriter (TDD/TTY)
Description: Telephone number of an organization or individual.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, téléphone), (definition, numéro de téléphone pour entrer en contact avec le responsable ou l'organisation responsable du document), (description, Numéro de téléphone de l’organisation ou de la personne responsable), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: CI_Telephone
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 408), (similarity, restyled)
Item name: facsimile Item identifier: 346
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: telephone number (telephone country number, area code, and telephone number) of a facsimile machine for the responsible organization or individual
Description: Facsimile telephone number of an organization or individual.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, télécopieur), (definition, numéro de télécopieur pour entrer en contact avec le responsable ou l'organisation responsable du document), (description, Numéro de télécopieur de l’organisation ou de la personne responsable.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: CI_Telephone
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 409), (similarity, restyled)
Item name: Address Item identifier: 347
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: location of the responsible individual or organization
Description: Place and email addresses at which the organization or individual may be contacted.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, Adresse), (definition, localisation de l'individu ou de l'organisation responsable), (description, Adresse et adresse électronique avec lesquelles on peut communiquer avec la personne ou l’organisation responsable.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: CI_Address
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 380), (similarity, identical)
Item name: deliveryPoint Item identifier: 348
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: address for the delivery location (physical / postal; street number, street name, flour ID, room/suite ID / box number, post office name)
Description: Address line for the location.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, endroitLivraison), (definition, adresse de l'endroit de livraison (type d'adresse : physique ou postale; numéro de porte, nom de rue, étage, pièce/suite, boîte postale, nom du bureau de poste)), (description, Détails de l'adresse indiquant l'endroit.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: CI_Address
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 381), (similarity, restyled)
Item name: city Item identifier: 349
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: city of the location
Description: City of the address.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, ville), (definition, nom de la ville se rapportant à l'adresse), (description, Nom de la ville se rapportant à l’adresse.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: CI_Address
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 382), (similarity, identical)
Item name: administrativeArea Item identifier: 350
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: state, province of the location
Description: State or province of the address.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, territoireAdministratif), (definition, état ou province se rapportant à l'adresse), (description, État ou province se rapportant à l’adresse.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: CI_Address
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 383), (similarity, identical)
Item name: postalCode Item identifier: 351
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: ZIP or other postal code
Description: Administrative spatial code which assists mail and parcel delivery.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, codePostal), (definition, code postal, ZIP ou autre), (description, Code de région administrative pour la livraison du courrier et des colis.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: CI_Address
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 384), (similarity, identical)
Item name: country Item identifier: 352
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: country of the physical address
Description: Country of the address.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, pays), (definition, pays de l'adresse physique), (description, Pays se rapportant à l’adresse.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: CI_Address
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 385), (similarity, identical)
Item name: electronicMailAddress Item identifier: 353
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: address of the electronic mailbox of the responsible organization or individual
Description: The electronic mailbox address of the responsible organization or individual.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, adresseCourrierÉlectronique), (definition, adresse de la boîte de courriers électroniques de l'organisation ou de la personne responsable), (description, Adresse de la boîte de courriers électroniques de l'organisation ou de la personne responsable.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: CI_Address
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 386), (similarity, identical)
Item name: OnlineResource Item identifier: 354
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: information about on-line sources from which the dataset, specification, or community profile name and extended metadata elements can be obtained
Description: Information on the Internet available resource.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, ServiceEnLigne), (definition, information au sujet des ressources en ligne à partir desquels le jeu de données, les spécifications ou le nom du profil de la communauté et les éléments de métadonnées étendues peuvent être obtenus), (description, Information sur le service en ligne disponible sur Internet.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: CI_OnlineResource
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 396), (similarity, identical)
Item name: linkage Item identifier: 355
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: location (address) for on-line access using a Uniform Resource Locator address or similar addressing scheme such as
Description: Internet location (address) for on-line access which uses a Uniform Resource Locator address or similar addressing scheme such as or .
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, lien), (definition, adresse électronique pour les ressources en ligne en utlisant le mode d'adressage d'une ressource (URL) sur Internet ou un mode d'adressage similaire comme, (description, Adresse électronique pour les ressources en ligne qui utilisent le mode d'adressage d'une ressource (URL) sur Internet ou un mode d'adressage similaire comme ou, (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: CI_OnlineResource
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 397), (similarity, identical)
Item name: protocol Item identifier: 356
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: connection protocol to be used
Description: The connection protocol to be used such as http, ftp, etc.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, protocole), (definition, protocole de communication à utiliser), (description, Protocole de communication à utiliser comme http, ftp, etc.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: CI_OnlineResource
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 398), (similarity, identical)
Item name: applicationProfile Item identifier: 357
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: name of an application profile that can be used with the online resource
Description: Name of an application profile that can be used with the online resource.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, profilApplication), (definition, nom d'un profil d'application pouvant être utilisé avec la ressource en ligne), (description, Nom d’un profil d’application pouvant être utilisé avec la ressource.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: CI_OnlineResource
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 399), (similarity, identical)
Item name: name Item identifier: 358
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: name of the online resource
Description: Name of the resource sought or the utility that provides it.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, nom), (definition, nom de la ressource en ligne), (description, Nom de la ressource recherchée ou de l’utilitaire permettant de l’obtenir.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: CI_OnlineResource
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 400), (similarity, identical)
Item name: description Item identifier: 359
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: detailed text description of what the online resource is/does
Description: Description of the utility that provides the resource sought.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, description), (definition, description détaillée en format texte de la ressource en ligne et son application), (description, Description de l’utilitaire permettant d’obtenir la ressource.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: CI_OnlineResource
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 401), (similarity, identical)
Item name: function Item identifier: 360
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: code for function performed by the online resource
Description: Code for function performed by the online resource.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, fonction), (definition, code pour la fonction exécutée par la ressource en ligne), (description, Code de la fonction exécutée par la ressource en ligne.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: CI_OnlineResource
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 402), (similarity, identical)
Item name: Series Item identifier: 361
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: information about the series, or aggregate dataset, to which a dataset belongs
Description: Information about a Series publication or dataset aggregation.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, Série), (definition, information au sujet de la collection ou du groupe de jeux de données auxquels appartient le jeu de données), (description, Information sur la publication d’une série ou sur l’agrégation de jeux de données.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: CI_Series
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 403), (similarity, identical)
Item name: name Item identifier: 362
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: name of the series, or aggregate dataset, of which the dataset is a part
Description: Name of the publication series or aggregate dataset of which the referenced dataset is a part.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, nom), (definition, nom de la collection ou du groupe de jeux de données auxquels appartient le jeu de données), (description, Nom de la collection ou du groupe de jeux de données auxquels appartient le jeu de données.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: CI_Series
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 404), (similarity, identical)
Item name: issueIdentification Item identifier: 363
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: information identifying the issue of the series
Description: Identification of the series’ issue information.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, identificationPublication), (definition, information identifiant la publication de la série), (description, Information identifiant la publication de la série.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: CI_Series
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 405), (similarity, identical)
Item name: page Item identifier: 364
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-31
Definition: details on which pages of the publication the article was published
Description: Identification of the articles’ page number(s).
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, page), (definition, détails identifiants les numéros de pages de l'article publié), (description, Identification des numéros de page de l’article.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization of the description with the standard), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: CI_Series
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 406), (similarity, identical)
Item name: napCI_DateTypeCode Item identifier: 365
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-05-16
Definition: identification of when a given event occurred
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, pnaCI_CodeTypeDate), (definition, nature de l'événement associé à la date), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, editorial error), (status, final), (registerManagerNotes, change "Meterology" by "Meteorologie"), (sponsor, (name, Land Information Ontario), (contact, (role, user)))
Item class: napCI_DateTypeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.2.1), (similarity, specialization)
Item name: creation Item identifier: 366
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: date identifies when the resource was brought into existence
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, création), (definition, date qui désigne le moment où on a donné l'existence à la ressource), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napCI_DateTypeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.2.2), (similarity, identical)
Item name: publication Item identifier: 367
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: date indentifies when the ressource was issued
Alternative expressions: (name, publication), (definition, date qui désigne le moment de parution de la ressource), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napCI_DateTypeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.2.3), (similarity, identical)
Item name: revision Item identifier: 368
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: date identifies when the resource was examined or re-examined and improved or amended
Field of application: (name, information géographique)
Alternative expressions: (name, révision), (definition, date qui désigne le moment où la ressource a été examinée ou réexaminée et améliorée ou modifiée), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napCI_DateTypeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.2.4), (similarity, identical)
Item name: notAvailable Item identifier: 369
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: date indentifies when the resource became not obtainable
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, nonDisponible), (definition, date qui désigne le moment à partir duquel il n'est plus possible d'obtenir la ressource), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napCI_DateTypeCode
Item name: inForce Item identifier: 370
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: date identifies when the resource became in force
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, enVigueur), (definition, date qui désigne le moment où la ressource est devenue en application), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napCI_DateTypeCode
Item name: adopted Item identifier: 371
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: date identifies when the resource has been adopted
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, adoptée), (definition, date qui désigne le moment où la ressource a été approuvée), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napCI_DateTypeCode
Item name: deprecated Item identifier: 372
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2010-09-07
Definition: date identifies when the resource has been disapproved
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, réprouvée), (definition, date qui désigne le moment où la ressource a été désapprouvée), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napCI_DateTypeCode
Item name: superseded Item identifier: 373
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: date identifies when the resource has been replaced by another resource
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, remplacée), (definition, date qui désigne le moment où la ressource a été substituée par une autre ressource), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napCI_DateTypeCode
Item name: napCI_OnLineFunctionCode Item identifier: 374
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: function performed by the resource
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, pnaCI_CodeFonctionEnLigne), (definition, rôle que la ressource exerce), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napCI_OnLineFunctionCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.3.1), (similarity, specialization)
Item name: download Item identifier: 375
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: online instructions for transfering data from one storage device or system to another
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, téléchargement), (definition, instructions en ligne pour transférer des données sur une unité de stockage ou un système depuis un autre), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napCI_OnLineFunctionCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.3.2), (similarity, identical)
Item name: information Item identifier: 376
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: online information about the resource
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, information), (definition, information en ligne sur la ressource), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napCI_OnLineFunctionCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.3.3), (similarity, identical)
Item name: offlineAccess Item identifier: 377
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: online instructions for requesting the resource from the provider
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, accèsHorsLigne), (definition, instructions en ligne pour demander la ressource du fournisseur), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napCI_OnLineFunctionCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.3.4), (similarity, identical)
Item name: order Item identifier: 378
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: online order process for obtaining the resource
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, commande), (definition, processus de commande en ligne pour obtenir la ressource), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napCI_OnLineFunctionCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.3.5), (similarity, identical)
Item name: search Item identifier: 379
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: online search interface for seeking out information about the resource
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, recherche), (definition, interface de recherche en ligne pour découvrir de l'information sur la ressource), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napCI_OnLineFunctionCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.3.6), (similarity, identical)
Item name: upload Item identifier: 380
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: online instructions for transfering data or file from a local storage device or system to another (e.g. mainframe or remote computer) via network
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, téléversement), (definition, instruction en ligne pour transférer des données ou fichiers d'une unité de stockage ou système local vers un autre (ex. ordinateur central ou distant) à travers un réseau), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napCI_OnLineFunctionCode
Item name: webService Item identifier: 381
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: online instructions for the connection to a Web service (e.g. Web Services Description Language file) providing an on-line geographic service other than a Web map service
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, serviceWeb), (definition, instructions en ligne pour la connexion à un service Web (ex. fichier "Web Services Description Language") fournissant un service géographique autre qu'un service de cartes Web), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napCI_OnLineFunctionCode
Item name: emailService Item identifier: 382
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: online instructions for the connection to an email service providing geographic services from emails
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, serviceCourriel), (definition, instructions en ligne pour la connexion à un service courriel qui fournit des services géographiques à partir de courriels), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napCI_OnLineFunctionCode
Item name: browsing Item identifier: 383
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: online interface for exploring and seeking information about the resource from a Web browser
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, furetage), (definition, interface en ligne pour l'exploration et la recherche d'information sur la ressource à partir d'un navigateur Web), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napCI_OnLineFunctionCode
Item name: fileAccess Item identifier: 384
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: direct retrieval of a file from a remote system, typically through the use of http or ftp protocol (or their secure variants)
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, AccèsFichier), (definition, récupération directe d'un fichier depuis un système distant, habituellement à l'aide des protocoles http ou ftp (ou leur variante sécurisée)), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napCI_OnLineFunctionCode
Item name: webMapService Item identifier: 385
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: online instructions for the connection to a Web -based map request service, which may return custom georeferenced map images, streamed features, raster data, or surface data to a mapping client
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, ServiceCartesWeb), (definition, instructions en ligne pour la connexion à un service de requête sur le Web qui retourne des images cartographiques géoréférencées et personnalisées, des objets en séquence, des données matricielles ou des données de surface à un client cartographique), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napCI_OnLineFunctionCode
Item name: napCI_PresentationFormCode Item identifier: 386
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: mode in which the data are represented
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, pnaCI_CodeGenrePrésentation), (definition, manière à laquelle les données sont représentées), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napCI_PresentationFormCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.4.1), (similarity, specialization)
Item name: documentDigital Item identifier: 387
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: digital representation of a primarily textual item (can contain illustrations also)
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, documentNumérique), (definition, représentation numérique d'un item principalement textuelle (peut contenir également des illustrations)), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napCI_PresentationFormCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.4.2), (similarity, identical)
Item name: documentHardcopy Item identifier: 388
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: representation of a primarily textual item (can contain illustrations also) on paper, photographic material, or other media
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, documentPapier), (definition, représentation d'un item principalement textuelle (peut contenir également des illustrations) sur papier, support photographique ou autre media), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napCI_PresentationFormCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.4.3), (similarity, identical)
Item name: imageDigital Item identifier: 389
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: likeness of natural or man-made features, objects, and activities acquired though the sensing of visual or any other segment of the electromagnetic spectrum by sensors, such as thermal infrared, and high resolution radar and stored in digital format
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, imageNumérique), (definition, représentation sous forme d'image de phénomèmes, d'objets, et d'activités naturels et/ou anthropiques acquise par détection dans le spectre visible ou autres parties du spectre électromagnétique à l'aide de capteurs, comme l'infrarouge thermique et le radar à haute résolution, et entreposée en format numérique), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napCI_PresentationFormCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.4.4), (similarity, identical)
Item name: imageHardcopy Item identifier: 390
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: likeness of natural or man-made features, objects, and activities acquired though the sensing of visual or any other segment of the electromagnetic spectrum by sensors, such as thermal infrared, and high resolution radar and reproduced on paper, photographic material, or other media for use directly by the human user
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, imagePapier), (definition, représentation sous forme d'image de phénomèmes, d'objets, et d'activités naturels et/ou anthropiques acquise par détection dans le spectre visible ou autres parties du spectre électromagnétique à l'aide de capteurs, comme l'infrarouge thermique et le radar à haute résolution, et reproduite sur papier, support photographique ou autre média directement utilisable par l'être humain), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napCI_PresentationFormCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.4.5), (similarity, identical)
Item name: mapDigital Item identifier: 391
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: map represented in raster or vector form
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, carteNumérique), (definition, représentation cartographique sous forme vectorielle ou matricielle), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napCI_PresentationFormCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.4.6), (similarity, identical)
Item name: mapHardcopy Item identifier: 392
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: map printed on paper, photographic material, or other media for use directly by the human user
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, cartePapier), (definition, carte imprimée sur papier, support photographique ou autre média directement utilisable par l'être humain), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napCI_PresentationFormCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.4.7), (similarity, identical)
Item name: modelDigital Item identifier: 393
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: multi-dimensional digital representation of a feature, process, etc.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, modèleNumérique), (definition, représentation numérique multidimensionnelle d'un phénomène, d'un processus, etc.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napCI_PresentationFormCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.4.8), (similarity, identical)
Item name: modelHardcopy Item identifier: 394
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: 3-dimensional, physical model
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, maquette), (definition, modèle physique tridimensionnel), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napCI_PresentationFormCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.4.9), (similarity, identical)
Item name: profileDigital Item identifier: 395
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: vertical cross-section in digital form
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, profilNumérique), (definition, coupe transversale verticale en format numérique), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napCI_PresentationFormCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.4.10), (similarity, identical)
Item name: profileHardcopy Item identifier: 396
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: vertical cross-section printed on paper, etc
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, profilPapier), (definition, coupe transversale verticale imprimée sur papier, etc.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napCI_PresentationFormCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.4.11), (similarity, identical)
Item name: tableDigital Item identifier: 397
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: digital representation of facts or figures systematically displayed, especially in columns
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, tableNumérique), (definition, représentation numérique de faits ou de chiffres montrés en colonnes), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napCI_PresentationFormCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.4.12), (similarity, identical)
Item name: tableHardcopy Item identifier: 398
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: representation of facts or figures systematically displayed, especially in columns, printed on paper, photographic material, or other media
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, tablePapier), (definition, représentation de faits ou de chiffres montrés en colonnes, imprimée sur papier, support photographique ou autre média), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napCI_PresentationFormCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.4.13), (similarity, identical)
Item name: videoDigital Item identifier: 399
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: digital video recording
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, vidéoNumérique), (definition, enregistrement vidéo numérique), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napCI_PresentationFormCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.4.14), (similarity, identical)
Item name: videoHardcopy Item identifier: 400
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: video recording on film
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, vidéoFilm), (definition, enregistrement vidéo sur pellicule photographique), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napCI_PresentationFormCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.4.15), (similarity, identical)
Item name: audioDigital Item identifier: 401
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: digital audio recording
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, audioNumérique), (definition, enregistrement audio numérique), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napCI_PresentationFormCode
Item name: audioHardcopy Item identifier: 402
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: audio recording delivered by analog media, such as a magnetic tape
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, audioAnalogique), (definition, enregistrement audio livré sur support analogique tel un ruban magnétique), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napCI_PresentationFormCode
Item name: multimediaDigital Item identifier: 403
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: information representation using simultaneously various digital modes for text, sound, image
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, multimédiaNumérique), (definition, représentation d'information qui utilise simultanément plus d'un mode numérique pour le texte, le son, et les images), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napCI_PresentationFormCode
Item name: multimediaHardcopy Item identifier: 404
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: information representation using simultaneously various analog modes for text, sound, image
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, multimédiaAnalogique), (definition, représentation d'information qui utilise simultanément plus d'un mode anlogique pour le texte, le son, et les images), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napCI_PresentationFormCode
Item name: diagramDigital Item identifier: 405
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: information represented graphically by charts such as pie chart, bar chart, and other type of diagrams and recorded in digital format
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, diagrammeNumérique), (definition, information representée graphiquement par des diagrammes tels les camemberts, les diagrammes à barres et tout autre type de diagramme et enregistrée en format numérique), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napCI_PresentationFormCode
Item name: diagramHardcopy Item identifier: 406
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: information represented graphically by charts such as pie chart, bar chart, and other type of diagrams and printed on paper, phototographic material, or other media
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, diagrammePapier), (definition, information representée graphiquement par des diagrammes tels les camemberts, les diagrammes à barres et tout autre type de diagramme, et imprimée sur papier, support photographique ou autre média), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napCI_PresentationFormCode
Item name: napCI_RoleCode Item identifier: 407
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: function performed by the responsible party
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, pnaCI_CodeRôle), (definition, fonction exécuté par le responsable), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napCI_RoleCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.5.1), (similarity, specialization)
Item name: resourceProvider Item identifier: 408
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: party that supplies the resource
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, fournisseurRessource), (definition, personne ou groupe qui fournit la ressource), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napCI_RoleCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.5.2), (similarity, identical)
Item name: custodian Item identifier: 409
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: party that accepts accountability and responsibility for the data and ensures appropriate care and maintenance of the resource
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, conservateur), (definition, personne ou groupe qui accepte la responsabilité et l'imputabilité pour les données et assure le maintien approprié de la ressource), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napCI_RoleCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.5.3), (similarity, identical)
Item name: owner Item identifier: 410
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: party that owns the resource
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, propriétaire), (definition, personne ou groupe qui possède la ressource), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napCI_RoleCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.5.4), (similarity, identical)
Item name: user Item identifier: 411
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: party that uses the resource
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, utilisateur), (definition, personne ou groupe qui utilise la ressource), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napCI_RoleCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.5.5), (similarity, identical)
Item name: distributor Item identifier: 412
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: party who distributes the resource
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, distributeur), (definition, personne ou groupe qui distribue la ressource), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napCI_RoleCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.5.6), (similarity, identical)
Item name: originator Item identifier: 413
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2015-02-12
Definition: party who created the resource
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, créateur), (definition, personne ou groupe qui a créé la ressource), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2015-02-12), (justification, Change of the French name "auteur" to "créateur"; to fix conflict with the French code value for "author"), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (dateDisposed, 2015-02-12), (sponsor, (name, Natural Resources Canada), (contact, (role, user)))
Item class: napCI_RoleCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.5.7), (similarity, identical)
Item name: pointOfContact Item identifier: 414
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: party who can be contacted for acquiring knowledge about or acquisition of the resource
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, contact), (definition, personne ou groupe qui peut être rejointe pour en connaître plus sur la ressource ou son acquisition), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napCI_RoleCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.5.8), (similarity, identical)
Item name: principalInvestigator Item identifier: 415
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: key party responsible for gathering information and conducting research
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, chercheurPrincipal), (definition, personne ou groupe clé responsable de la cueillette d'information et de faire la recherche), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napCI_RoleCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.5.9), (similarity, identical)
Item name: processor Item identifier: 416
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: party who has processed the data in a manner such that the resource has been modified
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, traiteur), (definition, personne ou groupe qui a traité les données d'une manière telle que la ressource a été modifiée), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napCI_RoleCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.5.10), (similarity, identical)
Item name: publisher Item identifier: 417
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: party who published the resource
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, éditeur), (definition, personne ou groupe qui a publié la ressource), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napCI_RoleCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.5.11), (similarity, identical)
Item name: author Item identifier: 418
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: party who authored the resource
Description: The value of the item 413, "originator," should be used preferably to this value.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, auteur), (definition, personne ou groupe a l'origine de la ressource), (description, La valeur de l'item 413, "auteur", devrait être utilisée préférablement à cette valeur.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napCI_RoleCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.5.12), (similarity, identical)
Item name: collaborator Item identifier: 419
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: party who contributed to the resource other than the principal investigator
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, collaborateur), (definition, personne ou groupe qui a contribué à la ressource autre que le chercheur principal), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napCI_RoleCode
Item name: editor Item identifier: 420
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: party who reviewed or modified the resource to improve the content
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, réviseur), (definition, personne ou groupe qui corrige ou modifie la ressource pour en améliorer le contenu), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napCI_RoleCode
Item name: mediator Item identifier: 421
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: a class of entity that mediates access to the resource and for whom the resource is intended or useful
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, médiateur), (definition, une classe d'entités qui négocie l'accès à la ressource et à qui la ressource est destiné ou utile), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napCI_RoleCode
Item name: rightsHolder Item identifier: 422
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: a person or organization owning or managing rights over the resource
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, détenteurDroits), (definition, personne ou organisation qui possède ou gère les droits sur la ressource), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napCI_RoleCode
Item name: napDQ_EvaluationMethodTypeCode Item identifier: 423
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: type of method for evaluating an identified data quality measure
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, pnaDQ_CodeTypeMéthodeÉvaluation), (definition, nature de la méthode dl'évaluation d'une mesure de qualité de données particulière), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napDQ_EvaluationMethodTypeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.6.1), (similarity, identical)
Item name: directInternal Item identifier: 424
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: method of evaluating the quality of a dataset based on inspection of items whitin the dataset, where all data required is internal to the dataset being evaluated
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, interneDirecte), (definition, méthode d'évaluation de la qualité d'un jeu de données basée sur l'inspection d'items à l'intérieur du jeu de données, où toutes les données requises à l'évaluation sont incluses dans le jeu de données), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napDQ_EvaluationMethodTypeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.6.2), (similarity, identical)
Item name: directExternal Item identifier: 425
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: method of evaluating the quality of a dataset based on inspection of items within the dataset, where reference data external to the dataset being evaluated is required
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, externeDirecte), (definition, méthode d'évaluation de la qualité d'un jeu de données basée sur l'inspection d'items à l'intérieur du jeu de données, où des références à des données externes sont requises pour l'évaluation du jeu de données), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napDQ_EvaluationMethodTypeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.6.3), (similarity, identical)
Item name: indirect Item identifier: 426
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: method of evaluating the quality of a dataset based on external knowledge
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, indirecte), (definition, méthode d'évaluation de la qualité d'un jeu de données basée sur des connaissances externes), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napDQ_EvaluationMethodTypeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.6.4), (similarity, identical)
Item name: napDS_AssociationTypeCode Item identifier: 427
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: justification for the correlation of two datasets
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, pnaDS_CodeTypeAssociation), (definition, justification pour la corrélation de deux jeux de données), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napDS_AssociationTypeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.7.1), (similarity, specialization)
Item name: crossReference Item identifier: 428
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: reference from one dataset to another
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, référenceCroisée), (definition, référence d'un jeu de données à un autre), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napDS_AssociationTypeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.7.2), (similarity, identical)
Item name: largerWorkCitation Item identifier: 429
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: reference to a master dataset of which this one is a part
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, référenceGénérique), (definition, référence à un jeu de données maître dont ce jeu de données fait partie), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napDS_AssociationTypeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.7.3), (similarity, identical)
Item name: partOfSeamlessDatabase Item identifier: 430
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: part of same structured set of data held in a computer
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, partieDeBaseDeDonnéesContinue), (definition, partie d'un même ensemble de données structurées et conservé dans un ordinateur), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napDS_AssociationTypeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.7.4), (similarity, identical)
Item name: source Item identifier: 431
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: mapping and charting information from which the dataset content originates
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, source), (definition, information sur la ou les carte(s) à partir de laquelle ou desquelles le contenu du jeu de données provient), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napDS_AssociationTypeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.7.5), (similarity, identical)
Item name: stereoMate Item identifier: 432
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: part of a set of imagery that when used together, provides three-dimensional images
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, stéréoAssociée), (definition, partie d'un ensemble d'images quand utilisée ensemble stéréoscopiquement donne une vue tridimensionnelle), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napDS_AssociationTypeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.7.6), (similarity, identical)
Item name: isComposedOf Item identifier: 433
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: reference to datasets that are parts of this data set
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, estComposéDe), (definition, référence aux jeux de données qui ensemble forment ce jeu de données), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napDS_AssociationTypeCode
Item name: napDS_InitiativeTypeCode Item identifier: 434
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: type of aggregation activity in which datasets are related
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, pnaDS_CodeTypeInitiative), (definition, type d'activités d'agrégation dans lesquelles les jeux de données sont associés), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napDS_InitiativeTypeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.8.1), (similarity, identical)
Item name: campaign Item identifier: 435
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: series of organized planned actions
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, campagne), (definition, série d'actions planifiées et organisées), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napDS_InitiativeTypeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.8.2), (similarity, identical)
Item name: collection Item identifier: 436
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: accumulation of datasets assembled for a specific purpose
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, collection), (definition, accumulation de jeux de données assemblés dans un dessein spécifique), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napDS_InitiativeTypeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.8.3), (similarity, identical)
Item name: exercise Item identifier: 437
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: specific performance of a function or group of functions
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, exercice), (definition, exécution directe d'une fonction ou d'un groupe de fonctions), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napDS_InitiativeTypeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.8.4), (similarity, identical)
Item name: experiment Item identifier: 438
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: process designed to find if something is effective or valid
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, expérience), (definition, processus conçu pour vérifier si quelque chose est effective ou valide), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napDS_InitiativeTypeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.8.5), (similarity, identical)
Item name: investigation Item identifier: 439
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: search or systematic inquiry
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, investigation), (definition, recherche ou enquête systématique), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napDS_InitiativeTypeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.8.6), (similarity, identical)
Item name: mission Item identifier: 440
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: specific operation of a data collection system
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, mission), (definition, opération spécifique d'un système de collecte de données), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napDS_InitiativeTypeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.8.7), (similarity, identical)
Item name: sensor Item identifier: 441
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: device or piece of equipment which detects or records
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, capteur), (definition, dispositif ou pièce d'équipement qui détecte ou enregistre), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napDS_InitiativeTypeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.8.8), (similarity, identical)
Item name: operation Item identifier: 442
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: action that is part of a series of actions
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, opération), (definition, action faisant partie d'une série d'actions), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napDS_InitiativeTypeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.8.9), (similarity, identical)
Item name: platform Item identifier: 443
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: vehicule or other support base that holds a sensor
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, plateforme), (definition, vehicule ou autre support soutenant un capteur), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napDS_InitiativeTypeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.8.10), (similarity, identical)
Item name: process Item identifier: 444
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: method of doing something involving a number of steps
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, processus), (definition, méthode de faire quelque chose impliquant un certain nombre d'étapes), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napDS_InitiativeTypeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.8.11), (similarity, identical)
Item name: program Item identifier: 445
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: specific planned activity
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, programme), (definition, activité spécifique planifiée), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napDS_InitiativeTypeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.8.12), (similarity, identical)
Item name: project Item identifier: 446
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: organized undertaking, research, or development
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, projet), (definition, engagement, recherche, ou développement organisé), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napDS_InitiativeTypeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.8.13), (similarity, identical)
Item name: study Item identifier: 447
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: examination or investigation
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, étude), (definition, examen ou recherche), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napDS_InitiativeTypeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.8.14), (similarity, identical)
Item name: task Item identifier: 448
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: piece of work
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, tâche), (definition, travail), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napDS_InitiativeTypeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.8.15), (similarity, identical)
Item name: trial Item identifier: 449
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: process of testing to discover or demonstrate something
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, essai), (definition, processus de vérification pour découvrir ou démontrer quelque chose), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napDS_InitiativeTypeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.8.16), (similarity, identical)
Item name: napMD_CellGeometryCode Item identifier: 450
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: code indicating whether grid data is point, area, or volume
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, pnaMD_CodeGéométrieCellule), (definition, code indiquant si les données rectangulaires sont formées de points, de surfaces ou de volumes), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_CellGeometryCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.9.1), (similarity, specialization)
Item name: point Item identifier: 451
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: each cell represents a point
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, point), (definition, chaque cellule représente un point), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_CellGeometryCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.9.2), (similarity, identical)
Item name: area Item identifier: 452
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: each cell represents an area
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, surface), (definition, chaque cellule représente une surface), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_CellGeometryCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.9.3), (similarity, identical)
Item name: voxel Item identifier: 453
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: each cell represents a volume
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, voxel), (definition, chaque cellule représente un volume), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_CellGeometryCode
Item name: napMD_CharacterSetCode Item identifier: 454
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: name of the character coding standard used for the resource
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, pnaMD_CodeJeuCaractères), (definition, nom de la norme du jeu de caractères utilisé par la ressource), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_CharacterSetCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.10.1), (similarity, identical)
Item name: ucs2 Item identifier: 455
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: 16-bit fixed size Universal Character Set, based on ISO/IEC 10646
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, ucs2), (definition, jeu universel de caractères de taille fixe de 16 bits, basé sur ISO/IEC 10646), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_CharacterSetCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.10.2), (similarity, identical)
Item name: ucs4 Item identifier: 456
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: 32-bit fixed size Universal Character Set, based on ISO/IEC 10646
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, ucs4), (definition, jeu universel de caractères de taille fixe de 32 bits, basé sur ISO/IEC 10646), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_CharacterSetCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.10.3), (similarity, identical)
Item name: utf7 Item identifier: 457
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: 7-bit variable size UCS Transfer Format, based on ISO/IEC 10646
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, utf7), (definition, format transformé du jeu universel de caractères par tranche de 7 bits, basé sur ISO/IEC 10646), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_CharacterSetCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.10.4), (similarity, identical)
Item name: utf8 Item identifier: 458
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: 8-bit variable size UCS Transfer Format, based on ISO/IEC 10646
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, utf8), (definition, format transformé du jeu universel de caractères par tranche de 8 bits, basé sur ISO/IEC 10646), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_CharacterSetCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.10.5), (similarity, identical)
Item name: utf16 Item identifier: 459
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: 16-bit variable size UCS Transfer Format, based on ISO/IEC 10646
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, utf16), (definition, format transformé du jeu universel de caractères par tranche de 16 bits, basé sur ISO/IEC 10646), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_CharacterSetCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.10.6), (similarity, identical)
Item name: 8859part1 Item identifier: 460
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: ISO/IEC 8859-1, Information technology - 8-bit single-byte coded graphic character sets - Part 1: Latin alphabet No. 1
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, 8859partie1), (definition, ISO/IEC 8859-1, technologie de l'information - jeux de caractères graphiques codés sur 8 bits octet-simple - partie 1 : alphabet latin No 1), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_CharacterSetCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.10.7), (similarity, identical)
Item name: 8859part2 Item identifier: 461
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: ISO/IEC 8859-2, Information technology - 8-bit single-byte coded graphic character sets - Part 2: Latin alphabet No. 2
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, 8859partie2), (definition, ISO/IEC 8859-2, technologie de l'information - jeux de caractères graphiques codés sur 8 bits octet-simple - partie 2 : alphabet latin No 2), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_CharacterSetCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.10.8), (similarity, identical)
Item name: 8859part3 Item identifier: 462
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: ISO/IEC 8859-3, Information technology - 8-bit single-byte coded graphic character sets - Part 3: Latin alphabet No. 3
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, 8859partie3), (definition, ISO/IEC 8859-3, technologie de l'information - jeux de caractères graphiques codés sur 8 bits octet-simple - partie 3 : alphabet latin No 3), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_CharacterSetCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.10.9), (similarity, identical)
Item name: 8859part4 Item identifier: 463
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: ISO/IEC 8859-4, Information technology - 8-bit single-byte coded graphic character sets - Part 4: Latin alphabet No. 4
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, 8859partie4), (definition, ISO/IEC 8859-4, technologie de l'information - jeux de caractères graphiques codés sur 8 bits octet-simple - partie 4 : alphabet latin No 4), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_CharacterSetCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.10.10), (similarity, identical)
Item name: 8859part5 Item identifier: 464
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: ISO/IEC 8859-5, Information technology - 8-bit single-byte coded graphic character sets - Part 5: Latin/Cyrillic alphabet
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, 8859partie5), (definition, ISO/IEC 8859-5, technologie de l'information - jeux de caractères graphiques codés sur 8 bits octet-simple - partie 5 : alphabet latin/cyrillique), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_CharacterSetCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.10.11), (similarity, identical)
Item name: 8859part6 Item identifier: 465
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: ISO/IEC 8859-6, Information technology - 8-bit single-byte coded graphic character sets - Part 6: Latin/Arabic alphabet
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, 8859partie6), (definition, ISO/IEC 8859-6, technologie de l'information - jeux de caractères graphiques codés sur 8 bits octet-simple - partie 6 : alphabet latin/arabe), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_CharacterSetCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.10.12), (similarity, identical)
Item name: 8859part7 Item identifier: 466
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: ISO/IEC 8859-7, Information technology - 8-bit single-byte coded graphic character sets - Part 7: Latin/Greek alphabet
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, 8859partie7), (definition, ISO/IEC 8859-7, technologie de l'information - jeux de caractères graphiques codés sur 8 bits octet-simple - partie 7 : alphabet latin/grecque), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_CharacterSetCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.10.13), (similarity, identical)
Item name: 8859part8 Item identifier: 467
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: ISO/IEC 8859-8, Information technology - 8-bit single-byte coded graphic character sets - Part 8: Latin/Hebrew alphabet
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, 8859partie8), (definition, ISO/IEC 8859-8, technologie de l'information - jeux de caractères graphiques codés sur 8 bits octet-simple - partie 8 : alphabet latin/hébraïque), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_CharacterSetCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.10.14), (similarity, identical)
Item name: 8859part9 Item identifier: 468
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: ISO/IEC 8859-9, Information technology - 8-bit single-byte coded graphic character sets - Part 9: Latin alphabet No. 5
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, 8859partie9), (definition, ISO/IEC 8859-9, technologie de l'information - jeux de caractères graphiques codés sur 8 bits octet-simple - partie 9 : alphabet latin No 5), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_CharacterSetCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.10.15), (similarity, identical)
Item name: 8859part10 Item identifier: 469
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: ISO/IEC 8859-10, Information technology - 8-bit single-byte coded graphic character sets - Part 10: Latin alphabet No. 6
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, 8859partie10), (definition, ISO/IEC 8859-10, technologie de l'information - jeux de caractères graphiques codés sur 8 bits octet-simple - partie 10 : alphabet latin No 6), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_CharacterSetCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.10.16), (similarity, identical)
Item name: 8859part11 Item identifier: 470
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: ISO/IEC 8859-11, Information technology - 8-bit single-byte coded graphic character sets - Part 11: Latin/Thai alphabet
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, 8859partie11), (definition, ISO/IEC 8859-11, technologie de l'information - jeux de caractères graphiques codés sur 8 bits octet-simple - partie 11 : alphabet latin/thaï), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_CharacterSetCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.10.17), (similarity, identical)
Item name: 8859part13 Item identifier: 471
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: ISO/IEC 8859-13, Information technology - 8-bit single-byte coded graphic character sets - Part 13: Latin alphabet No. 7
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, 8859partie13), (definition, ISO/IEC 8859-13, technologie de l'information - jeux de caractères graphiques codés sur 8 bits octet-simple - partie 13 : alphabet latin No 7), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_CharacterSetCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.10.19), (similarity, identical)
Item name: 8859part14 Item identifier: 472
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: ISO/IEC 8859-14, Information technology - 8-bit single-byte coded graphic character sets - Part 14: Latin alphabet No. 8 (Celtic)
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, 8859partie14), (definition, ISO/IEC 8859-14, technologie de l'information - jeux de caractères graphiques codés sur 8 bits octet-simple - partie 14 : alphabet latin No 8 (celtique)), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_CharacterSetCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.10.20), (similarity, identical)
Item name: 8859part15 Item identifier: 473
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: ISO/IEC 8859-15, Information technology - 8-bit single-byte coded graphic character sets - Part 15: Latin alphabet No. 9
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, 8859partie15), (definition, ISO/IEC 8859-15, technologie de l'information - jeux de caractères graphiques codés sur 8 bits octet-simple - partie 15 : alphabet latin No 9), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_CharacterSetCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.10.21), (similarity, identical)
Item name: 8859part16 Item identifier: 474
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: ISO/IEC 8859-16, Information technology - 8-bit single-byte coded graphic character sets - Part 16: Latin alphabet No. 10
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, 8859partie16), (definition, ISO/IEC 8859-16, technologie de l'information - jeux de caractères graphiques codés sur 8 bits octet-simple - partie 16 : alphabet latin No 10), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_CharacterSetCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.10.22), (similarity, identical)
Item name: jis Item identifier: 475
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: japanese code set used for electronic tansmission
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, jis), (definition, jeu de caractères japonais utilisés pour le tansmission électronique), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_CharacterSetCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.10.23), (similarity, identical)
Item name: shiftJIS Item identifier: 476
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: japanese code set used on MS-DOS based machines
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, shiftJIS), (definition, jeu de caractères japonais utilisés sur les ordinateurs utilisant le système d'exploitation MS-DOS), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_CharacterSetCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.10.24), (similarity, identical)
Item name: eucJP Item identifier: 477
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: japanese code set used on UNIX based machines
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, eucJP), (definition, jeu de caractères japonais utilisés sur les ordinateurs utilisant le système d'exploitation UNIX), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_CharacterSetCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.10.25), (similarity, identical)
Item name: usAscii Item identifier: 478
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: united states ASCII code set (ISO 646 US)
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, usAscii), (definition, jeu de caractères ASCII des États-Unis (ISO 646 US)), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_CharacterSetCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.10.26), (similarity, identical)
Item name: ebcdic Item identifier: 479
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: ibm mainframe code set
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, ebcdic), (definition, jeu de caractères d'ordinateurs centrals IBM), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_CharacterSetCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.10.27), (similarity, identical)
Item name: eucKR Item identifier: 480
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: korean code set
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, eucKR), (definition, jeu de caractères coréens), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_CharacterSetCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.10.28), (similarity, identical)
Item name: big5 Item identifier: 481
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: traditional Chinese code set used in Taiwan, Hong Kong of China and other areas
Field of application: (name, information géographique)
Alternative expressions: (name, big5), (definition, jeu de caractères traditionnels chinois utilisés en Taiwan, Hong Kong de la Chine et dans d'autres régions), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_CharacterSetCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.10.29), (similarity, identical)
Item name: GB2312 Item identifier: 482
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: simplified Chinese code set
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, GB2312), (definition, jeu simplifié de caractères chinois), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_CharacterSetCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.10.30), (similarity, identical)
Item name: napMD_ClassificationCode Item identifier: 483
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: name of the handling restrictions of the dataset
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, pnaMD_CodeRestrictionAccès), (definition, nom des restrictions pour la manipulation du jeu de données), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_ClassificationCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.11.1), (similarity, specialization)
Item name: unclassified Item identifier: 484
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: available for general disclosure
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, nonClassifié), (definition, disponible pour diffusion générale), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_ClassificationCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.11.2), (similarity, identical)
Item name: restricted Item identifier: 485
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: not for general disclosure
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, restreint), (definition, non disponible pour diffusion générale), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_ClassificationCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.11.3), (similarity, identical)
Item name: confidential Item identifier: 486
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: available for someone who can be entrusted with information
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, confidentiel), (definition, disponible à ceux à qui l'information peut être confiée), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_ClassificationCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.11.4), (similarity, identical)
Item name: secret Item identifier: 487
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: kept or meant to be kept private, unknown, or hidden from all but a select group of people
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, secret), (definition, conservé ou intention de conserver de manière privée, inconnue, ou cachée de tous sauf un groupe identifé de personnes), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_ClassificationCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.11.5), (similarity, identical)
Item name: topSecret Item identifier: 488
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: of the highest secrecy
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, trèsSecret), (definition, du plus haut niveau de sécurité), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_ClassificationCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.11.6), (similarity, identical)
Item name: sensitive Item identifier: 489
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: highly classified information or involving discretionary authority over important policy matters
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, sensible), (definition, information hautement classifiée ou qui implique une attention et une vigilance particulière d'une autorité discrétionnaire sous d'importantes directives), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_ClassificationCode
Item name: forOfficialUseOnly Item identifier: 490
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: for organization internal specific use
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, réservéÀOrganisation), (definition, pour utilisation interne à l'organisation seulement), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_ClassificationCode
Item name: napMD_CoverageContentTypeCode Item identifier: 491
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: specific type of information represented in the cell
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, pnaMD_CodeTypeContenuCouverture), (definition, type d'information représenté par la cellule), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_CoverageContentTypeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.12.1), (similarity, identical)
Item name: image Item identifier: 492
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: meaningful numerical representation of a physical parameter that is not the actual value of the physical parameter
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, image), (definition, valeur numérique significative qui représente un paramètre physique, différente de la valeur réelle du paramètre physique), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_CoverageContentTypeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.12.2), (similarity, identical)
Item name: thematicClassification Item identifier: 493
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: code value with no quantitative meaning, used to represent a physical quantity
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, classificationThématique), (definition, valeur codée sans signification quantitative, utilisée pour représenter une quantité physique), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_CoverageContentTypeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.12.3), (similarity, identical)
Item name: physicalMeasurement Item identifier: 494
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: value in physical units of the quantity being measured
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, mesurePhysique), (definition, valeur en unité physique de la quantité mesurée), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_CoverageContentTypeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.12.4), (similarity, identical)
Item name: napMD_DimensionNameTypeCode Item identifier: 495
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: name of the dimension
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, pnaMD_CodeTypeNomDimension), (definition, nom de la dimension), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_DimensionNameTypeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.14.1), (similarity, identical)
Item name: row Item identifier: 496
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: ordinate (y) axis
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, rangée), (definition, axe des ordonnées (y)), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_DimensionNameTypeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.14.2), (similarity, identical)
Item name: column Item identifier: 497
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: abscissa (x) axis
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, colonne), (definition, axe des abscisses (x)), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_DimensionNameTypeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.14.3), (similarity, identical)
Item name: vertical Item identifier: 498
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: vertical (z) axis
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, vertical), (definition, axe vertical (z)), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_DimensionNameTypeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.14.4), (similarity, identical)
Item name: track Item identifier: 499
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: along the direction of motion of the scan point
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, trajectoire), (definition, dans la même direction que le balayage), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_DimensionNameTypeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.14.5), (similarity, identical)
Item name: crossTrack Item identifier: 500
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: perpendicular to the direction of motion of the scan point
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, trajectoireTransverse), (definition, perpendiculaire à la direction de balayage), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_DimensionNameTypeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.14.6), (similarity, identical)
Item name: line Item identifier: 501
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: scan line of a sensor
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, ligne), (definition, ligne suivie par un capteur), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_DimensionNameTypeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.14.7), (similarity, identical)
Item name: sample Item identifier: 502
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: element along a scan line
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, échantillon), (definition, élément sur la ligne suivie par le capteur), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_DimensionNameTypeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.14.8), (similarity, identical)
Item name: time Item identifier: 503
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: duration
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, temps), (definition, durée), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_DimensionNameTypeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.14.9), (similarity, identical)
Item name: napMD_GeometricObjectTypeCode Item identifier: 504
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: name of point or vector objects used to locate zero-, one-, two- or three- dimensional spatial locations in the dataset
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, pnaMD_CodeTypeObjetGéométrique), (definition, nom de l'objet géométrique, point ou vecteur, utilisé pour localiser spatialement les objets de zéro, une, deux ou trois dimensions dans un jeu de données), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_GeometricObjectTypeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.15.1), (similarity, identical)
Item name: complex Item identifier: 505
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: set of geometric primitives such that their boundaries can be represented as a union of other primitives
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, complexe), (definition, ensemble de primitives géométriques tel que leurs limites peut être représentées par un ensemble d'autres primitives), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_GeometricObjectTypeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.15.2), (similarity, identical)
Item name: composite Item identifier: 506
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: connected set of curves, solids or surfaces
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, composé), (definition, ensemble de courbes, solides ou surfaces connectés), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_GeometricObjectTypeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.15.3), (similarity, identical)
Item name: curve Item identifier: 507
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: bounded, 1-dimensional geometric primitive, representing the continuous image of a line
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, courbe), (definition, primitive géométrique bornée de dimension 1 représentant l'image continue d'une ligne), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_GeometricObjectTypeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.15.4), (similarity, identical)
Item name: point Item identifier: 508
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: zero-dimensional geometric primitive, representing a position but not having an extent
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, point), (definition, primitive géométrique de dimension 0 représentant une position ne possédant pas d'étendue), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_GeometricObjectTypeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.15.5), (similarity, identical)
Item name: solid Item identifier: 509
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: bounded, connected 3-dimensional geometric primitive, representing the continuous image of a region of a space
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, solide), (definition, primitive géométrique bornée et connecté de dimension 3 représentant l'image continue d'une région d'un espace), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_GeometricObjectTypeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.15.6), (similarity, identical)
Item name: surface Item identifier: 510
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: bounded, connected 2-dimensional geometric primitive, representing the continuous image of a region of a plane
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, surface), (definition, primitive géométrique bornée et connecté de dimension 2 représentant l'image continue d'une région d'un plan), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_GeometricObjectTypeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.15.7), (similarity, identical)
Item name: napMD_ImagingConditionCode Item identifier: 511
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: code which indicates conditions which may affect the image
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, pnaMD_CodeConditionImage), (definition, code identifiant les conditions qui peuvent affecter l'image), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_ImagingConditionCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.16.1), (similarity, identical)
Item name: blurredImage Item identifier: 512
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: portion of the image is blurred
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, imageFloue), (definition, portion de l'image manque de netteté), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_ImagingConditionCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.16.2), (similarity, identical)
Item name: cloud Item identifier: 513
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: portion of the image is partially obscured by cloud cover
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, nuage), (definition, portion de l'image est partiellement assombrie par une couverture nuageuse), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_ImagingConditionCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.16.3), (similarity, identical)
Item name: degradingObliquitty Item identifier: 514
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: acute angle between the plane of the ecliptic (the plane of the Earth's orbit) and the plane of the celestial equator
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, variationObliquité), (definition, angle aigu que fait le plan de l'ecliptique (le plan de l'orbite de la Terre) avec le plan de l'équateur céleste), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_ImagingConditionCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.16.4), (similarity, identical)
Item name: fog Item identifier: 515
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: portion of the image is partially obscurred by fog
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, brouillard), (definition, portion de l'image est partiellement assombrie par du brouillard), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_ImagingConditionCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.16.5), (similarity, identical)
Item name: heavySmokeOrDust Item identifier: 516
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: portion of the image is partially obscured by heavy smoke or dust
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, fuméeDenseOuPoussière), (definition, portion de l'image est partiellement assombrie par de la fumée dense ou de la poussière), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_ImagingConditionCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.16.6), (similarity, identical)
Item name: night Item identifier: 517
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: image was taken at night
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, nuit), (definition, image a été prise de nuit), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_ImagingConditionCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.16.7), (similarity, identical)
Item name: rain Item identifier: 518
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: image was taken during rainfall
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, pluie), (definition, image a été prise pendant une chute de pluie), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_ImagingConditionCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.16.8), (similarity, identical)
Item name: semiDarkness Item identifier: 519
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: image was taken during semi-dark conditions—twilight conditions
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, semiObscurité), (definition, image a été prise pendant des conditions de noirceur partielle ou de crépuscule), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_ImagingConditionCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.16.9), (similarity, identical)
Item name: shadow Item identifier: 520
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: portion of the image is obscured by shadow
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, ombre), (definition, portion de l'image est assombrie par absence de lumière), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_ImagingConditionCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.16.10), (similarity, identical)
Item name: snow Item identifier: 521
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: portion of the image is obscured by snow
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, neige), (definition, portion de l'image est assombrie par de la neige), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_ImagingConditionCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.16.11), (similarity, identical)
Item name: terrainMasking Item identifier: 522
Status: valid
Date accepted: Date amended:
Definition: the absence of collection data of a given point or area caused by the relative location of topographic features which obstruct the collection path between the collector(s) and the subject(s) of interest
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, masqueTerrain), (definition, absence de collecte de données en un point ou une région donné à cause de la position relative des éléments topographiques qui obstruent la visibilité entre le(s) responsable(s) de la saisie et le(s) sujet(s) d’intérêt), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_ImagingConditionCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.16.12), (similarity, identical)
Item name: napMD_KeywordTypeCode Item identifier: 523
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: methods used to group similar keywords
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, pnaMD_CodeTypeMotClé), (definition, méthodes utilisées pour regrouper des mots clés semblables), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_KeywordTypeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.17.1), (similarity, specialization)
Item name: discipline Item identifier: 524
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: keyword identifies a branch of instruction or specialized learning
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, discipline), (definition, mot-clé identifiant une branche du savoir pouvant faire l'objet d'un enseignement ou d'une apprentissage spécialisée), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_KeywordTypeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.17.2), (similarity, identical)
Item name: place Item identifier: 525
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: keyword identifies a location
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, endroit), (definition, mot-clé identifiant une localisation), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_KeywordTypeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.17.3), (similarity, identical)
Item name: stratum Item identifier: 526
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: keyword identifies the layer(s) of any deposited substance
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, strate), (definition, mot-clé identifiant une (des) couche(s) de substances déposées), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_KeywordTypeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.17.4), (similarity, identical)
Item name: temporal Item identifier: 527
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: keyword identifies a time period related to the datatset
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, temporel), (definition, mot-clé identifiant une période de temps se rapportant au jeu de données), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_KeywordTypeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.17.5), (similarity, identical)
Item name: theme Item identifier: 528
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: keyword identifies a particular subject or topic
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, thème), (definition, mot-clé identifiant un sujet particulier), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_KeywordTypeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.17.6), (similarity, identical)
Item name: product Item identifier: 529
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: keyword identifies a type of product
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, produit), (definition, mot-clé identifiant un type de produit), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_KeywordTypeCode
Item name: subTopicCategory Item identifier: 530
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: refinement a topic category for the purpose of geographic data classification
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, catégorieSousSujet), (definition, spécialisation d'une catégorie sujet pour fin de classification des données géographiques), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_KeywordTypeCode
Item name: napMD_MaintenanceFrequencyCode Item identifier: 531
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: frequency with which modifications and deletions are made to the data after it is first produced
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, pnaMD_CodeFréquenceMiseÀJour), (definition, fréquence à laquelle des modifications et des suppressions sont appliquées aux données après leur création), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_MaintenanceFrequencyCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.18.1), (similarity, specialization)
Item name: continual Item identifier: 532
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: data is repeatedly and frequently updated
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, continue), (definition, les données sont mises à jour de manière répétitive et fréquente), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_MaintenanceFrequencyCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.18.2), (similarity, identical)
Item name: daily Item identifier: 533
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: data is updated each day
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, quotidien), (definition, les données sont mises à jour chaque jour), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_MaintenanceFrequencyCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.18.3), (similarity, identical)
Item name: weekly Item identifier: 534
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: data is updated on a weekly basis
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, hebdomadaire), (definition, les données sont mises à jour une fois par semaine), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_MaintenanceFrequencyCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.18.4), (similarity, identical)
Item name: fortnightly Item identifier: 535
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: data is updated every two weeks
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, quinzomadaire), (definition, les données sont mises à jour toutes les deux semaines), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_MaintenanceFrequencyCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.18.5), (similarity, identical)
Item name: monthly Item identifier: 536
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: data is updated each month
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, mensuel), (definition, les données sont mises à jour chaque mois), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_MaintenanceFrequencyCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.18.6), (similarity, identical)
Item name: quarterly Item identifier: 537
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: data is updated every three months
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, trimestriel), (definition, les données sont mises à jour tous les trois mois), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_MaintenanceFrequencyCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.18.7), (similarity, identical)
Item name: biannually Item identifier: 538
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: data is updated twice each year
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, semestriel), (definition, les données sont mises deux fois par an), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_MaintenanceFrequencyCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.18.8), (similarity, identical)
Item name: annually Item identifier: 539
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: data is updated every year
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, annuel), (definition, les données sont mises à jour chaque année), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_MaintenanceFrequencyCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.18.9), (similarity, generalization)
Item name: asNeeded Item identifier: 540
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: data is updated as deemed necessary
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, auBesoin), (definition, les données sont mises à jour lorsque nécessaire), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_MaintenanceFrequencyCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.18.10), (similarity, identical)
Item name: irregular Item identifier: 541
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: data is updated in intervals that are uneven in duration
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, irrégulier), (definition, les données sont mises à jour à jour à des intervalles de temps inégaux), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_MaintenanceFrequencyCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.18.11), (similarity, identical)
Item name: notPlanned Item identifier: 542
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: there are no plans to update the data
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, nonPlanifié), (definition, il n'y a aucun cadre de mise à jour des données), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_MaintenanceFrequencyCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.18.12), (similarity, identical)
Item name: unknown Item identifier: 543
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: frequency of maintenance for the data is not known
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, inconnu), (definition, la fréquence de mise à jour des données n'est pas connue), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_MaintenanceFrequencyCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.18.13), (similarity, identical)
Item name: semimonthly Item identifier: 544
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: data is updated twice a month
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, bimensuel), (definition, les données sont mises à jour deux fois par mois), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_MaintenanceFrequencyCode
Item name: napMD_MediumFormatCode Item identifier: 545
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: method used to write to the medium
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, pnaMD_CodeFormatMédia), (definition, méthode utilisée pour écrire sur le média), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_MediumFormatCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.19.1), (similarity, specialization)
Item name: cpio Item identifier: 546
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: CoPy In / Out (UNIX file format and command)
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, cpio), (definition, format de fichier et commande CoPy In / Out de Unix), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_MediumFormatCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.19.2), (similarity, identical)
Item name: tar Item identifier: 547
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: Tape ARchive
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, tar), (definition, Achivage de type "Tape ARchive" de Unix), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_MediumFormatCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.19.3), (similarity, identical)
Item name: highSierra Item identifier: 548
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: high sierra file system
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, highSierra), (definition, système de fichiers high sierra), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_MediumFormatCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.19.4), (similarity, identical)
Item name: iso9660 Item identifier: 549
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: information processing - volume and file structure of CD-ROM
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, iso9660), (definition, traitement de l'information - structure de volumes et de fichiers de CD-ROM), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_MediumFormatCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.19.5), (similarity, identical)
Item name: iso9660RockRidge Item identifier: 550
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: rock ridge interchange protocol (UNIX)
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, iso9660RockRidge), (definition, protocole d'échange rock ridge (UNIX)), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_MediumFormatCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.19.6), (similarity, identical)
Item name: iso9660AppleHFS Item identifier: 551
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: hiearchical file system (Macintosh)
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, iso9660AppleHFS), (definition, système de fichiers hiérarchiques (Macintosh)), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_MediumFormatCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.19.7), (similarity, identical)
Item name: UDF Item identifier: 552
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: Universal Disk Format file system for storing files on optical media
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, UDF), (definition, système de fichier du format universel de disque pour l'enregistrement de fichiers sur disque optique), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_MediumFormatCode
Item name: napMD_MediumNameCode Item identifier: 553
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: name of the medium
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, pnaMD_CodeNomMédia), (definition, nom du média), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_MediumNameCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.20.1), (similarity, specialization)
Item name: cdRom Item identifier: 554
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: read-only optical disk
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, cdRom), (definition, disque optique à lecture seule), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_MediumNameCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.20.2), (similarity, identical)
Item name: dvd Item identifier: 555
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: digital versatil disk
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, dvd), (definition, disque numérique polyvalent), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_MediumNameCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.20.3), (similarity, identical)
Item name: dvdRom Item identifier: 556
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: digital versatile disk, read only
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, dvdRom), (definition, disque numérique polyvalent à lecture seule), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_MediumNameCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.20.4), (similarity, identical)
Item name: 3halfinchFloppy Item identifier: 557
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: 3,5 inch magnetic disk
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, disquette3PoucesDemie), (definition, disquette magnétique de 3,5 pouces), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_MediumNameCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.20.5), (similarity, identical)
Item name: 5quarterInchFloppy Item identifier: 558
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: 5,25 inch magnetic disk
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, disquette5PoucesQuart), (definition, disquette magnétique de 5,25 pouces), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_MediumNameCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.20.6), (similarity, identical)
Item name: 7trackTape Item identifier: 559
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: 7 track magnetic tape
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, ruban7Pistes), (definition, ruban magnétique 7 pistes), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_MediumNameCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.20.7), (similarity, identical)
Item name: 9trackTape Item identifier: 560
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: 9 track magnetic tape
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, ruban9Pistes), (definition, ruban magnétique 9 pistes), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_MediumNameCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.20.8), (similarity, identical)
Item name: 3480Cartridge Item identifier: 561
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: 3480 cartridge tape drive
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, cartouche3480), (definition, cartouche de lecteur de rubans 3480), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_MediumNameCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.20.9), (similarity, identical)
Item name: 3490Cartridge Item identifier: 562
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: 3490 cartridge tape drive
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, cartouche3490), (definition, cartouche de lecteur de rubans 3490), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_MediumNameCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.20.10), (similarity, identical)
Item name: 3580Cartridge Item identifier: 563
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: 3580 cartridge tape drive
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, cartouche3580), (definition, cartouche de lecteur de rubans 3580), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_MediumNameCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.20.11), (similarity, identical)
Item name: 4mmCartridgeTape Item identifier: 564
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: 4 millimetre magnetic tape
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, cartoucheRuban4mm), (definition, cartouche de ruban magnétique 4 millimètres), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_MediumNameCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.20.12), (similarity, identical)
Item name: 8mmCartridgeTape Item identifier: 565
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: 8 millimetre magnetic tape
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, cartoucheRuban8mm), (definition, cartouche de ruban magnétique 8 millimètres), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_MediumNameCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.20.13), (similarity, identical)
Item name: 1quarterInchCartridgeTape Item identifier: 566
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: 0,25 inch magnetic tape
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, cartoucheRuban1QuartPouce), (definition, cartouche de ruban magnétique 0.25 pouces), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_MediumNameCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.20.14), (similarity, identical)
Item name: digitalLinearTape Item identifier: 567
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: half inch cartridge streaming tape drive
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, bandeLinéaireNumérique), (definition, cartouche de lecteur de ruban en continu d’un demi pouce), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_MediumNameCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.20.15), (similarity, identical)
Item name: onLine Item identifier: 568
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: direct computer linkage
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, enLigne), (definition, lien direct à l'ordinateur), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_MediumNameCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.20.16), (similarity, identical)
Item name: satellite Item identifier: 569
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: linkage through a satellite communication system
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, satellite), (definition, lien par un système de télécommunication par satellite), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_MediumNameCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.20.17), (similarity, identical)
Item name: telephoneLink Item identifier: 570
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: communication through a telephone network
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, lienTéléphonique), (definition, commnucation par un réseau téléphonique), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_MediumNameCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.20.18), (similarity, identical)
Item name: hardcopy Item identifier: 571
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: pamphlet or leaflet giving descriptive information
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, copiePapier), (definition, brochure ou feuillet fournissant de l'information descriptive), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_MediumNameCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.20.19), (similarity, identical)
Item name: hardcopyDiazoPolyester08 Item identifier: 572
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: diazo on 0,08 millimetre polyester
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, copieDiazoPolyester08), (definition, diazo sur polyester 0,08 millimètre), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_MediumNameCode
Item name: hardcopyCardMicrofilm Item identifier: 573
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: microfilm card
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, copieMicrofilm), (definition, carte à microfilm), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_MediumNameCode
Item name: hardcopyMicrofilm240 Item identifier: 574
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: microfilm 240 millimetre
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, copieMicrofilm240), (definition, Microfilm sur film 240 millimètres), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_MediumNameCode
Item name: hardcopyMicrofilm35 Item identifier: 575
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: microfilm 35mm
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, copyMicrofilm35), (definition, Microfilm sur film 35 millimètres), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_MediumNameCode
Item name: hardcopyMicrofilm70 Item identifier: 576
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: microfilm 70mm
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, copieMicrofilm70), (definition, Microfilm sur film 70 millimètres), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_MediumNameCode
Item name: hardcopyMicrofilmGeneral Item identifier: 577
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: microfilm general
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, copieMicrofilmGeneral), (definition, microfilm général), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_MediumNameCode
Item name: hardcopyMicrofilmMicrofiche Item identifier: 578
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: microfiche
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, copieMicrofilmMicrofiche), (definition, microfiche), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_MediumNameCode
Item name: hardcopyNegativePhoto Item identifier: 579
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: negative photography
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, copieNegatifPhoto), (definition, négatif de photographie), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_MediumNameCode
Item name: hardcopyPaper Item identifier: 580
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: printing on paper
Alternative expressions: (name, copiePapier), (definition, impression sur papier), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_MediumNameCode
Item name: hardcopyDiazo Item identifier: 581
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: diazo printing on paper
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, copiePapierDiazo), (definition, impression diazo sur papier), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_MediumNameCode
Item name: hardcopyPhoto Item identifier: 582
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: printing on photographic paper
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, copiePhotographie), (definition, impression photographie sur papier), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_MediumNameCode
Item name: hardcopyTracedPaper Item identifier: 583
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: drawing on paper
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, copieTracéPapier), (definition, tracé sur papier), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_MediumNameCode
Item name: hardDisk Item identifier: 584
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: mass storage temporarily plug to a computer for massive data transmission
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, disqueDur), (definition, unité d'entreposage de masse temporairement connectée à l'ordinateur pour le transfert massif de données), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_MediumNameCode
Item name: USBFlashDrive Item identifier: 585
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: flash memory data storage devices integrated with a USB (universal serial bus) interface
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, cléUSB), (definition, unité de mémoire flash munie d'une interface USB (universal serial bus)), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_MediumNameCode
Item name: napMD_PixelOrientationCode Item identifier: 586
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: point in a pixel corresponding to the Earth location of the pixel
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, pnaMD_CodeLocalisationPixel), (definition, emplacement du point à l'intérieur du pixel permettant de localiser le pixel sur la Terre), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_PixelOrientationCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.22.1), (similarity, identical)
Item name: center Item identifier: 587
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: point halfway between the lower left and the upper right of the pixel
Field of application: (name, information géographique)
Alternative expressions: (name, centre), (definition, point localisé à mi-chemin entre le coin inférieur gauche et le coin supérieur droit du pixel), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_PixelOrientationCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.22.2), (similarity, identical)
Item name: lowerLeft Item identifier: 588
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: the corner of the pixel closest to the origin of the SRS; if two are at the same distance from the origin, the one with the smallest x-value
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, inférieurGauche), (definition, le coin du pixel le plus proche de l'origine du système de référence spatiale (SRS) ; si deux points sont à la même distance de l'origine, choisir celui qui a la plus petite valeur en X), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_PixelOrientationCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.22.3), (similarity, identical)
Item name: lowerRight Item identifier: 589
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: next corner counterclockwise from the lower left
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, inférieurDroit), (definition, coin suivant le coin inférieur gauche, dans le sens contraire des aiguilles d'une montre), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_PixelOrientationCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.22.4), (similarity, identical)
Item name: upperRight Item identifier: 590
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: next corner counterclockwise from the lower right
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, supérieurDroit), (definition, coin suivant le coin inférieur droit, dans le sens contraire des aiguilles d'une montre), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_PixelOrientationCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.22.5), (similarity, identical)
Item name: upperLeft Item identifier: 591
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: next corner counterclockwise from the upper right
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, supérieurGauche), (definition, coin suivant le coin supérieur gauche, dans le sens contraire des aiguilles d'une montre), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_PixelOrientationCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.22.6), (similarity, identical)
Item name: napMD_ProgressCode Item identifier: 592
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: status of the dataset or progress of a review
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, pnaMD_CodeÉtatAvancement), (definition, état sur la production ou la révision du jeu de données), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_ProgressCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.23.1), (similarity, specialization)
Item name: completed Item identifier: 593
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: production of the data has been completed
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, complété), (definition, la production des données est complétée), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_ProgressCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.23.2), (similarity, identical)
Item name: historicalArchive Item identifier: 594
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: data has been stored in an offline storage facility
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, archiveHistorique), (definition, les données sont entreposées dans un système d'emmagasinage hors ligne), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_ProgressCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.23.3), (similarity, identical)
Item name: obsolete Item identifier: 595
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: data is no longer relevant
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, périmé), (definition, les données n'ont plus d'utilité), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_ProgressCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.23.4), (similarity, identical)
Item name: onGoing Item identifier: 596
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: data is continually being updated
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, enContinue), (definition, les données sont mises à jour continuellement), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_ProgressCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.23.5), (similarity, identical)
Item name: planned Item identifier: 597
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: fixed date has been established upon or by which the data will be created or updated
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, planifié), (definition, une date précise est établie à partir de laquelle les données seront produites ou mises à jour), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_ProgressCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.23.6), (similarity, identical)
Item name: required Item identifier: 598
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: data needs to be generated or updated
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, requis), (definition, les données demandent d'être produites ou mises à jour), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_ProgressCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.23.7), (similarity, identical)
Item name: underDevelopment Item identifier: 599
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: data is currently in the progress of being created
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, enProduction), (definition, les données sont présentement en cours de production), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_ProgressCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.23.8), (similarity, identical)
Item name: proposed Item identifier: 600
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: data about which parties have demontrated interests but funding is not secured and partnerships are sought
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, proposé), (definition, données pour lesquelles des intéressés se sont manifestés mais dont le financemet pour la production est incomplet et des partenaires sont recherchés), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_ProgressCode
Item name: napMD_RestrictionCode Item identifier: 601
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: limitation(s) placed upon the access or use of the data
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, pnaMD_CodeRestriction), (definition, conditions qui limitent l'accès ou l'utilisation des données), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_RestrictionCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.24.1), (similarity, specialization)
Item name: copyright Item identifier: 602
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: exclusive right to the publication, production, or sale of the rights to a literary, dramatic, musical, or artistic work, or to the use of a commercial print or label, granted by law for a specified period of time to an author, composer, artist, distributor
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, droitAuteur), (definition, droit exclusif reconnu par la loi que détient un auteur, un compositeur, un artiste, ou un distributeur pour l'exploitation (publication, production, ou vente) à son profit d'une oeuvre littéraire, dramatique, musical ou artistique, ou d'une étiquette commerciale pendant une période déterminée), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_RestrictionCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.24.2), (similarity, identical)
Item name: patent Item identifier: 603
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: government has granted exclusive right to make, sell, use or licence an invention or discovery
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, brevet), (definition, titre délivré par l'État donnant le droit exclusif d'exploitation (production, vente, utilisation, ou licence) d'une invention ou d'une découverte), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_RestrictionCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.24.3), (similarity, identical)
Item name: patentPending Item identifier: 604
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: produced or sold information awaiting a patent
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, brevetEnInstance), (definition, information produite ou vendue entre le moment d'invention et celui d'obtention du brevet qui en attribuera l'exclusivité), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_RestrictionCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.24.4), (similarity, identical)
Item name: trademark Item identifier: 605
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: a name, symbol, or other device identifying a product, officially registered and legally restricted to the use of the owner or manufacturer
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, marqueDeCommerce), (definition, un nom, symbole, ou autre moyen identifiant un produit officiellement enregistré qui en restreint légalement l'usage au propriétaire ou au fabricant), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_RestrictionCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.24.5), (similarity, identical)
Item name: license Item identifier: 606
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: formal permission to do something
Description: Legal or commercial proof of permission to access or use the resource.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, licence), (definition, autorisation formelle de faire quelque chose), (description, Preuve ou permission légale ou commerciale pour accéder ou utiliser la ressource.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_RestrictionCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.24.6), (similarity, identical)
Item name: intellectualPropertyRights Item identifier: 607
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: rights to financial benefit from and control of distribution of non-tangible property that is a result of creativity
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, droitsPropriétéIntellectuelle), (definition, droits de bénéficier financièrement et de contrôler la distribution d'une création de l'esprit résultant de la créativité), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_RestrictionCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.24.7), (similarity, identical)
Item name: restricted Item identifier: 608
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: with held from general circulation or disclosure
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, restreint), (definition, avec restrictions de circulation ou divulgation), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_RestrictionCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.24.8), (similarity, identical)
Item name: otherRestrictions Item identifier: 609
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: limitation not listed
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, autresRestrictions), (definition, autres restrictions non énumérées), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_RestrictionCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.24.9), (similarity, identical)
Item name: licenseUnrestricted Item identifier: 610
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: formal permission does not limit use of the resources
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, licenceSansRestriction), (definition, permission formelle qui ne limite pas l'utilisation des ressources), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_RestrictionCode
Item name: licenseEndUser Item identifier: 611
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: formal permission to a person or an entity to use the ressource and that may differ from the person that orders or purchases it
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, licenceUtilisateurFinal), (definition, autorisation formelle à une personne ou une entité d'utiliser la ressource et qui peut être différente de la personne qui la commande ou qui l'achète), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_RestrictionCode
Item name: licenseDistributor Item identifier: 612
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: formal permission to a person or an entity to commercialize or distribute the ressource
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, licenceDistributeur), (definition, autorisation formelle à une personne ou une entité de commercialiser ou de distribuer la ressource), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_RestrictionCode
Item name: privacy Item identifier: 613
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: set of phenomena, either physical or mental, that are private
Description: Confined or restricted to the use of persons, groups, or classes immediately concern. Information restricted for privacy reasons cannot identify individuals by statute.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, viePrivée), (definition, ensemble des phénomèmes qui sont personnels, tant sur le plan physique que mental), (description, Utilisation limitée ou restreinte aux personnes, groupes, ou classes qui sont immédiatement intéressés. L'information restreinte pour des raisons de vie privée ne peut pas identifier d'individus selon la loi.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_RestrictionCode
Item name: statutory Item identifier: 614
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: prescribed by law
Field of application: (name, information géographique)
Alternative expressions: (name, légal), (definition, prévu par la loi), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_RestrictionCode
Item name: confidential Item identifier: 615
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: secret and reserved to a limited number of people that shall not make the content known
Description: Limited to people authorized to use the resource.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, confidentiel), (definition, secret et réservés à un nombre limité de personnes déterminées qui ne doivent pas en faire connaître le contenu), (description, Limité aux personnes autorisées à utiliser la ressource.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_RestrictionCode
Item name: sensitivity Item identifier: 616
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: data of which divulgation, alteration, lost or destruction may prevent or expose to risks a service or an organization and as such becomes particularly vulnerable concerned with highly classified government information or involving discretionary authority over important policy matters
Description: Classification for data requiring special handling.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, sensible), (definition, donnée dont la divulgation, l'altération, la perte ou la destruction risquent de paralyser ou de mettre en péril soit un service, soit l'organisation elle-même, et qui, de ce fait, devient particulièrement vulnérable), (description, Classification pour les données qui requièrent une manipulation spéciale.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_RestrictionCode
Item name: napMD_ScopeCode Item identifier: 617
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: class of information to which the referencing entity applies
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, pnaMD_CodePortée), (definition, classe d'information à laquelle s'applique l'entité référencée), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_ScopeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.25.1), (similarity, identical)
Item name: attribute Item identifier: 618
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: information applies to the attribute value
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, attribut), (definition, l'information s'applique à la valeur d'attribut), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_ScopeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.25.2), (similarity, identical)
Item name: attributeType Item identifier: 619
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: information applies to the characteristic of a feature
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, typeAttribut), (definition, l'information s'applique à la caractéristique de l'entité géographique), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_ScopeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.25.3), (similarity, identical)
Item name: collectionHardware Item identifier: 620
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: information applies to the collection hardware class
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, collectionMatériel), (definition, l'information s'applique à la classe d'équipement de collecte), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_ScopeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.25.4), (similarity, identical)
Item name: collectionSession Item identifier: 621
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-05-16
Definition: information applies to the collection session
Description: the period during the collection of data occurs
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, collectionSession), (definition, l'information s'applique à la session de collecte), (description, la période durant laquelle s'est tenue la saisie des données), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-05-16), (justification, correction:harmonization of French definition and description with the English definition and description), (status, final), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_ScopeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.25.5), (similarity, identical)
Item name: dataset Item identifier: 622
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: information applies to the dataset
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, jeuDonnées), (definition, information s'applique au jeu de données), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_ScopeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.25.6), (similarity, identical)
Item name: series Item identifier: 623
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: information applies to the series Note: "series" applies to any DS_Aggregate.
Description: a collection of datasets complying to the same product specification
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, série), (definition, l'information s'applique à la série Note: "série" s'applique à n'importe quel "DS_Aggregate".), (description, une collection de jeux de données conformes à la même spécification de produit), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_ScopeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.25.7), (similarity, identical)
Item name: nonGeographicDataset Item identifier: 624
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: information applies to non-geographic data
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, JeuDonnéesNonGéographique), (definition, information s'applique à des données non-géographiques), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_ScopeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.25.8), (similarity, identical)
Item name: dimensionGroup Item identifier: 625
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: information applies to a dimension group
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, groupeDimension), (definition, infromation s'applique à un groupe de dimension), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_ScopeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.25.9), (similarity, identical)
Item name: feature Item identifier: 626
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: information applies to a feature
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, entité), (definition, information s'applique à l'entité), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_ScopeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.25.10), (similarity, identical)
Item name: featureType Item identifier: 627
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: information applies to a feature type
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, typeEntité), (definition, information s'applique au type d'entité), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_ScopeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.25.11), (similarity, identical)
Item name: propertyType Item identifier: 628
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: information applies to property type
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, typePropriété), (definition, information s'applique au type de propriété), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_ScopeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.25.12), (similarity, identical)
Item name: fieldSession Item identifier: 629
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: information applies to a field session
Description: the field work period associated to the capture of data
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, campagneTerrain), (definition, information s'applique à la campagne terrain), (description, la période de travaux terrain associée la saisie des données), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_ScopeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.25.13), (similarity, identical)
Item name: software Item identifier: 630
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: information applies to a computer program or routine
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, logiciel), (definition, l'information s'applique à un programme ou à une routine d'ordinateur), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_ScopeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.25.14), (similarity, identical)
Item name: service Item identifier: 631
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: information applies to a capability which a service provider entity makes available to a service user entity through a set of interfaces that define a behaviour, such as a use case
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, service), (definition, l'information s'applique à la capacité que rend disponible un fournisseur de services à un utilisateur de services par le biais d'un ensemble d'interfaces qui définissent un comportement tel qu'un cas d'utilisation), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_ScopeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.25.15), (similarity, identical)
Item name: model Item identifier: 632
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: information applies to a copy or imitation of an existing or hypothetical object
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, modèle), (definition, l'information s'applique à une copie ou à une reproduction d'un objet réel ou hypothétique), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_ScopeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.25.16), (similarity, identical)
Item name: tile Item identifier: 633
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: information applies to a spatial subset of geographic data
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, tuile), (definition, l'information s'applique à un sous-ensemble spatial de données géographiques), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_ScopeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.25.17), (similarity, restyled)
Item name: napMD_RepresentationTypeCode Item identifier: 634
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: method used to represent geographic information in the dataset
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, pnaMD_CodeTypeReprésentation), (definition, méthode utilisée pour représenter l'information géographique dans le jeu de données), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_SpatialRepresentationTypeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.26.1), (similarity, identical)
Item name: vector Item identifier: 635
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: vector data is used to represent geographic data
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, vecteur), (definition, des données vectorielles sont utilisées pour représenter les données géographiques), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_SpatialRepresentationTypeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.26.2), (similarity, identical)
Item name: grid Item identifier: 636
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: grid data is used to represent geographic data
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, grille), (definition, des données rectangulaires sont utilisées pour représenter les données géographiques), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_SpatialRepresentationTypeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.26.3), (similarity, identical)
Item name: textTable Item identifier: 637
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: textual or tabular data is used to represent geographic data
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, texteTable), (definition, des données textuelles ou tabulaires sont utilisées pour représenter les données géographiques), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_SpatialRepresentationTypeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.26.4), (similarity, identical)
Item name: tin Item identifier: 638
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: triangulated irregular network
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, tin), (definition, réseau triangulé irrégulier), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_SpatialRepresentationTypeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.26.5), (similarity, identical)
Item name: stereoModel Item identifier: 639
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: three-dimensional view formed by the intersecting homologous rays of an overlapping pair of images
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, stéréomodèle), (definition, image tridimensionnelle formée à partir de l'intersection des rayons homologues d'une paire d'images qui se superposent partiellement), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_SpatialRepresentationTypeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.26.6), (similarity, identical)
Item name: video Item identifier: 640
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: scene from a video recording
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, vidéo), (definition, scène provenant d'un enregistrement vidéo), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_SpatialRepresentationTypeCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.26.7), (similarity, identical)
Item name: napMD_TopicCategoryCode Item identifier: 641
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: high-level geographic data thematic classification to assist in the grouping and search of available geographic data sets
Description: Can be used to group keywords as well. Listed examples are not exhaustive. Note: It is understood there are overlaps between general categories and the user is encouraged to select the most appropriate.
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, pnaMD_CodeCatégorieSujet), (definition, classification thématique des données géographiques à haut niveau pour aider au regroupement et à la recherche de jeux de données géographiques disponibles), (description, Peut aussi être utilisé pour grouper des mots-clés. Les exemples énumérés ne sont pas exhaustives. Note : il est accepté que des chevauchements existent entre les catégories générales et il est suggéré à l'utilisateur de choisir la catégorie qui correspond le mieux à son besoin.), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_TopicCategoryCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.27.1), (similarity, identical)
Item name: farming Item identifier: 642
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: rearing of animals and/or cultivation of plants
Description: Examples: agriculture, irrigation, aquaculture, plantations, herding, pests and diseases affecting crops and livestock
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, agriculture), (definition, élevage d'animaux et/ou culture de plantes), (description, Exemples : agriculture, irrigation, aquaculture, plantations, production animale, ravageurs et maladies affectant les récoltes et le bétail), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_TopicCategoryCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.27.2), (similarity, identical)
Item name: biota Item identifier: 643
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: flora and/or fauna in natural environment
Description: Examples: wildlife, vegetation, biological sciences, ecology, wilderness, sealife, wetlands, habitat
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, biote), (definition, flore et/ou faune dans l'environnement naturel), (description, Exemples : animaux sauvages, végétation, sciences biologiques, écologie, milieu sauvage, vie marine, terres humides, habitat), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_TopicCategoryCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.27.3), (similarity, identical)
Item name: boundaries Item identifier: 644
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: legal land descriptions
Description: Examples: political and administrative boundaries
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, frontières), (definition, description légale des terres), (description, Exemples : limites administratives et politiques), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_TopicCategoryCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.27.4), (similarity, identical)
Item name: climatologyMeteorologyAtmosphere Item identifier: 645
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-01
Definition: processes and phenomena of the atmosphere
Description: Examples: cloud cover, weather, climate, atmospheric conditions, climate change, precipitation
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, climatologieMétéorologieAtmosphère), (definition, processus et phénomènes atmosphériques), (description, Exemples : couverture nuageuse, température, climat, conditions atmosphériques, changements climatiques, précipitations), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, editorial error), (status, final), (registerManagerNotes, change "Meterology" by "Meteorologie"), (sponsor, (name, Land Information Ontario), (contact, (role, user)))
Item class: napMD_TopicCategoryCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.27.5), (similarity, identical)
Item name: economy Item identifier: 646
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: economic activities, conditions and employment
Description: Examples: production, labour, revenue, commerce, industry, tourism and ecotourism, forestry, fisheries, commercial or subsistence hunting, exploration and exploitation of resources such as minerals, oil and gas
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, économie), (definition, activités économiques, conditions et emploi), (description, Exemples : production, travail, revenu, commerce, industrie, tourisme et écotourisme, foresterie, pêche, chasse commerciale ou de subsistance, exploration et exploitation des ressources telles que les minéraux, le pétrole et le gaz), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_TopicCategoryCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.27.6), (similarity, identical)
Item name: elevation Item identifier: 647
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: height above or below sea level
Description: Examples: altitude, bathymetry, digital elevation models, slope, derived products
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, élévation), (definition, élévation au-dessus ou au-dessous du niveau de la mer), (description, Exemples : altitude, bathymétrie, modèles numériques d'élévation, pente, produits dérivés), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_TopicCategoryCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.27.7), (similarity, identical)
Item name: environment Item identifier: 648
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: environmental resources, protection and conservation
Description: Examples: environmental pollution, waste storage and treatment, environmental impact assessment, monitoring environmental risk, nature reserves, landscape
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, environnement), (definition, ressources environnementales, leur protection et leur conservation), (description, Exemples : pollution environnementale, entreposage et traitement de résidus, évaluation des impacts environnementaux, surveillance des risques environnementaux, réserves naturelles, paysage), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_TopicCategoryCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.27.8), (similarity, identical)
Item name: geoscientificInformation Item identifier: 649
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: information pertaining to earth sciences
Description: Examples: geophysical features and processes, geology, minerals, sciences dealing with the composition, structure and origin of the earth's rocks, risks of earthquakes, volcanic activity, landslides, gravity information, soils, permafrost, hydrogeology, erosion
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, informationGéoscientifique), (definition, information concernant les sciences de la terre), (description, Exemples : éléments et processus géophysiques, géologie, minerais, sciences traitant de la composition, de la structure et de l'origine des formations rocheuses de la Terre, risques de tremblements de terre, activité volcanique, glissement de terrain, information sur la gravité, sols, pergélisol, hydrogéologie, érosion), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_TopicCategoryCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.27.9), (similarity, identical)
Item name: health Item identifier: 650
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: health, health services, human ecology, and safety
Description: Examples: disease and illness, factors affecting health, hygiene, substance abuse, mental and physical health, health services
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, santé), (definition, santé, services de santé, écologie humaine et sécurité), (description, Exemples : maladie, facteurs influençant la santé, hygiène, abus de substances, santé mentale et physique, services de santé), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_TopicCategoryCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.27.10), (similarity, identical)
Item name: imageryBaseMapsEarthCover Item identifier: 651
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: base maps
Description: Examples: land cover, topographic maps, imagery, unclassified images, annotations
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, imagerieCarteDeBaseCouvertureTerrestre), (definition, carte de base), (description, Exemples: couverture terrestre, carte topographique, imagerie, image non classifiée, annotations), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_TopicCategoryCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.27.11), (similarity, identical)
Item name: intelligenceMilitary Item identifier: 652
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: military bases, structures, activities
Description: Examples: barracks, training ground, military transportation, information collection
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, renseignementsMilitaires), (definition, bases militaires, structures, activités), (description, Exemples : casernes, terrain d'exercices, transport militaire, collecte d'information), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_TopicCategoryCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.27.12), (similarity, identical)
Item name: inlandWaters Item identifier: 653
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2012-03-01
Definition: inland water features, drainage systems and their characteristics
Description: Examples: rivers and glaciers, salt lakes, water utilization plans, dams, currents, floods, water quality, hydrographic charts
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, eauxIntérieures), (definition, éléments des eaux intérieures, systèmes de drainage et leurs caractéristiques), (description, Exemples : rivières et glaciers, lacs salins, usines d'utilisation d'eau, barrages, courants, inondations, qualité de l'eau, cartes hydrographiques), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-03-01), (justification, harmonization with ISO 19115:2003), (status, final), (registerManagerNotes, change name 'inLandWater' by "inLandWaters"), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_TopicCategoryCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.27.13), (similarity, identical)
Item name: location Item identifier: 654
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: positional information and services
Description: Examples: addresses, geodetic networks, control points, postal zones and services, place names
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, localisation), (definition, information et services de positionnement), (description, Exemples : adresses, réseaux géodésiques, points de contrôle, zones et services postaux, noms de lieu), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_TopicCategoryCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.27.14), (similarity, identical)
Item name: oceans Item identifier: 655
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: features and characteristics of salt water bodies (excluding inland waters)
Description: Examples: tides, tidal waves, coastal information, reefs
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, océans), (definition, éléments et caractéristiques des eaux salées (excluant les eaux intérieures)), (description, Exemples : marées, raz-de-marée, tsunami, onde de marée, information côtière, récifs), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_TopicCategoryCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.27.15), (similarity, identical)
Item name: planningCadastre Item identifier: 656
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: information used for appropriate actions for future use of the land
Description: Examples: land use maps, zoning maps, cadastral surveys, land ownership
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, aménagementCadastre), (definition, information utilisée pour la planification de l'utilisation du sol), (description, Exemples : cartes d'utilisation du sol, plans de zonage, arpentage cadastral, droit de propriété), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_TopicCategoryCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.27.16), (similarity, identical)
Item name: society Item identifier: 657
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: characteristics of society and cultures
Description: Examples: settlements, anthropology, archaeology, education, traditional beliefs, manners and customs, demographic data, recreational areas and activities, social impact assessments, crime and justice, census information
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, société), (definition, caractéristiques de la société et cultures), (description, Exemples : colonies, anthropologie, archéologie, éducation, croyances traditionnelles, moeurs et coutumes, données démographiques, équipements récréatifs, activités récréatives, évaluations des répercussions sociales, criminalité et justice, information sur le recensement), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_TopicCategoryCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.27.17), (similarity, identical)
Item name: structure Item identifier: 658
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: man-made construction
Description: Examples: buildings, museums, churches, factories, housing, monuments, shops, towers
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, structures), (definition, construction anthropique), (description, Exemples : bâtiments, musés, églises, usines, logement, monuments, boutiques, magasins, tours), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_TopicCategoryCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.27.18), (similarity, identical)
Item name: transportation Item identifier: 659
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: means and aids for conveying persons and/or goods
Description: Examples: roads, airports/airstrips, shipping routes, tunnels, nautical charts, vehicle or vessel location, aeronautical charts, railways
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, transport), (definition, moyens et aides pour le transport des personnes et/ou des marchandises), (description, Exemples : routes, aéroports/pistes d'envol et d'atterrissage, itinéraires d'expédition, tunnels, carte nautique, localisation de véhicules ou de navires, cartes aéronautiques, chemins de fer), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_TopicCategoryCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.27.19), (similarity, identical)
Item name: utilitiesCommunication Item identifier: 660
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: energy, water and waste systems and communications infrastructure and services
Description: Example: hydroelectricity, geothermal, solar and nuclear sources of energy, water purification and distribution, sewage collection and disposal, electricity and gas distribution, data communication, telecommunication, radio, communication networks
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, servicesCommunication), (definition, énergie, systèmes de traitement des eaux et des déchets, infrastructures et services de communication), (description, Exemple : hydroélectricité, sources d'énergie géothermique, solaire et nucléaire, traitement et distribution de l'eau, collecte et traitement des eaux usées, distribution de l'électricité et du gaz, communication de données, télécommunication, radio, réseaux de transmission), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_TopicCategoryCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.27.20), (similarity, identical)
Item name: napMD_TopologyLevelCode Item identifier: 661
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: degree of complexity of the spatial relationships
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, pnaMD_CodeNiveauTopologique), (definition, degré de complexité des relations spatiales), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_TopologyLevelCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.28.1), (similarity, identical)
Item name: geometryOnly Item identifier: 662
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: geometry objects without any additional structure which describes topology
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, géométrieUniquement), (definition, objets géométriques sans aucune structure topologique additionnelle), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_TopologyLevelCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.28.2), (similarity, identical)
Item name: topology1D Item identifier: 663
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: 1-dimensional topological complex — commonly called "chain-node" topology
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, topologie1D), (definition, complexe topologique de dimension 1), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_TopologyLevelCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.28.3), (similarity, identical)
Item name: planarGraph Item identifier: 664
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: 1-dimensional topological complex that is planar
Description: a planar graph is a graph that can be drawn in a plane in such a way that no two edges intersect except at a vertex
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, graphePlanaire), (definition, complexe topologique planaire de dimension 1), (description, un graphe planaire est un graphe dresser dans un plane de telle sorte que les arêtes s'intersectent uniquement à la rencontre d'un sommet (noeud)), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_TopologyLevelCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.28.4), (similarity, identical)
Item name: fullPlanarGraph Item identifier: 665
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: 2-dimensional topological complex that is planar
Description: a 2-dimensional topological complex is commonly called "full topology" in a cartographic 2D environment
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, graphePlanaireComplet), (definition, complexe topologique planaire de dimension 2), (description, un complexe topologique planaire de dimension 2 est généralement nommé " topologie complète" dans un environnement cartographique 2D), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_TopologyLevelCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.28.5), (similarity, identical)
Item name: surfaceGraph Item identifier: 666
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: 1-dimension topological complex that is isomorphic to a subset of a surface
Description: a geometric complex is isomorphic to a topological complex if their elements are in a one-to-one, dimensional-and boundary-preserving correspondence to one another
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, grapheSurfacique), (definition, complexe topologique de dimension 1, isomorphique à un sous-ensemble d'une surface), (description, un complexe géométrique est isomorphique à un complexe topologique si ses éléments sont en relation un à un, préservant la correspondance des limites et des dimensions un envers l'autre), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_TopologyLevelCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.28.6), (similarity, identical)
Item name: fullSurfaceGraph Item identifier: 667
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: 2-dimension topological complex that is isomorphic to a subset of a surface
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, grapheSurfaciqueComplet), (definition, complexe topologique de dimension 2, isomorphique à un sous-ensemble d'une surface), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_TopologyLevelCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.28.7), (similarity, identical)
Item name: topology3D Item identifier: 668
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: 3-dimensional topological complex
Description: a topological complex is a collection of topological primitives that are closed under the boundary operations
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, topologie3D), (definition, complexe topologique de dimension 3), (description, un complexe topologique est une collection de primitives topologiques qui sont fermés selon les opérations sur les limites), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_TopologyLevelCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.28.8), (similarity, identical)
Item name: fullTopology3D Item identifier: 669
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: complete coverage of a 3D Euclidean coordinate space
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, topologie3DComplète), (definition, couverture complète d'un espace de coordonnées Euclédien 3D), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_TopologyLevelCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.28.9), (similarity, identical)
Item name: abstract Item identifier: 670
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: topological complex without any specified geometric realisation
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, abstrait), (definition, complexe topologique sans réalisation géométrique spécifique), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_TopologyLevelCode
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, B.5.28.10), (similarity, identical)
Item name: nap_DCPList Item identifier: 671
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: type of distributed computing platform or environment
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, pna_DCPList), (definition, type de plateforme ou d'environnement informatique distribué), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: nap_DCPList
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 7.4.2.DCPlist), (similarity, identical)
Item name: XML Item identifier: 672
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: extensible markup language
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, XML), (definition, langage de balisage"extensible markup language"), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: nap_DCPList
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 7.4.2.DCPlist.XML), (similarity, identical)
Item name: CORBA Item identifier: 673
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: common object request broker architecture
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, CORBA), (definition, architecture CORBA), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: nap_DCPList
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 7.4.2.DCPlist.CORBA), (similarity, identical)
Item name: JAVA Item identifier: 674
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: JAVA programming language
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, JAVA), (definition, langage de programmation JAVA), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: nap_DCPList
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 7.4.2.DCPlist.JAVA), (similarity, identical)
Item name: COM Item identifier: 675
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: component object model - Microsoft's framework for developing and supporting program component objects
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, COM), (definition, component object model - cadre de développement et de support de composants objets de programmes de Microsoft's), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: nap_DCPList
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 7.4.2.DCPlist.COM), (similarity, identical)
Item name: SQL Item identifier: 676
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: structured query language - a standard interactive and programming language for getting information from and updating a database
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, SQL), (definition, structured query language - un langage normalisé de requêtes interactives et de programmation pour l'obtention d'information et la mise à jour de bases de données), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: nap_DCPList
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 7.4.2.DCPlist.SQL), (similarity, identical)
Item name: WebServices Item identifier: 677
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: Web based services
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, servicesWeb), (definition, services sur le Web), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: nap_DCPList
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 7.4.2.DCPlist.WebServices), (similarity, identical)
Item name: napSV_ParameterDirection Item identifier: 678
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: class of information to which the referencing entity applies
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, pnaSV_ParamètreDirection), (definition, classe d'information à laquelle l'entité de mise en référence s'applique), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napSV_ParameterDirection
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 2.7), (similarity, identical)
Item name: in Item identifier: 679
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: the parameter is an input parameter to the service instance
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, intrant), (definition, le paramètre est un paramètre d'entrée à l'instance service), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napSV_ParameterDirection
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 2.7.1), (similarity, identical)
Item name: out Item identifier: 680
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: the parameter is an output parameter to the service instance
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, extrant), (definition, le paramètre est un paramètre extrant à l'instance de service), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napSV_ParameterDirection
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 2.7.2), (similarity, identical)
Item name: in/out Item identifier: 681
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: the parameter is both an input and output parameter to the service instance
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, intant/extrant), (definition, le paramètre est un intrant/extrant à l'instance de service), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napSV_ParameterDirection
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 2.7.3), (similarity, identical)
Item name: napSV_CouplingType Item identifier: 682
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: class of information to which the referencing entity applies
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, pnaSV_TypeCouplage), (definition, classe d'information à laquelle s'applique l'entité mise en référence), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napSV_CouplingType
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 2.6), (similarity, identical)
Item name: loose Item identifier: 683
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: service instance is loosely coupled with a data instance, i.e. no MD_DataIdentification class has to be described
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, faible), (definition, le service est faiblement couplé à une source de données, donc aucune classe de MD_DataIdentification doit être décrite), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napSV_CouplingType
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 2.6.1), (similarity, identical)
Item name: mixed Item identifier: 684
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: service instance is mixed coupled with a data instance, i.e. MD_DataIdentification describes the associated data instance and additionnaly the service instance might work with other external data instances
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, mixte), (definition, le service est en association mixte avec une source de données, MD_DataIdentification décrit la source associée de données et le service pourrait également fonctionner avec d'autres sources de données externes), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napSV_CouplingType
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 2.6.2), (similarity, identical)
Item name: tight Item identifier: 685
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: service instance is tightly coupled with a data instance, i.e. MD_DataIdentification class must be described
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, fort), (definition, le service est fortement liée à une source de données, la classe de MD_DataIdentification doit être décrite), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napSV_CouplingType
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, 2.6.3), (similarity, identical)
Item name: napMD_FileFormatCode Item identifier: 686
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: code identifying a file format
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, pnaMD_CodeFormatFichier), (definition, code identifiant un format de fichier), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_FileFormatCode
Item name: bil Item identifier: 687
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: BIL (band interleaved by line) format line data are arranged in the order of band number and repeated with respect to line number
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, bil), (definition, le format de données linéaires BIL (band interleaved by line) est organisé par ordre de numéro de bandes et répété selon le numéro de la ligne), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_FileFormatCode
Item name: bmp Item identifier: 688
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: bit mapped picture/BitMap
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, bmp), (definition, format de fichier bitmap), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_FileFormatCode
Item name: bsq Item identifier: 689
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: BSQ format (band sequential) image data (pixel number and line number) of each band are separately arranged
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, bsq), (definition, format image BSQ (band sequential) où chaque ligne est suivie par la ligne suivante dans la même bande spectrale), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_FileFormatCode
Item name: bzip2 Item identifier: 690
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: bzip2 compressing format
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, bzip2), (definition, format de compression bzip2), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_FileFormatCode
Item name: cdr Item identifier: 691
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: corel file format
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, cdr), (definition, format de fichier corel), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_FileFormatCode
Item name: cgm Item identifier: 692
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: Computer Graphics Metafile format
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, cgm), (definition, format cgm (Computer Graphic Metatfile)), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_FileFormatCode
Item name: cover Item identifier: 693
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: Arc/Info coverage format
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, cover), (definition, format "coverage" du logiciel Arc/Info), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_FileFormatCode
Item name: csv Item identifier: 694
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: comma separated value
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, csv), (definition, format texte "comma separated value"), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_FileFormatCode
Item name: dbf Item identifier: 695
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: dbase file format
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, dbf), (definition, format de fichier dbase), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_FileFormatCode
Item name: dgn Item identifier: 696
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: microstation graphic file format
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, dgn), (definition, format de fichier graphique microstation), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_FileFormatCode
Item name: doc Item identifier: 697
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: microsoft word file format
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, doc), (definition, format de fichier microsoft word), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_FileFormatCode
Item name: dwg Item identifier: 698
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: autocad drawing format
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, dwg), (definition, format de fichier graphique autocad), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_FileFormatCode
Item name: dxf Item identifier: 699
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: autocad data exchange format
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, dxf), (definition, format d'échange de fichiers autocad), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_FileFormatCode
Item name: e00 Item identifier: 700
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: arc/info exchange format
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, e00), (definition, format d'échange de fichiers arc/info), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_FileFormatCode
Item name: ecw Item identifier: 701
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: ermapper compressed format
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, ecw), (definition, format de fichier compressé ermapper), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_FileFormatCode
Item name: eps Item identifier: 702
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: encapsulated postscript file format
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, eps), (definition, format de fichier postscript encapsulé), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_FileFormatCode
Item name: ers Item identifier: 703
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: ermapper file format
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, ers), (definition, format de fichier ermapper), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_FileFormatCode
Item name: gdb Item identifier: 704
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: arcgis geodatabase file format
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, gdb), (definition, format de fichier geodatabase de arcgis), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_FileFormatCode
Item name: geotiff Item identifier: 705
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: georeference tagged interchange file format
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, geotiff), (definition, format d'échange de fichier géoréférencé tif), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_FileFormatCode
Item name: gif Item identifier: 706
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: graphic interchange format
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, gif), (definition, format d'échange graphique gif), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_FileFormatCode
Item name: gml Item identifier: 707
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: geography markup language
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, gml), (definition, format de fichier selon le langage de balisage en géographie), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_FileFormatCode
Item name: grid Item identifier: 708
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: regular data grids are rectangular, not sparse, matrices that contain column and row
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, grid), (definition, grilles régulières de données rectangulaires, les matrices contiennent des colonnes et des rangées), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_FileFormatCode
Item name: gzip Item identifier: 709
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: GNU zip compression utility designed to be a replacement for compress
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, gzip), (definition, utilitaire de compression GNU zip conçu pour remplacer l'utilitaire compress), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_FileFormatCode
Item name: html Item identifier: 710
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: hypertext markup language
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, html), (definition, langage de balisage hypertext), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_FileFormatCode
Item name: jpg Item identifier: 711
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: joint photographic experts group format (JPG)
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, jpg), (definition, format du "joint photographic experts group" (JPEG)), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_FileFormatCode
Item name: mdb Item identifier: 712
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: microsoft access database file format
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, mdb), (definition, format de fichier microsoft access), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_FileFormatCode
Item name: mif Item identifier: 713
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: mapinfo interchange format
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, mif), (definition, format d'échange de fichiers mapinfo), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_FileFormatCode
Item name: pbm Item identifier: 714
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: portable bitmap format
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, pbm), (definition, format de fichier portable bitmap (portable bitmap)), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_FileFormatCode
Item name: pdf Item identifier: 715
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: portable document format (adobe)
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, pdf), (definition, format de fichier portable adobe), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_FileFormatCode
Item name: png Item identifier: 716
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: portable network graphics bitmap
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, png), (definition, format de fichier portable bitmap), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_FileFormatCode
Item name: ps Item identifier: 717
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: postscript format
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, ps), (definition, format de fichier postscript), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_FileFormatCode
Item name: rtf Item identifier: 718
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: rich text format file
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, rtf), (definition, format de fichier rich text), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_FileFormatCode
Item name: sdc Item identifier: 719
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: smart data compression format
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, sdc), (definition, format de compression smart data), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_FileFormatCode
Item name: shp Item identifier: 720
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: arcview shape file format
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, shp), (definition, format de fichier shape de arcview), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_FileFormatCode
Item name: sid Item identifier: 721
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: multi-resolution seamless image database file format
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, sid), (definition, format de fichier multi resolutions (multi-resolution seamless image database)), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_FileFormatCode
Item name: svg Item identifier: 722
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: scalable vector graphic file format
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, svg), (definition, format de fichier graphique vectoriel extensible (scalable vector graphic)), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_FileFormatCode
Item name: tab Item identifier: 723
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: mapinfo file format (tab file)
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, tab), (definition, format propriétaire de données pour le sytème d'information géographique ,apInfo), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_FileFormatCode
Item name: tar Item identifier: 724
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: tape archive file format
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, tar), (definition, format d'archivage de fichiers tar), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_FileFormatCode
Item name: tiff Item identifier: 725
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: tag image file format (TIFF) bitmap
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, tiff), (definition, format de fichier bitmap tag image file format (TIFF)), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_FileFormatCode
Item name: txt Item identifier: 726
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: text file format
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, txt), (definition, format de fichier texte), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_FileFormatCode
Item name: wpd Item identifier: 727
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: wordperfect file format from corel
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, wpd), (definition, format de fichier wordperfect de corel), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_FileFormatCode
Item name: xhtml Item identifier: 728
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: Extensible HyperText Markup Language
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, xhtml), (definition, format de fichier html extensible (XHTML)), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_FileFormatCode
Item name: xls Item identifier: 729
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended: 2010-09-07
Definition: microsoft excel file format
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, xls), (definition, format de fichier microsoft excell), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_FileFormatCode
Item name: xml Item identifier: 730
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: extensible markup language
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, xml), (definition, langage de balisage extensible), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_FileFormatCode
Item name: xwd Item identifier: 731
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: dump X Window file format
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, xwd), (definition, format de fichier X Window dump), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_FileFormatCode
Item name: zip Item identifier: 732
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2007-08-01 Date amended:
Definition: archive file format (zip)
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, zip), (definition, format de fichier d'archivage (zip)), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: napMD_FileFormatCode
Item name: biff Item identifier: 749
Status: valid
Date accepted: Date amended:
Definition: binary interchange file format
Alternative expressions: (name, biff), (definition, format d'échange de fichiers binaires), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2010-10-08), (justification, requirement for an additional code to napMD_FileFormatCode), (status, pending), (sponsor, (name, National Snow and Ice Data Center), (contact, (role, resourceProvider)))
Item class: napMD_FileFormatCode
Item name: nitf Item identifier: 750
Status: valid
Date accepted: Date amended:
Definition: national imagery transmission format
Alternative expressions: (name, nitf), (definition, format de transmission d'imagerie nationale), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2010-10-08), (justification, requirement for an additional code to napMD_FileFormatCode), (status, pending), (sponsor, (name, National Snow and Ice Data Center), (contact, (role, resourceProvider)))
Item class: napMD_FileFormatCode
Item name: ISO639-2_LanguageNameCodes Item identifier: 733
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2010-10-08 Date amended:
Definition: ISO standard codes for the representation of names of languages
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, ISO639-2_CodesNomLangues), (definition, codes normalisés ISO des noms de langues), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-05-16), (justification, correction: removing the protocol within the URI on the online resource), (status, final), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: ISO639-2_LanguageNameCodes
Specification lineage: (itemIdentifierAtSource, ISO639-2), (similarity, identical)
Uniform resource identifier: (linkage,, (protocol, http), (name, Codes for the representation of names of languages (Library of Congress)), (description, alpha-3 codes arranged alphabetically by English name of language), (function, information)
Operating language: (name, English), (language, eng), (country, 840), (characterEncoding, utf8)
Contained item class: ISO639-2_LanguageNameCodes
Subregister manager: The Library of Congress Network Development and MARC Standards Office , (contact, (organisationName, The Library of Congress Network Development and MARC Standards Office), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.202.707.6237)), (address, , (city, Washington), (administrativeArea, DC), (postalCode, 20540-4402), (country, USA), (electronicMailAddress,, (onlineResource, (linkage,, (protocol, http), (name, ISO 639-2 Registration Authority - Library of Congress), (description, ISO 639-2 Registration Authority home page), (function, information))), (role, custodian))
Item name: English name of language Item identifier: 744
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2010-10-08 Date amended:
Definition: name of language in English
Alternative expressions: (name, nom anglais de la langue), (definition, nom de la langue en anglais), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2010-10-08), (justification, required to complete the register), (status, final), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: ISO639-2_LanguageNameCodes
Item name: all English names Item identifier: 745
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2010-10-08 Date amended:
Definition: list of all names of languages in English
Alternative expressions: (name, tous les noms anglais), (definition, listes de tous les noms de langues en anglais), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2010-10-08), (justification, required to complete the register), (status, final), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: ISO639-2_LanguageNameCodes
Item name: all French Names Item identifier: 746
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2010-10-08 Date amended:
Definition: list of all names of languages in French
Alternative expressions: (name, tous les noms en français), (definition, listes de tous les noms de langues en français), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2010-10-08), (justification, required to complete the register), (status, final), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: ISO639-2_LanguageNameCodes
Item name: ISO 639-2 Item identifier: 747
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2010-10-08 Date amended:
Definition: bibliographic alpha-3 code followed by the terminology alpha-3 code
Alternative expressions: (name, ISO 639-2), (definition, code bibliographique alphabétique de trois caractères suivi du code terminologique de trois caractères), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2010-10-08), (justification, required to complete the register), (status, final), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: ISO639-2_LanguageNameCodes
Item name: ISO 639-1 Item identifier: 748
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2010-10-08 Date amended:
Definition: alpha-2 code
Alternative expressions: (name, ISO 639-1), (definition, code alphabétique de deux caractères), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2010-10-08), (justification, required to complete the register), (status, final), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: ISO639-2_LanguageNameCodes
Item name: ISO3166_CodeLists Item identifier: 734
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2010-10-08 Date amended:
Definition: lists of country names and codes
Description: The list states the country names (official short names in English) in alphabetical order as given in ISO 3166-1 and the corresponding ISO 3166-1 code elements. The list is updated whenever a change to the official code list in ISO 3166-1 is effected by the ISO 3166/MA. It lists 246 official short names and code elements. Country codes are also available at
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, ISO3166_LstesDeCodes), (definition, listes de noms et de codes de pays), (description, La liste donne les noms de pays (formes courtes officielles des noms en anglais) par ordre alphabétique tels qu'ils sont donnés dans l'ISO 3166-1 et les codets correspondants de l'ISO 3166-1. La liste est mise à jour chaque fois qu'une modification est apportée par l'ISO 3166/MA à la liste officielle des codes de l'ISO 3166-1. Elle donne 246 noms dans leur forme courte officielle et les codes correspondants. les codes de pays sont aussi disponible à, (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2012-05-16), (justification, correction: removing the protocol within the URI on the online resource), (status, final), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Register Manager), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: ISO3166_CodeLists
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, ISO3166-1), (similarity, identical)
Uniform resource identifier: (linkage,, (protocol, http), (name, ISO 3166 code lists), (description, the content of the list parts of both ISO 3166-1 "Country codes" and ISO 3166-2 "Country subdivision code" is available from the ISO 3166/MA secretariat in the form of two Microsoft® Access 2000 databases), (function, information)
Operating language: (name, English), (language, eng), (country, 840), (characterEncoding, utf8)
Contained item class: ISO3166_CodeLists
Subregister manager: ISO 3166 Maintenance agency (ISO 3166/MA) - ISO's focal point for country codes , (contact, (organisationName, ISO Central Secretariat), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, +41 22 749 72 33)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 1, rue de Varembé)(deliveryPoint, Case postale 56), (city, Genève), (administrativeArea, 20), (postalCode, CH-1211), (country, Switzerland), (electronicMailAddress,, (onlineResource, (linkage,, (protocol, http), (name, iso3166mahome), (description, ISO 3166 Maintenance agency (ISO 3166/MA) – ISO's focal point for country codes), (function, information))), (role, custodian))
Item name: country Item identifier: 736
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2010-10-08 Date amended:
Definition: English name of the country
Alternative expressions: (name, pays), (definition, nom anglais du pays), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2010-10-08), (justification, required to complete the register), (status, final), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: ISO3166_CodeLists
Item name: alpha-2 code Item identifier: 737
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2010-10-08 Date amended:
Definition: a two alphabetical character code
Alternative expressions: (name, code alpha-2), (definition, un code de 2 caractères alphabé;tiques), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2010-10-08), (justification, required to complete the register), (status, final), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: ISO3166_CodeLists
Item name: alpha-3 code Item identifier: 738
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2010-10-08 Date amended:
Definition: a three alphabetical character code
Alternative expressions: (name, code alpha-3), (definition, un code de 3 caractères alphabétiques), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2010-10-08), (justification, required to complete the register), (status, final), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: ISO3166_CodeLists
Item name: numeric-3 code Item identifier: 739
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2010-10-08 Date amended:
Definition: a three digit character code
Alternative expressions: (name, code numérique-3), (definition, un code de 3 caractères numériques), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2010-10-08), (justification, required to complete the register), (status, final), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: ISO3166_CodeLists
Item name: ISO4217_CurrencyNamesAndCodeElements Item identifier: 735
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2010-10-08 Date amended:
Definition: ISO standard currency codes
Field of application: (name, geographic information)
Alternative expressions: (name, ISO4217_ListeDesCodesDesMonnaiesEtDesTypesDeFonds), (definition, codes normalisés ISO de devises), (fieldOfApplication, (name, information géographique)), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2007-08-01), (justification, creation of the registry of the North American Profile of ISO19115:2003 metadata), (status, final), (disposition, accepted), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: ISO4217_CurrencyNamesAndCodeElements
Specification source: (itemIdentifierAtSource, ISO4217), (similarity, identical)
Uniform resource identifier: (linkage,, (protocol, http), (name, ISO 4217 currency names and code elements), (function, information)
Operating language: (name, English), (language, eng), (country, 840), (characterEncoding, utf8)
Contained item class: ISO4217_CurrencyNamesAndCodeElements
Subregister manager: BSI Currency Code Service , (contact, (organisationName, BSI British Standards), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, +44 (0)20 8996 9001)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 389 Chiswick High Road), (city, London), (postalCode, W4 4AL), (country, United Kingdom), (electronicMailAddress,, (onlineResource, (linkage,, (protocol, http))), (role, custodian))
Item name: entity Item identifier: 740
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2010-10-08 Date amended:
Definition: name of the country
Alternative expressions: (name, entité), (definition, nom du pays), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2010-10-08), (justification, required to complete the register), (status, final), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: ISO4217_CurrencyNamesAndCodeElements
Item name: currency Item identifier: 741
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2010-10-08 Date amended:
Definition: name of the currency
Alternative expressions: (name, monnaie), (definition, nom de la devise monétaire), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2010-10-08), (justification, required to complete the register), (status, final), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: ISO4217_CurrencyNamesAndCodeElements
Item name: alphabetic code Item identifier: 742
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2010-10-08 Date amended:
Definition: alphabetic code of the currency
Alternative expressions: (name, code alphabétique), (definition, code alphabétique de la devise monétaire), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2010-10-08), (justification, required to complete the register), (status, final), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: ISO4217_CurrencyNamesAndCodeElements
Item name: numeric code Item identifier: 743
Status: valid
Date accepted: 2010-10-08 Date amended:
Definition: numeric code of the currency
Alternative expressions: (name, code numérique), (definition, code numérique de la devise monétaire), (locale, (name, Français), (language, fra), (country, 124), (characterEncoding, utf8))
Addition information: (dateProposed, 2010-10-08), (justification, required to complete the register), (status, final), (sponsor, (name, NAP - Metadata Working Group), (contact, (individualName, Jean Brodeur), (organisationName, Natural Resources Canada), (positionName, Research scientist), (contactInfo, (phone, (voice, 1.819.564.5600 x251)), (address, (deliveryPoint, 2144-010 King West Street), (city, Sherbrooke), (administrativeArea, Québec), (postalCode, J1J 2E8), (country, Canada), (electronicMailAddress,, (role, custodian)))
Item class: ISO4217_CurrencyNamesAndCodeElements